
context("checks NDVI summary output")

portal_data_path <- tempdir()
monthly_ndvi <- ndvi("monthly", path = portal_data_path)
newmoon_ndvi <- ndvi("newmoon", path = portal_data_path)

test_that("Monthly option returns 2 columns", {
  expect_equal(NCOL(monthly_ndvi), 2)
  expect_equal(colnames(monthly_ndvi), c("date", "ndvi"))

test_that("Newmoon option returns 2 columns", {
  expect_that(dim(newmoon_ndvi)[2], equals(2))
  expect_equal(colnames(newmoon_ndvi), c("newmoonnumber", "ndvi"))

test_that("Missing monthly option data are filled", {
  ndvi_NA <- monthly_ndvi
  ndvi_NA[10, "ndvi"] <- NA
  expect_that(any(is.na(ndvi_NA[, "ndvi"])), equals(TRUE))
  lasttime <- max(ndvi_NA$date)
  ndvi_NA <- fill_missing_ndvi(ndvi_NA, "monthly", lasttime)
  expect_that(any(is.na(ndvi_NA[, "ndvi"])), equals(FALSE))

test_that("Missing moon option data are filled", {
  ndvi_NA <- newmoon_ndvi
  ndvi_NA[10, "ndvi"] <- NA
  expect_that(any(is.na(ndvi_NA[, "ndvi"])), equals(TRUE))
  lasttime <- max(ndvi_NA$newmoonnumber)
  ndvi_NA <- fill_missing_ndvi(ndvi_NA, "newmoon", lasttime)
  expect_that(any(is.na(ndvi_NA[, "ndvi"])), equals(FALSE))

test_that("Monthly NDVI can be forecast", {
  fcast_vals <- fcast_ndvi(monthly_ndvi, "monthly", 1)
  expect_that(class(fcast_vals[ , "ndvi"]), equals("numeric"))

test_that("Newmoon NDVI can be forecast", {
  moons <- read.csv(
    file.path(portal_data_path, "PortalData", "Rodents", "moon_dates.csv"),
    na.strings = c(""), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  fcast_vals <- suppressWarnings(fcast_ndvi(newmoon_ndvi, "newmoon", 1, moons))
  expect_that(class(fcast_vals[ , "ndvi"]), equals("numeric"))
weecology/portalr documentation built on Feb. 29, 2024, 3:34 a.m.