OV-v2.1.0: Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma

OV-v2.1.0R Documentation

Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma


A document describing the TCGA cancer code


> experiments( OV )
ExperimentList class object of length 19:
 [1] OV_CNACGH_CGH_hg_244a-20160128: RaggedExperiment with 128946 rows and 472 columns
 [2] OV_CNACGH_CGH_hg_415k_g4124a-20160128: RaggedExperiment with 245847 rows and 674 columns
 [3] OV_CNASNP-20160128: RaggedExperiment with 907765 rows and 1145 columns
 [4] OV_CNVSNP-20160128: RaggedExperiment with 261680 rows and 1141 columns
 [5] OV_GISTIC_AllByGene-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 24776 rows and 573 columns
 [6] OV_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128: RangedSummarizedExperiment with 70 rows and 573 columns
 [7] OV_GISTIC_ThresholdedByGene-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 24776 rows and 573 columns
 [8] OV_miRNAArray-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 821 rows and 573 columns
 [9] OV_mRNAArray_huex-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 18632 rows and 575 columns
 [10] OV_mRNAArray_TX_g4502a-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 17814 rows and 577 columns
 [11] OV_mRNAArray_TX_ht_hg_u133a-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 12042 rows and 524 columns
 [12] OV_Mutation-20160128: RaggedExperiment with 20219 rows and 316 columns
 [13] OV_RNASeq2Gene-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 20501 rows and 307 columns
 [14] OV_RNASeqGene-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 19990 rows and 299 columns
 [15] OV_RPPAArray-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 208 rows and 427 columns
 [16] OV_miRNASeqGene-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 705 rows and 461 columns
 [17] OV_RNASeq2GeneNorm-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 18571 rows and 307 columns
 [18] OV_Methylation_methyl27-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 27578 rows and 591 columns
 [19] OV_Methylation_methyl450-20160128: SummarizedExperiment with 485577 rows and 10 columns

> rownames( OV )
CharacterList of length 19
[["OV_CNACGH_CGH_hg_244a-20160128"]] character(0)
[["OV_CNACGH_CGH_hg_415k_g4124a-20160128"]] character(0)
[["OV_CNASNP-20160128"]] character(0)
[["OV_CNVSNP-20160128"]] character(0)
[["OV_GISTIC_AllByGene-20160128"]] character(0)
[["OV_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128"]] 34 1 2 35 3 36 4 37 ... 70 28 29 30 71 31 72
[["OV_GISTIC_ThresholdedByGene-20160128"]] character(0)
[["OV_miRNAArray-20160128"]] DarkCorner dmr_285 ... NegativeControl SCorner3
[["OV_mRNAArray_huex-20160128"]] C9orf152 ELMO2 RPS11 ... SLC39A6 CTSC AQP7
[["OV_mRNAArray_TX_g4502a-20160128"]] ELMO2 CREB3L1 RPS11 ... AQP7 CTSC
<9 more elements>

> colnames( OV )
CharacterList of length 19
[["OV_CNACGH_CGH_hg_244a-20160128"]] TCGA-04-1331-01A-01D-0431-02 ...
[["OV_CNACGH_CGH_hg_415k_g4124a-20160128"]] TCGA-04-1353-01A-01D-1046-02 ...
[["OV_CNASNP-20160128"]] TCGA-04-1331-01A-01D-0428-01 ...
[["OV_CNVSNP-20160128"]] TCGA-04-1331-01A-01D-0428-01 ...
[["OV_GISTIC_AllByGene-20160128"]] TCGA-04-1331-01A-01D-0428-01 ...
[["OV_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128"]] TCGA-04-1331-01A-01D-0428-01 ...
[["OV_GISTIC_ThresholdedByGene-20160128"]] TCGA-04-1331-01A-01D-0428-01 ...
[["OV_miRNAArray-20160128"]] TCGA-04-1331-01A-01T-0438-07 ...
[["OV_mRNAArray_huex-20160128"]] TCGA-04-1331-01A-01R-0435-03 ...
[["OV_mRNAArray_TX_g4502a-20160128"]] TCGA-09-0364-01A-02R-0363-07 ...
<9 more elements>

Sizes of each ExperimentList element:

                                   assay  size.Mb
1         OV_CNACGH_CGH_hg_244a-20160128   3.6 Mb
2  OV_CNACGH_CGH_hg_415k_g4124a-20160128   6.8 Mb
3                     OV_CNASNP-20160128  24.6 Mb
4                     OV_CNVSNP-20160128   7.3 Mb
5           OV_GISTIC_AllByGene-20160128   112 Mb
6               OV_GISTIC_Peaks-20160128   0.5 Mb
7   OV_GISTIC_ThresholdedByGene-20160128 111.7 Mb
8                 OV_miRNAArray-20160128   3.8 Mb
9             OV_mRNAArray_huex-20160128  84.2 Mb
10       OV_mRNAArray_TX_g4502a-20160128  80.7 Mb
11  OV_mRNAArray_TX_ht_hg_u133a-20160128  49.7 Mb
12                  OV_Mutation-20160128  10.3 Mb
13               OV_RNASeq2Gene-20160128  50.6 Mb
14                OV_RNASeqGene-20160128  48.1 Mb
15                 OV_RPPAArray-20160128   0.8 Mb
16              OV_miRNASeqGene-20160128   2.7 Mb
17           OV_RNASeq2GeneNorm-20160128  45.8 Mb
18      OV_Methylation_methyl27-20160128   4.9 Mb
19     OV_Methylation_methyl450-20160128    75 Mb

Overall survival time-to-event summary (in years):

Call: survfit(formula = survival::Surv(colDat$days_to_death/365, colDat$vital_status) ~ 

   247 observations deleted due to missingness 
       n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
[1,] 343    343   2.94    2.76    3.17

Available sample meta-data:

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
  26.00   51.00   59.00   59.78   69.00   89.00      21 

  0   1 
246 344 

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
    8.0   567.5  1073.0  1147.4  1557.0  4624.0     247 

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
     16     266     842    1216    1931    5481     358 

         omentum            ovary peritoneum ovary             NA's 
               3              575                2               10 

female   NA's 
   580     10 

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
   1992    2001    2004    2004    2007    2013      10 

  no  yes NA's 
 556    5   29 

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
  40.00   60.00   80.00   75.83   80.00  100.00     506 

serous cystadenocarcinoma                      NA's 
                      580                        10 

  r0   r1   r2   rx NA's 
  15   31    5    3  536 

    hispanic or latino not hispanic or latino                   NA's 
                    11                    338                    241 

Including an additional 2869 columns

waldronlab/curatedTCGAData documentation built on May 6, 2024, 9:16 p.m.