
Defines functions check_for_data_response

Documented in check_for_data_response

#' Check if the response from the API call includes data.
#' @param api_response a response object created by \code{\link[httr]{GET}}.
#' More specifically it is the respones from the original API call which
#' returned multiple result pages
#' @return A logical object indicating if data is part of the response object
#' @keywords internal

check_for_data_response <- function(api_response){
  # Set Up error message
  message <- paste0('No data found for the provided query paramenters. ',
                    'Check the provided query parameters.')

  # Find names of the objects included in the API response
  response_objects_names <- httr::content(api_response)

    assertthat::has_name(response_objects_names, 'data'),
    msg = message)
warlicks/beeR documentation built on May 28, 2019, 7:53 a.m.