
#' Package file list
#' @format An \code{tibble} object containing the names of files available in the package.

#' Statistical Area 1, 2011
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 1 in 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 16 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa1_code_2011}}{The full 11 digit SA1 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa1_7dig_2011}}{The 7 digit SA1 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_code_2011}}{The full 9 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_shortcode_2011}}{The 5 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_name_2011}}{The SA2 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa3_code_2011}}{The full 5 digit SA3 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa3_name_2011}}{The SA3 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2011}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2011}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2011}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2011}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2011}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2011}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 1, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 1 in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 17 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa1_code_2016}}{The full 11 digit SA1 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa1_7dig_2016}}{The 7 digit SA1 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_code_2016}}{The full 9 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_shortcode_2016}}{The 5 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_name_2016}}{The SA2 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa3_code_2016}}{The full 5 digit SA3 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa3_name_2016}}{The SA3 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2016}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2016}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2016}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2016}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 1, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 1 in 2021. Note that the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is used.
#' See [ABS explanation](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files).
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 17 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa1_code_2021}}{The full 11 digit SA1 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa1_7dig_2021}}{The 7 digit SA1 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_code_2021}}{The full 9 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_shortcode_2021}}{The 5 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_name_2021}}{The SA2 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa3_code_2021}}{The full 5 digit SA3 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa3_name_2021}}{The SA3 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2021}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2021}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2021}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2021}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 2, 2011
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 2 in 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 15 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa2_code_2011}}{The full 9 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_shortcode_2011}}{The 5 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_name_2011}}{The SA2 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa3_code_2011}}{The full 5 digit SA3 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa3_name_2011}}{The SA3 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2011}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2011}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2011}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2011}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2011}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2011}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 2, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 2 in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 15 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa2_code_2016}}{The full 9 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_shortcode_2016}}{The 5 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_name_2016}}{The SA2 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa3_code_2016}}{The full 5 digit SA3 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa3_name_2016}}{The SA3 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2016}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2016}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2016}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2016}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 2, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 2 in 2021. Note that the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is used.
#' See [ABS explanation](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files).
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 15 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa2_code_2021}}{The full 9 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_shortcode_2021}}{The 5 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_name_2021}}{The SA2 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa3_code_2021}}{The full 5 digit SA3 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa3_name_2021}}{The SA3 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2021}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2021}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2021}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2021}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 3, 2011
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 3 in 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 12 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa3_code_2011}}{The full 5 digit SA3 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa3_name_2011}}{The SA3 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2011}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2011}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2011}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2011}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2011}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2011}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 3, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 3 in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 12 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa3_code_2016}}{The full 5 digit SA3 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa3_name_2016}}{The SA3 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2016}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2016}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2016}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2016}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 3, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 3 in 2021. Note that the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is used.
#' See [ABS explanation](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files).
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 12 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa3_code_2021}}{The full 5 digit SA3 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa3_name_2021}}{The SA3 name character}
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2021}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2021}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2021}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2021}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 4, 2011
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 4 in 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2011}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2011}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2011}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2011}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2011}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2011}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 4, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 4 in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 12 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2016}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2016}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2016}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2016}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Statistical Area 4, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Statistical Area 4 in 2021. Note that the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is used.
#' See [ABS explanation](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files).
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sa4_code_2021}}{The full 3 digit SA4 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa4_name_2021}}{The SA4 name character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2021}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2021}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Greater Capital Cities, 2011
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Greater Capital Cities (GCC) in 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2011}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2011}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2011}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2011}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Greater Capital Cities, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Greater Capital Cities (GCC) in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 12 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2016}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2016}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Greater Capital Cities, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Greater Capital Cities (GCC) in 2021. Note that the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is used.
#' See [ABS explanation](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files).
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 12 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{gcc_code_2021}}{The alphanumeric Greater Capital City (GCC) code character}
#' \item{\code{gcc_name_2021}}{The GCC name}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' States, 2011
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for states in 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{state_name_2011}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2011}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' States, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for states in 2016. Little has changed since 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 12 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' States, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for states in 2021. Note that the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is used.
#' See [ABS explanation](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files).
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Australia, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Australia in 2021. Note that the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is used.
#' See [ABS explanation](https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files).
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 6 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{aus_code_2021}}{The full Australia code}
#' \item{\code{aus_name_2021}}{The full Australia name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Remoteness areas, 2011
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for remoteness areas in 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ra_code}}{The remoteness area code (by state)}
#' \item{\code{ra}}{The remoteness area name (by state)}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2011}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Remoteness areas, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for remoteness areas in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 10 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ra_code}}{The remoteness area code (by state)}
#' \item{\code{ra}}{The remoteness area name (by state)}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Local Government Areas, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for local government areas (LGAs) in 2021.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with eight variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{lga_code_2021}}{The LGA code}
#' \item{\code{lga_name_2021}}{The LGA name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2021}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Local Government Areas, 2018
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for local government areas (LGAs) in 2018.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with eight variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{lga_code_2018}}{The LGA code}
#' \item{\code{lga_name_2018}}{The LGA name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2016}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2018}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Local Government Areas, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for local government areas (LGAs) in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with eight variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{lga_code_2016}}{The LGA code}
#' \item{\code{lga_name_2016}}{The LGA name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2016}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Local Government Areas, 2011
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for local government areas (LGAs) in 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with eight variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{lga_code_2011}}{The LGA code}
#' \item{\code{lga_name_2011}}{The LGA name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2011}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2011}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2011}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Commonwelath Electoral Districts, 2018
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Commonwealth Electoral Districts (CEDs) in 2018.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with six variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ced_code_2018}}{The CED code}
#' \item{\code{ced_name_2018}}{The CED name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2018}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' State Electoral Districts, 2018
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for State Electoral Districts (SEDs) in 2018.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with six variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sed_code_2018}}{The SED code}
#' \item{\code{sed_name_2018}}{The SED name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2018}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Commonwelath Electoral Districts, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Commonwealth Electoral Districts (CEDs) in 2021.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with six variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ced_code_2021}}{The CED code}
#' \item{\code{ced_name_2021}}{The CED name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' State Electoral Districts, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for State Electoral Districts (SEDs) in 2021.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with six variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sed_code_2021}}{The SED code}
#' \item{\code{sed_name_2021}}{The SED name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Regional IVI, 2008
#' Geospatial data privately provided on request by the Department of Employment(...)'s Labour Market Information Portal Team in 2019.
