messages: Functions for Message Generation

messagesR Documentation

Functions for Message Generation


Create messages for use in the portalcasting pipeline.

messageq: Optionally generate a message based on a logical input. Uses a wrapper on message that, given the input to quiet, generates the message(s) in ... or not.
break_line: Creates a horizontal line of characters ending with a newline call for messages.
break_lines: Creates a set of horizontal line of characters ending with a newline call for messages.
castle: Creates a text drawing of a sandcastle of characters for messages.


messageq(..., quiet = FALSE, domain = NULL, appendLF = TRUE)

break_line(char = "-", reps = 60)

break_lines(nlines = 2, char = "-", reps = 60)




zero or more objects that can be coerced to character and are concatenated with no separator added, or a single condition object. See message.


logical indicator if the message should be generated.


The domain for the translation. If NA, messages will not be translated. See message and base::gettext.


logical indicator if messages given as a character string should have a newline appended. See message.


character value to repeated reps times to form the break line.


integer-conformable value for number of times char is replicated.


integer-conformable value for the number of break_lines to include. Defaults to 2 lines.


messageq: A message is given, and NULL returned, invisible-ly.
break_line: The character of the line to be passed to message via messageq.
break_lines: The character of the lines to be passed to message via messageq.
castle: The character of the sandcastle to be passed to message via messageq.

See Also

Other utilities: file_ext(), foy(), ifnull(), named_null_list(), package_version_finder(), round_na.interp(), update_list()


   messageq("hi ", "how are you?")
   messageq("hi ", "how are you?", quiet = TRUE)
   break_line( )
   break_lines( )
   castle( )

weecology/portalPredictionsModels documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 12:03 p.m.