
Defines functions locreg_ts

Documented in locreg_ts

#' @name locreg_ts
#' @title Make forecasts using locally weighted regression
#' @description `locreg_ts` fits a locally weighted regression using 
#'   \code{\link[locfit]{locfit}}. It first searches over a parameter space of 
#'   nearest neighbors bandwidth, and polynomial degree, and then uses the best 
#'   solution
#' @inheritParams locfit::locfit
#' @inheritParams locfit::lp
#' @inheritParams forecast_iterated
#' @inheritParams forecast::forecast
#' @return a data.frame of the mean forecasts, the observed values, and the
#'   lower and upper CI levels (if an error occurs, then just NA values)
#' @export
locreg_ts <- function(timeseries, num_ahead = 5, level = 95,
                      nn = seq(from = 0.2, to = 3, by = 0.05),
                      deg = 1:3)
    f <- function(training, observed, level, nn, deg)
        # loop over models
        params <- expand.grid(nn = nn, deg = deg)
        t <- seq_len(length(training))
        locmse <- function(nn, deg)
            locreg <- locfit::locfit(training ~ locfit::lp(t, nn = nn, deg = deg))
        model_matrix <- params %>%
            dplyr::mutate(mse = purrr::pmap_dbl(., locmse)) %>%
        # select best model
        locreg <- locfit::locfit(training ~ locfit::lp(t,
                                                       nn = model_matrix$nn[1],
                                                       deg = model_matrix$deg[1]))
        # predict function requires a new list of predictor variables as newdata
        t_observed <- length(training) + seq_len(length(observed))
        forecasts <- locfit:::predict.locfit(locreg,
                                             newdata = list(t = t_observed),
                                             se.fit = TRUE)
        # return
        return_forecasts(observed, forecasts, level)
    forecast_iterated(fun = f, timeseries = timeseries, num_ahead = num_ahead,
                      level = level, nn = nn, deg = deg)
weecology/MATSS-forecasting documentation built on Nov. 28, 2020, 10:19 a.m.