mps2par: Use Maximum Product of Spacings to Estimate the Parameters of...

mps2parR Documentation

Use Maximum Product of Spacings to Estimate the Parameters of a Distribution


This function uses the method of maximum product of spacings (MPS) (maximum spacing estimation or maximum product of spacings estimation) to estimate the parameters of a distribution. MPS is based on maximization of the geometric mean of probability spacings in the data where the spacings are defined as the differences between the values of the cumulative distribution function, F(x), at sequential data indices.

MPS (Dey et al., 2016, pp. 13–14) is an optimization problem formed by maximizing the geometric mean of the spacing between consecutively ordered observations standardized to a U-statistic. Let \Theta represent a vector of parameters for a candidate fit of F(x|\Theta), and let U_i(\Theta) = F(X_{i:n}|\Theta) be the nonexceedance probabilities of the observed values of the order statistics x_{i:n} for a sample of size n. Define the differences

D_i(\Theta) = U_i(\Theta) - U_{i-1}(\Theta)\mbox{\ for\ } i = 1, \ldots, n+1\mbox{,}

with the additions to the vector U of U_0(\Theta) = 0 and U_{n+1}(\Theta) = 1. The objective function is

M_n(\Theta) = - \sum_{i=1}^{n+1} \log\, D_i(\Theta)\mbox{,}

where the \Theta for a maximized {-}M_n represents the parameters fit by MPS. Some authors to keep with the idea of geometric mean include factor of 1/(n+1) for the definition of M_n. Whereas other authors (Shao and Hahn, 1999, eq. 2.0), show

S_n(\Theta) = (n+1)^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n+1} \log[(n+1)D_i(\Theta)]\mbox{.}

So it seems that some care is needed when considering the implementation when the value of “the summation of the logarithms” is to be directly interpreted. Wong and Li (2006) provide a salient review of MPS in regards to an investigation of maximum likelihood (MLE), MPS, and probability-weighted moments (pwm) for the GEV (quagev) and GPA (quagpa) distributions. Finally, Soukissian and Tsalis (2015) also study MPS, MLE, L-moments, and several other methods for GEV fitting.

If the initial parameters have a support inside the range of the data, infinity is returned immediately by the optimizer and further action stops and the parameters returned are NULL. For the implementation here, if is true, and the initial parameter estimate (if not provided and acceptable by init.para) by default will be seeded through the method of L-moments (unbiased, lmoms), which should be close and convergence will be fairly fast if a solution is possible. If these parameters can not be used for spinup, the implementation will then attempt various probability-weighted moment by plotting position (pwm.pp) converted to L-moments (pwm2lmom) as part of an extended attempt to find a support of the starting distribution encompass the data. Finally, if that approach fails, a last ditch effort using starting parameters from maximum likelihood computed by a default call to mle2par is made. Sometimes data are pathological and user supervision is needed but not always successful—MPS can show failure for certain samples and(or) choice of distribution.

It is important to remark that the support of a fitted distribution is not checked within the loop for optimization once spun up. The reasons are twofold: (1) The speed hit by repeated calls to supdist, but in reality (2) PDFs in lmomco are supposed to report zero density for outside the support of a distribution (see NEWS) and for the -\log(D_i(\Theta)\rightarrow 0) \rightarrow \infty and hence infinity is returned for that state of the optimization loop and alternative solution will be tried.

As a note, if all U are equally spaced, then |M(\Theta)| = I_o = (n+1)\log(n+1). This begins the concept towards goodness-of-fit. The M_n(\Theta) is a form of the Moran-Darling statistic for goodness-of-fit. The M_n(\Theta) is a Normal distribution with

\mu_M \approx (n+1)[\log(n+1)+\gamma{}] - \frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{12(n+1)}\mbox{,}

\sigma_M \approx (n+1)\biggl(\frac{\pi^2}{6\,{}} - 1\biggr)-\frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{6(n+1)}\mbox{,}

where \gamma \approx 0.577221 (Euler–Mascheroni constant, -digamma(1)) or as the definite integral

\gamma^\mathrm{Euler}_{\mathrm{Mascheroni}} = -\int_0^\infty \mathrm{exp}(-t) \log(t)\; \mathrm{d}{t}\mbox{,}

