mt_link_function: Link Functions

View source: R/mt_link_function.R

mt_link_functionR Documentation

Link Functions


The mt_link_function is a customized call of the function.

Given the name of a link function, it returns a list with two elements. The first element is the inverse of the link function applied on the linear predictor \mu = g^{-1}(X\beta). The second element is the derivative of \mu with respect to the regression parameters \beta. It will be useful when computing the quasi-score function.


mt_link_function(beta, X, offset, link)

mt_logit(beta, X, offset)

mt_probit(beta, X, offset)

mt_cauchit(beta, X, offset)

mt_cloglog(beta, X, offset)

mt_loglog(beta, X, offset)

mt_identity(beta, X, offset)

mt_log(beta, X, offset)

mt_sqrt(beta, X, offset)

mt_invmu2(beta, X, offset)

mt_inverse(beta, X, offset)



a numeric vector of regression parameters.


a design matrix, see model.matrix for details.


a numeric vector of offset values. It will be sum up on the linear predictor as a covariate with known regression parameter equals one (\mu = g^{-1}(X\beta + offset)). If no offset is present in the model, set offset = NULL.


a string specifying the name of the link function. Options are: "logit", "probit", "cauchit", "cloglog", "loglog", "identity", "log", "sqrt", "1/mu^2" and inverse. A user defined link function can be used (see Details).


The link function is an important component of the multivariate covariance generalized linear models, since it links the expectation of the response variable with the covariates. Let \beta be a (p x 1) regression parameter vector and X be an (n x p) design matrix. The expected value of the response variable Y is given by

E(Y) = g^{-1}(X\beta),

where g is the link function and \eta = X\beta is the linear predictor. Let D be a (n x p) matrix whose entries are given by the derivatives of \mu with respect to \beta. Such a matrix will be required for the fitting algorithm. The function mt_link_function returns a list where the first element is \mu (n x 1) vector and the second is the D (n x p) matrix. A user defined function can also be used. It must be a function with arguments beta, X and offset (set to NULL if non needed). The function must return a length 2 named list with mu and D elements as a vector and a matrix of proper dimensions.


A list with two elements: mu and D (see Details).


Wagner Hugo Bonat,

See Also



x1 <- seq(-1, 1, l = 5)
X <- model.matrix(~ x1)
mt_link_function(beta = c(1,0.5), X = X,
                 offset = NULL, link = 'log')
mt_link_function(beta = c(1,0.5), X = X,
                 offset = rep(10,5), link = 'identity')

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