
Defines functions ice_norm shortest_path_correction remove_regions

ice_norm <- function(htc_obj, max_iter = 200) {
  #' ICE normalization of Hi-C matrix
  #' @param htc_obj HTC object.
  #' @param max_iter Integer, maximum number of iteration
  #' @return HTC object of the ICE normalized matrix
  return(HiTC::normICE(htc_obj, max_iter = max_iter))

shortest_path_correction <- function(hic_matrix, resolution, alpha = 1) {
    #' shortest-path correction of contact matrix
    #' @param hic_matrix hic_matrix.
    #' @param Hi-C contact matrix resolution
    #' @param alpha scale parameter for the transformation from contact matrix
    #' to distance matrix
    #' @return matrix, the shortest-path corrected matrix.
    hic_dist <- 1 / (hic_matrix ^ alpha)
    # hic_graph_weight <- melt(hic_dist, id.vars = 'region')
    hic_graph_weight <- melt(hic_dist)
    hic_edges <- rbind(as.numeric(hic_graph_weight[[1]]),
    if (resolution) {
      hic_graph <-
          hic_edges / resolution + 1,
          weight = hic_graph_weight[[3]])
    } else {
      hic_graph <-
        igraph::add_edges(igraph::make_empty_graph(nrow(hic_dist)), hic_edges,
          weight = hic_graph_weight[[3]])
    hic_shortest_path <- igraph::distances(hic_graph, algorithm = 'dijkstra')
    colnames(hic_shortest_path) <- colnames(hic_matrix)
    rownames(hic_shortest_path) <- colnames(hic_matrix)

remove_regions <- function(hic_matrix,
    n_mask = 10) {
    #' Remove regions (regions without reads mapped, centromere,
    #' regions near centromere)
    #' @param hic_matrix Matrix, contact matrix.
    #' @param centromere_region Numeric vector with length 2, the first element
    #' should be the start of centromere and the second should be the end.
    #' @param unmapped_egion Numeric vector, regions without mapped reads.
    #' @param resolution Integer, resolution of Hi-C.
    #' @param n_mask Integer, the number of bins to be removed around centromere.
    #' @return Matrix, Hi-C matrix without centromere and unmapped bins
    if (length(centromere_region) == 2) {
      near_centromere_region <-
        c(centromere_region[1] - n_mask * resolution,
          centromere_region[2] + n_mask * resolution)
      rm_region <-
          floor(near_centromere_region[1] / resolution) * resolution,
          floor(near_centromere_region[2] / resolution) * resolution,
          by = resolution
      rm_region <- union(rm_region, unmapped_egion)
    } else {
      rm_region <- unmapped_egion
    remain_region_row <- setdiff(rownames(hic_matrix), rm_region)
    remain_region_col <- setdiff(colnames(hic_matrix), rm_region)
    return(hic_matrix[remain_region_row, remain_region_col])
wangyinanchina/markov3d documentation built on May 4, 2019, 12:58 a.m.