psydis: Psychiatric disorders

psydisR Documentation

Psychiatric disorders


Psychiatric disorders in 1030 (440 DZ and 590 MZ) Caucasian female twin-pairs sampled from the Virginia Twin Registry. Lifetime psychiatric illness is a binary trait and was diagnosed using an adapted version of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-II-R Diagnosis.

  • y - Binary trait (disease presence YES - 1; NO - 0).

  • Group - Twin zygosity (DZ - dizygotic; MZ - monozygotic).

  • Twin - Code of twin pair.

  • Twin_pair - Code of twin within the pair (1 and 2).




a data.frame with 2060 records and 4 variables.


Neale, M. C. and Maes, H. H. (2004) . Methodology for Genetic Studies of Twins and Families. Tech. rep., Virginia Common wealth University, Department of Psychiatry.

Rabe-Hesketh, S., Skrondal, A. and Gjessing, H. K. (2008) Biometrical modeling of twin and family data using standard mixed model software. Biometrics, 64, 280–288.

Bonat, W. H. and v. B. Hjelmborg, J. (2020) Multivariate Generalized Linear Models for Twin and Family data. to appear.


data(psydis, package="mglm4twin")
ex1_form <- y ~ 1
ex1_AE <- mt_twin(N_DZ = 440, N_MZ = 590, n_resp = 1, model = "AE")
ex1_AE <- mglm4twin(c(ex1_form), matrix_pred = ex1_AE,
                    link = c("logit"), variance = c("binomialP"),
                   data = psydis)
summary(ex1_AE, model = "AE")
summary(ex1_AE, model = "AE", biometric = TRUE)

wbonat/mglm4twin documentation built on Oct. 14, 2023, 9:37 p.m.