An extension into small samples using the Chi-Square distribution is

A = C_1 + C_2\times\chi^2_n\mbox{,}


C_1 = \mu_M - \sqrt{\frac{\sigma^2_M\,n}{2}}\mbox{\ and\ }C_2 = \sqrt{\frac{\sigma^2_M}{2n}}\mbox{,}

and where \chi^2_n is the Chi-Square distribution with n degrees of freedom. A test statistic is

T(\Theta) = \frac{M_n(\Theta) - C_1 + \frac{p}{2}}{C_2}\mbox{,}

where the term p/2 is a bias correction based on the number of fitted distribution parameters p. The null hypothesis that the fitted distribution is correct is to be rejected if T(\Theta) exceeds a critical value from the Chi-Square distribution. The MPS method has a relation to maximum likelihood (mle2par) and the two are asymptotically equivalent.

Important Remark Concerning Ties—Ties in the data cause instant degeneration with MPS and must be mitigated for and thus attention to this documentation and even the source code itself is required.


mps2par(x, type, init.para=NULL, ties=c("bernstein", "rounding", "density"),
            delta=0, log10offset=3, get.untied=FALSE,,
            moran=TRUE, silent=TRUE, null.on.not.converge=TRUE,
            ptransf=  function(t) return(t),
            pretransf=function(t) return(t),
            mle2par=TRUE, ...)



A vector of data values.


Three character (minimum) distribution type (for example, type="gev", see dist.list).


Initial parameters as a vector \Theta or as an lmomco parameter “object” from say vec2par. If a vector is given, then internally vec2par is called with distribution equal to type.


Ties cause degeneration in the computation of M(\Theta):
Option bernstein triggers a smoothing of only the ties using the dat2bernqua function—Bernstein-type smoothing for ties is likely near harmless when ties are near the center of the distribution, but of course caution is advised if ties exist near the extremal values; the settings for log10offset and delta are ignored if bernstein is selected Also for a tie-run having an odd number of elements, the middle tied value is left as original data.
Option rounding triggers two types of adjustment: if delta > 0 then a round-off error approach inspired by Cheng and Stephens (1989, eq. 4.1) is used (see Note) and log10offset is ignored, but if delta=0, then log10offset is picked up as an order of magnitude offset (see Note). Use of options log10offset and delta are likely to not keep a middle unmodified in an odd-length, tie-run in contrast to use of bernstein.
Option density triggers the substitution of the probability density g(x_{i:n}|\Theta) at the ith tie from the current fit of the distribution. Warning—It appears that inference is lost almost immediately because the magnitude of M_n losses meaning because probability densities are not in the same scale as changes in probabilities exemplified by the D_i. This author has not yet found literature discussing this, but density substitution is a recognized strategy.


The optional \delta value if \delta > 0 and if ties="rounding".


The optional base-10 logarithmic offset approach to roundoff errors if delta=0 and if ties="rounding".


A logical to populate a ties element in the returned list with the untied-pseudo data as it was made available to the optimizer and the number of iternations required to exhaust all ties. An emergency break it implemented if the number of iterations appears to be blowing up.

A logical to trigger a call to supdist to compute the support of the distribution at the initial parameters. As mentioned, MPS degenerates if min(x) < the lower support or if max(x) > the upper support. Regardless of the setting of and NULL will be returned because this is what the optimizer will do anyway.


A logical to trigger the goodness-of-fit test described previously.


A logical to silence the try() function wrapping the optim() function and to provide a returned list of the optimization output.


A logical to trigging simple return of NULL if the optim() function returns a nonzero convergence status.


An optional parameter transformation function (see Examples) that is useful to guide the optimization run. For example, suppose the first parameter of a three parameter distribution resides in the positive domain, then
ptransf(t) = function(t) c(log(t[1]), t[2], t[3]).


An optional parameter retransformation function (see Examples) that is useful to guide the optimization run. For example, suppose the first parameter of a three parameter distribution resides in the positive domain, then
pretransf(t) = function(t) c(exp(t[1]), t[2], t[3]).


A logical to turn off the potential last attempt at maximum likelihood estimates of a valid seed as part of


Additional arguments for the optim() function and other uses.


An R list is returned. This list should contain at least the following items, but some distributions such as the revgum have extra.


The type of distribution in three character (minimum) format.


The parameters of the distribution.


Attribute specifying source of the parameters.


The initial parameters. Warning to users, when inspecting returned values make sure that one is referencing the MPS parameters in para and not those shown in init.para!


