Man pages for weecology/portalPredictionsModels
Model and Forecast Portal Rodent Dynamics

directory-configuration-fileCreate, Update, and Read the Directory Configuration File
directory-creationCreate or Update the Structure of a Directory and Fill It...
directory-fillingFill a Portalcasting Directory with Basic Components
directory-pathsCreate a List of Full Directory Paths
directory-settingsCreate a Directory Settings List
download-archiveDownload the Portal Predictions Repository Archive
download-climate-forecastsDownload Climate Forecasts
ensembleCombine (Ensemble) Casts
evaluate-forecastsEvaluate Forecasts
file_extDetermine a File's Extension
foyCalculate the Fraction of the Year from a Date
ifnullReplace a Value with an Alternative if it is NULL
messagesFunctions for Message Generation
named_null_listCreate a Named Empty List
new-datasetsFacilitate Adding Datasets to a Directory
new-modelsFacilitate Adding Models to a Directory
package_version_finderFind an Object's Host Package and Version Information
plotsVisualize Portalcasting Data and Forecasts
portalcastForecast Portal Rodents Models
portalcasting-appBuild and Launch the Portal Forecast Web Application
portalcasting-app-selection-helpersSelection Helper Functions for the Portalcasting App
portalcasting-app-serverGenerate the Server Code for the Web App
portalcasting-app-uiGenerate the User Interface for the Web App
portalcasting-packageportalcasting: Model and Forecast Portal Rodent Dynamics
post_processAfter portalcast and evaluate_forecast run post_process to...
prefabricated-modelsProvide the Names or Controls for the Prefabricated Models
prefabricated-rodents-datasetsProvide the Names or Controls for the Prefabricated Rodent...
prepare-covariatesPrepare Covariate Data for Casting
prepare-metadataPrepare a Model-Running Metadata List
prepare-modelsPrepare Portalcasting Models
prepare-newmoonsPrepare Lunar Data for the Portalcasting Repository
prepare-rodentsPrepare Rodents Data for Forecasting
process-forecast-outputProcess and Save Forecast Output to Files
read-write-dataRead from and Write to a Data File
round_na.interpRound an Interpolated Series
runjags-modelsCreate and Run a runjags Portalcasting Model
tsglm-modelsCreate, Run, and Forecast Multi-model Inference TSGLM Model...
update_listUpdate a List's Elements
zip_unzipZip and unzip forecasts by forecast date
weecology/portalPredictionsModels documentation built on Aug. 24, 2024, 1:55 p.m.