rlmomco: Random Variates of a Distribution

rlmomcoR Documentation

Random Variates of a Distribution


This function generates random variates for the specified distribution in the parameter object argument. See documentation about the parameter object is seen in lmom2par or vec2par. The prepended r in the function name is to parallel the built-in distribution syntax of R but of course reflects the lmomco name in the function. An assumption is made that the user knows that they are providing appropirate (that is valid) distribution parameters. This is evident by the

paracheck = FALSE

argument passed to the par2qua function.


rlmomco(n, para)



Number of samples to generate


The parameters from lmom2par or similar.


Vector of quantile values.


The action of this function in R idiom is par2qua(runif(n), para) for the distribution parameters para, the R function runif is the Uniform distribution, and n being the simulation size.


W.H. Asquith

See Also

dlmomco, plmomco, qlmomco, slmomco


lmr      <- lmoms(rnorm(20)) # generate 20 standard normal variates
para     <- parnor(lmr) # estimate parameters of the normal
simulate <- rlmomco(20,para) # simulate 20 samples using lmomco package

lmr  <- vec2lmom(c(1000,500,.3)) # first three lmoments are known
para <- lmom2par(lmr,type="gev") # est. parameters of GEV distribution
Q    <- rlmomco(45,para) # simulate 45 samples
PP   <- pp(Q)            # compute the plotting positions
plot(PP,sort(Q))         # plot the data up

wasquith/lmomco documentation built on Feb. 12, 2025, 10:15 a.m.