An optional list of returned content from the optimizer if not silent.


An optional list of untied-pseudo data and number of iterations required to achieve no ties (usually unity!) if and only if there were ties in the original data, get.untied is true, and ties != "density".


An optional list of returned values that will include both diagnostics and statistics. The diagnostics are the computed \mu_M(n), \sigma^2_M(n), C_1, C_2, and n. The statistics are the minimum value I_o theoretically attainable |M_n(\Theta)| for equally spaced differences, the minimized value M_n(\Theta), the T(\Theta), and the corresponding p.value from the upper tail of the \chi^2_n distribution.


During optimization, the objective function requires evaluation at the initial parameters and must be finite. If Inf is returned on first call to the objective function, then a warning like this

  optim() attempt is NULL

should be seen. The silent by default though will silence this error. Error trapping for the estimated support of the distribution from the initial parameter values is made by and verbose warnings given to help remind the user. Considerable attempt is made internally to circumvent the appearance of the above error.

More specifically, an MPS solution degenerates when the fitted distribution has a narrower support than the underlying data and artificially “ties” show up within the objective function even if the original data lacked ties or were already mitigated for. The user's only real recourse is to try fitting another distribution either by starting parameters or even distribution type. Situations could arise for which carefully chosen starting parameters could permit the optimizer to keep its simplex within the viable domain. The MPS method is sensitive to tails of a distribution having asymoptic limits as F \rightarrow 0^{+} or F \rightarrow 1^{-}.

The Moran test can be quickly checked with highly skewed and somewhat problematic data by

  # CPU intensive experiment
  gev <- vec2par(c(4,0.3,-0.2), type="gev"); nsim <- 5000
  G <- replicate(nsim, mps2par(rlmomco(100, gev), # extract the p-values
  G <- unlist(G) # unlisting required if NULLs came back from mps2par()
  length(G[G <= 0.05])/length(G) # 0.0408 (!=0.05 but some fits not possible)
  V <- replicate(nsim, mps2par(rlmomco(100, gev),
  V <- unlist(V) # A test run give 4,518 solutions
  length(V[V <= 0.05])/length(V) # 0.820 higher because not gev used
  W <- replicate(nsim, mps2par(rlmomco(100, gev),
  W <- unlist(W)
  length(W[W <= 0.05])/length(W) # 0.0456 higher because not gev used but
  # very close because of the proximity of the glo to the gev for the given
  # L-skew of the parent: lmomgev(gev)$ratios[3] = 0.3051

Concerning round-off errors, the Cheng and Stephens (1989, eq. 4.1) approach is to assume that the round-off errors are x \pm \delta, compute the upper and lower probabilities f for f_L \mapsto x - \delta and f_U \mapsto x + \delta, and then prorate the D_i in even spacings of 1/(r-1) where r is the number of tied values in a given tie-run. The approach for mps2par is similar but simplies the algorithm to evenly prorate the x values in a tie-run. In other words, the current implementation is to actually massage the data before passage into the optimizer. If the \delta = 0, a base-10 logarithmic approach will be used in which, the order of magnitude of the value in a tie-run is computed and the log10offset subtracted to approximate the roundoff but recognize that for skewed data the roundoff might be scale dependent. The default treats a tie of three x_i = 15{,}000 as x_{i|r}=14{,}965.50; 15{,}000.00; 15{,}034.58. In either approach, an iterative loop is present to continue looping until no further ties are found—this is made to protect against the potential for the algorithm to create new ties. A sorted vector of the final data for the optimize is available in the ties element of the returned list if and only if ties were originally present, get.untied=TRUE, and ties != "density". Ties and compensation likely these prorations can only make M(\Theta) smaller, and hence the test becomes conservative.

A note of other MPS implementations in R is needed. The fBasics and gld packages both provide for MPS estimation for the generalized lambda distribution. The salient source files and code chunks are shown. First, consider package fBasics:

  fBasics --> dist-gldFit.R --> .gldFit.mps -->
            f = try(-typeFun(log(DH[DH > 0])), silent = TRUE)

where it is seen that D_i = 0 are ignored! Such a practice does not appear efficacious during development and testing of the implementation in lmomco, parameter solutions very substantially different than reason can occur or even failure of convergence by the fBasics implementation. Further investigation is warranted. Second, consider package gld:

  gld --> fit_fkml.R --> fit_fkml.c --> == 2:
  # If F[i]-F[i-1] = 0, replace by f[i-1]
  #                      (ie the density at smaller observation)

which obviously make the density substitution for ties as well ties="density" for the implementation here. Testing indicates that viable parameter solutions will result with direct insertion of the density in the case of ties. Interference, however, of the M_n is almost assuredly to be greatly weakened or destroyed depending on the shape of the probability density function or a large number of ties. The problem is that the sum of the D_i are no longered ensured to sum to unity. The literature appears silent on this particular aspect of MPS, and further investigation is warranted.

