make_lr_sleuth_object: Make Compositional Sleuth Object

Description Usage Arguments Value

View source: R/run_sleuth.R


This is a wrapper function for the sleuth pipeline that applies the compositional normalization approach. Many of the arguments are ones that will be input into different parts of the sleuth pipeline: sleuth_prep, sleuth_fit, sleuth_wt, and sleuth_lrt.


make_lr_sleuth_object(sample_to_covariates, denom_name, lr_type = "alr",
  full_model = NULL, beta = NULL, null_model = NULL,
  run_models = FALSE, ...)



the sample_to_covariates data.frame for sleuth


target ID names or index numbers of features to be used for the denominator when using compositional analysis; this argument is required for the ALR transformation. Using 'clr' or 'iqlr' for 'lr_type' overrides this argument (and the CLR / IQLR transformation will be used). If 'best' is used, then the internal function choose_best_denoms will be used to identify the feature(s) with the most consistent abundance across all samples in the experiment. See choose_denom for extra options.


either "alr", "clr", or "iqlr" ("ALR" / "CLR" / "IQLR" are also accepted), indicating additive, centered, or interquartile logratio transformation


the full model for sleuth


the beta you wish to use for the Wald test. If NULL (the default), the Wald test will be skipped.


the null model to be the baseline for the LR test. If NULL (the default), this step is skipped.


boolean to see if the modeling step should be done. If FALSE, the default, only sleuth_prep is done.


extra options that will tweak the analysis, specifically for get_lr_functions, sleuth_prep, and sleuth_fit. for details on which options can be specified for sleuth_prep and sleuth_fit, please see ?get_lr_functions, ?sleuth::sleuth_prep or ?sleuth::sleuth_fit for details. Note that for sleuth_prep, read_bootstrap_tpm and extra_bootstrap_summary are TRUE by default to allow for modeling estimated or TPMs downstream.


a sleuth object that has been prepped using the compositional analysis for the normalization and transformation steps, and fitted using the full model (if run_models is TRUE) and null model (if specified). It will also run the Wald test (if beta is specified) and the LR test (if applicable).

warrenmcg/sleuth-ALR documentation built on Oct. 27, 2020, 4:30 a.m.