kable_one: Produce a summary HTML table of key demographic variables

View source: R/kable_one.R

kable_oneR Documentation

Produce a summary HTML table of key demographic variables


Sometimes it is desirable to produce a summary of key demographic variables for presentation. The table_one and kable_one methods are a quick way to do so – they not only summarize key demographic variables from SummarizedExperiment-class object(s) in the HMP16SData package but remove abbreviations and underscores in column and variable names that might otherwise be ambigious. The table_one method returns a tidy (i.e. one sample observation per line) data.frame object or a named list of tidy data.frame objects. The kable_one method can then be used to produce a publication-ready HTML table that could, for example, be pasted into a word processor.


kable_one(x, significant_figures = 2)



A data.frame object or a named list of data.frame objects returned from the table_one method


The number of significant figures to be used for decimals in the HTML table; if no value is specified, the default is 2


A summary HTML table of key demographic variables

See Also



V13() %>%
    table_one() %>%

waldronlab/HMP16SData documentation built on May 6, 2024, 8:34 p.m.