The eva package provides MPS for GEV and GPD. The approach there does not appear to replace changes of zero by density but to insert a “smallness” in conjunction with other conditioning checking (only the cond3 is shown below) and a curious penalty of 1e6. The point is that different approaches have been made by others.

  eva --> gevrFit --> method="mps"
  cdf[(is.nan(cdf) | is.infinite(cdf))] <- 0
  cdf <- c(0, cdf, 1); D <- diff(cdf); cond3 <- any(D < 0)
  ## Check if any differences are zero due to rounding and adjust
  D <- ifelse(D <= 0, .Machine$double.eps, D)
  if(cond1 | cond2 | cond3) { abs(sum(log(D))) + 1e6 } else { -sum(log(D)) }

Let us conclude with an example for the GEV between eva and lmomco and note sign difference in definition of the GEV shape but otherwise a general similarity in results:

  X <- rlmomco(97, vec2par(c(100,12,-.5), type="gev"))
       #                  xi                alpha                kappa
       #         100.4015424           12.6401335           -0.5926457
  eva::gevrFit(X, method="mps")$par.ests
       #Location (Intercept)    Scale (Intercept)    Shape (Intercept)
       #         100.5407709           13.5385491            0.6106928


W.H. Asquith


Cheng, R.C.H., Stephens, M.A., 1989, A goodness-of-fit test using Moran's statistic with estimated parameters: Biometrika, v. 76, no. 2, pp. 385–392.

Dey, D.K., Roy, Dooti, Yan, Jun, 2016, Univariate extreme value analysis, chapter 1, in Dey, D.K., and Yan, Jun, eds., Extreme value modeling and risk analysis—Methods and applications: Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, pp. 1–22.

Shao, Y., and Hahn, M.G., 1999, Strong consistency of the maximum product of spacings estimates with applications in nonparametrics and in estimation of unimodal densities: Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, v. 51, no. 1, pp. 31–49.

Soukissian, T.H., and Tsalis, C., 2015, The effect of the generalized extreme value distribution parameter estimation methods in extreme wind speed prediction: Natural Hazards, v. 78, pp. 1777–1809.

Wong, T.S.T., and Li, W.K., 2006, A note on the estimation of extreme value distributions using maximum product of spacings: IMS Lecture Notes, v. 52, pp. 272–283.

