wideToLong: Transform wide format data sets into the long format...

View source: R/wideToLong.r

wideToLongR Documentation

Transform wide format data sets into the long format necessary for eatRep analyses


Data from large-scale assessments often are provided in the wide format. This function easily transform data into the long format required by eatRep.


wideToLong (datWide, noImp, imp, multipleColumns = TRUE, variable.name = "variable",
            value.name = "value")



Data set in the wide format, i.e. one row per person


character vector of non-imputed variables which are desired for following analyses


Named list of character vectors which include the imputed variables which are desired for following analyses


Logical: use one column for each imputed variable (if more than one imputed variable is used)? Alternatively, only one column for all imputed variables is used (this is the default behavior of the melt function from the reshape2 package).


Applies only if multipleColumns = "FALSE": name of variable used to store measured variable names


Applies only if multipleColumns = "FALSE": name of variable used to store values


A data.frame in the long format.


Sebastian Weirich


### create arbitrary wide format large-scale assessment data for two
### subjects, each with three imputations
datWide <- data.frame ( id = paste0("P",1:5), weight = abs(rnorm(5,10,1)),
           country = c("USA", "BRA", "TUR", "GER", "AUS"),
           sex = factor(c("female", "male", "female", "female", "male")),
           matrix(data = rnorm(n=15, mean = 500, sd = 75),
                  nrow=5, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("mat.pv", 1:3))),
           matrix(data = rnorm(n=15, mean = 480, sd = 80),
                  nrow=5, dimnames = list(NULL, paste0("sci.pv", 1:3))),
datLong <- wideToLong(datWide = datWide, noImp = c("id", "weight", "country", "sex"),
             imp = list ( math = paste0("mat.pv", 1:3),
			             science = paste0("sci.pv", 1:3)))
datLong2<- wideToLong(datWide = datWide, noImp = c("id", "weight", "country", "sex"),
             imp = list ( math = paste0("mat.pv", 1:3),
			             science = paste0("sci.pv", 1:3)),
			       multipleColumns = FALSE, variable.name = "varName",
			       value.name = "val")

weirichs/eatTools documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 1:18 p.m.