
Defines functions arfima_one_step autoarima_one_step arfima_ts arima_ts

Documented in arfima_one_step arfima_ts arima_ts autoarima_one_step

#' @name arima_ts
#' @title Make forecasts using AR / ARIMA
#' @aliases arfima_ts, autoarima_one_step
#' @rdname arima_ts
#' @description `arima_ts` fits an arima model using \code{\link{arima}}
#' @inheritParams stats::arima
#' @inheritParams forecast_iterated
#' @inheritParams forecast::forecast
#' @return a data.frame of the mean forecasts, the observed values, and the
#'   lower and upper CI levels (if an error occurs, then just NA values)
#' @export
arima_ts <- function(timeseries, num_ahead = 5, level = 95,
                     order = c(1, 0, 0))
    f <- function(training, observed, level, order)
        # make forecasts
        arima_model <- stats::arima(training, order = order)
        forecasts <- forecast::forecast(arima_model, NROW(observed), level = level)
        # return
        data.frame(observed = as.numeric(observed),
                   predicted = as.numeric(forecasts$mean),
                   lower_CI = as.numeric(forecasts$lower),
                   upper_CI = as.numeric(forecasts$upper))
    forecast_iterated(fun = f, timeseries = timeseries, num_ahead = num_ahead,
                             level = level, order = order)

#' @rdname arima_ts
#' @description `arfima_ts` fits a step-wise fractionally differenced
#'   auto-arima using \code{\link[forecast]{arfima}}
#' @export
arfima_ts <- function(timeseries, num_ahead = 5, level = 95)
    f <- function(training, observed, level)
        # make forecasts
        arima_model <- forecast::arfima(training)
        forecasts <- forecast::forecast(arima_model, NROW(observed), level = level)
        # return
        data.frame(observed = as.numeric(observed),
                   predicted = as.numeric(forecasts$mean),
                   lower_CI = as.numeric(forecasts$lower),
                   upper_CI = as.numeric(forecasts$upper))
    forecast_iterated(fun = f, timeseries = timeseries, num_ahead = num_ahead,
                                 level = level)

#' @rdname arima_ts
#' @description `autoarima_one_step` uses \code{\link[forecast]{auto.arima}} to 
#'   fit an ARIMA model and make a single one-step forecast. 
#' @inheritParams hindcast
#' @export
autoarima_one_step <- function(timeseries, level = 95, ...)
    f <- function(training, observed = NA, level)
        # make forecasts
        arima_model <- forecast::auto.arima(training)
        forecasts <- forecast::forecast(arima_model, 1, level = level)
        # return
        data.frame(observed = as.numeric(observed),
                   predicted = as.numeric(forecasts$mean),
                   lower_CI = as.numeric(forecasts$lower),
                   upper_CI = as.numeric(forecasts$upper))
    hindcast(fun = f, timeseries = timeseries, level = level, ...)

#' @rdname arima_ts
#' @description `arfima_one_step` uses \code{\link[forecast]{arfima}} to 
#'   fit an fractionally-differentiated ARIMA model and make a single one-step 
#'   forecast. 
#' @export
arfima_one_step <- function(timeseries, level = 95, ...)
    f <- function(training, observed = NA, level)
        # make forecasts
        arima_model <- forecast::arfima(training)
        forecasts <- forecast::forecast(arima_model, 1, level = level)
        # return
        data.frame(observed = as.numeric(observed),
                   predicted = as.numeric(forecasts$mean),
                   lower_CI = as.numeric(forecasts$lower),
                   upper_CI = as.numeric(forecasts$upper))
    hindcast(fun = f, timeseries = timeseries, level = level, ...)
weecology/MATSS-forecasting documentation built on Nov. 28, 2020, 10:19 a.m.