See Also

lmom2par, mle2par, tlmr2par


## Not run: 
pe3 <- vec2par(c(4.2, 0.2, 0.6), type="pe3") # Simulated values should have at least
X <- rlmomco(202, pe3); Xr  <- round(sort(X), digits=3) # one tie-run after rounding,
mps2par(X,  type="pe3")$para      # and the user can observe the (minor in this case)
mps2par(Xr, type="pe3")$para      # effect on parameters.
# Another note on MPS is needed. It is not reflection symmetric.
mps2par( X, type="pe3")$para
mps2par(-X, type="pe3")$para 
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Use 1,000 replications for sample size of 75 and estimate the bias and variance of
# the method of L-moments and maximum product spacing (MPS) for the 100-year event
# using the Pearson Type III distribution.
nsim <- 1000; n <- 75; Tyear <- 100; type <- "pe3"
parent.lmr <- vec2lmom(c(5.5, 0.15, 0.03))   # L-moments of the "parent"
parent  <- lmom2par(parent.lmr, type="pe3")  # "the parent"
Q100tru <- qlmomco(T2prob(Tyear), parent)    # "true value"
Q100lmr <- Q100mps <- rep(NA, nsim)          # empty vectors
T3lmr <- T4lmr <- T3mps <- T4mps <- rep(NA, nsim)
for(i in 1:nsim) { # simulate from the parent, compute L-moments
   tmpX <- rlmomco(n, parent); lmrX <- lmoms(tmpX)
   if(! are.lmom.valid(lmrX)) { # quiet check on viability
     lmrX <- pwm2lmom(pwms.pp(tmpX)) # try a pwm by plotting positions instead
     if(! are.lmom.valid(lmrX)) next
   lmrpar <- lmom2par(lmrX, type=type)                  # Method of L-moments
   mpspar <-  mps2par(tmpX, type=type, init.para=lmrpar) # Method of MPS
   if(! is.null(lmrpar)) {
      Q100lmr[i] <- qlmomco(T2prob(Tyear), lmrpar); lmrlmr <- par2lmom(lmrpar)
      T3lmr[i] <- lmrlmr$ratios[3]; T4lmr[i] <- lmrlmr$ratios[4]
   if(! is.null(mpspar)) {
      Q100mps[i] <- qlmomco(T2prob(Tyear), mpspar); mpslmr <- par2lmom(mpspar)
      T3mps[i] <- mpslmr$ratios[3]; T4mps[i] <- mpslmr$ratios[4]
print(summary(Q100tru - Q100lmr)) # Method of L-moment   (mean = -0.00176)
print(summary(Q100tru - Q100mps)) # Method of MPS        (mean = -0.02746)
print(var(Q100tru - Q100lmr, na.rm=TRUE)) # Method of L-moments (0.009053)
print(var(Q100tru - Q100mps, na.rm=TRUE)) # Method of MPS       (0.009880)
# CONCLUSION: MPS is very competitive to the mighty L-moments.

LMR <- data.frame(METHOD=rep("Method L-moments",        nsim), T3=T3lmr, T4=T4lmr)
MPS <- data.frame(METHOD=rep("Maximum Product Spacing", nsim), T3=T3mps, T4=T4mps)
ZZ <- merge(LMR, MPS, all=TRUE)
boxplot(ZZ$T3~ZZ$METHOD, data=ZZ); mtext("L-skew Distributions")
boxplot(ZZ$T4~ZZ$METHOD, data=ZZ); mtext("L-kurtosis Distributions") #
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Data shown in Cheng and Stephens (1989). They have typesetting error on their
# "sigma." Results mu=34.072 and sigma=sqrt(6.874)=2.6218
H590 <- c(27.55, 31.82, 33.74, 34.15, 35.32, 36.78,
          29.89, 32.23, 33.74, 34.44, 35.44, 37.07,
          30.07, 32.28, 33.86, 34.62, 35.61, 37.36,
          30.65, 32.69, 33.86, 34.74, 35.61, 37.36,
          31.23, 32.98, 33.86, 34.74, 35.73, 37.36,
          31.53, 33.28, 34.15, 35.03, 35.90, 40.28,
          31.53, 33.28, 34.15, 35.03, 36.20) # breaking stress MPAx1E6 of carbon block.
mps2par(H590, type="nor", ties="rounding", delta=0.005)$para
mps2par(H590, type="nor", ties="rounding" )$para
mps2par(H590, type="nor", ties="bernstein")$para
#        mu     sigma
# 34.071424  2.622484 # using a slight variant on their eq. 4.1.
# 34.071424  2.622614 # using log10offset=3
# 34.088769  2.690781 # using Bernstein smooth and unaffecting middle of odd tie runs
# The MoranTest show rejection of the Normal distribution at alpha=0.05, with the
# "rounding" and "delta=0.005"" and T=63.8 compared to their result of T=63.1,
# which to be considered that the strategy here is not precisely the same as theirs.
## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# Demonstration of parameter transformation and retransformation
set.seed(9209) # same seed used under mle2par() in parallel example
x <- rlmomco(500, vec2par(c(1,1,3), type="gam")) # 3-p Generalized Gamma
guess <- lmr2par(x, type="gam", p=3) # By providing a 3-p guess the 3-p
# Generalized Gamma will be triggered internally. There are problems passing
# "p" argument to optim() if that function is to pick up the ... argument.
mps2par(x, type="gam", init.para=guess, silent=FALSE,
           ptransf=  function(t) { c(log(t[1]), log(t[2]), t[3])},
           pretransf=function(t) { c(exp(t[1]), exp(t[2]), t[3])})$para
# Reports:       mu     sigma        nu   for some simulated data.
#         0.9997019 1.0135674 3.0259012 
## End(Not run)

wasquith/lmomco documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 10:15 a.m.