#' Contains 37 regions used for the Department's Vacancy Report. See http://www.regionalaustralia.org.au/home/regional-jobs-vacancy-map/ for limited details.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with six variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{region_name}}{The name of the region. One of 37 'best fit' regions created for the Vacancy Report by the Department of Jobs and Small Business}
#' \item{\code{state_name}}{The state name.}
#' \item{\code{state_code}}{The state code.}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Postcodes, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for postcodes in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with five variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{postcode_2016}}{The postcode number as a character string.}
#' \item{\code{postcode_num_2016}}{The postcode number as a numeric.}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Postcodes, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for postcodes in 2021.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with five variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{postcode_2021}}{The postcode number as a character string.}
#' \item{\code{postcode_num_2021}}{The postcode number as a numeric.}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Suburbs, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for State Suburbs (SSC) in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with five variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{suburb_2016}}{The suburb (SSC) number as a character string.}
#' \item{\code{suburb_num_2016}}{The suburb number as a numeric.}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2016}}{The state code.}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name.}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Suburbs, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Suburbs and Localities (SAL) in 2021.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with five variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{suburb_2021}}{The suburb (SAL) number as a character string.}
#' \item{\code{suburb_num_2021}}{The suburb number as a numeric.}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2021}}{The state code.}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name.}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Destination Zones, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for destination zones in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with nine variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{dz_code_2016}}{The destination zone code as a character string.}
#' \item{\code{sa2_code_2016}}{The full 9 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_shortcode_2016}}{The 5 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_name_2016}}{The SA2 name character}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Destination Zones, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for destination zones in 2021.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with nine variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{dz_code_2021}}{The destination zone code as a character string.}
#' \item{\code{sa2_code_2021}}{The 9 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_name_2021}}{The SA2 name character}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Destination Zones, 2011
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for destination zones in 2011.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with nine variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{dz_code_2011}}{The destination zone code as a character string.}
#' \item{\code{sa2_code_2011}}{The full 9 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_shortcode_2011}}{The 5 digit SA2 code numeric}
#' \item{\code{sa2_name_2011}}{The SA2 name character}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2011}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Significant Urban Area (SUA), 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Significant Urban Areas (SUA) in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with six variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sua_code_2016}}{The SUA code}
#' \item{\code{sua_name_2016}}{The SUA name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Section of State (SOS), 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Section of State (SOS) in 2016.

#' @format An \code{sf} object with eight variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sos_code_2016}}{The SOS code}
#' \item{\code{sos_name_2016}}{The SOS name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2016}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Section of State Range (SOSR), 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Section of State Range (SOSR) in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with ten variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ssr_code_2016}}{The SSR code}
#' \item{\code{ssr_name_2016}}{The SSR name}
#' \item{\code{sos_code_2016}}{The SOS code}
#' \item{\code{sos_name_2016}}{The SOS name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2016}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Urban Centre and Locality (UCL), 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Urban Centre and Locality (UCL) in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with twelve variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ucl_code_2016}}{The UCL code}
#' \item{\code{ucl_name_2016}}{The UCL name}
#' \item{\code{ssr_code_2016}}{The SSR code}
#' \item{\code{ssr_name_2016}}{The SSR name}
#' \item{\code{sos_code_2016}}{The SOS code}
#' \item{\code{sos_name_2016}}{The SOS name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2016}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Tourism Regions, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Tourism Regions in 2016.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with eight variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{tourism_code_2016}}{The Tourism Regions code}
#' \item{\code{tourism_name_2016}}{The Tourism Regions name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2016}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2016}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2016}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Tourism Regions, 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Tourism Regions in 2021.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with eight variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{tourism_code_2021}}{The Tourism Regions code}
#' \item{\code{tourism_name_2021}}{The Tourism Regions name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2021}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Employment Regions, 2015-2020
#' Geospatial data provided by the Department of Jobs and Small Business for Employment Regions in 2015-2020.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with three variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{employment_region_code_2015}}{The Employment Regions code}
#' \item{\code{employment_region_name_2015}}{The Employment Regions name}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' BITRE Working Zones, 2016
#' Geospatial data provided by BITRE/The Department of Infrastructure,
#' Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 7 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{wz_code}}{Working zone code}
#' \item{\code{wz_code16}}{Working zone code 2016}
#' \item{\code{wz_code16}}{Working zone code 2016}
#' \item{\code{wz_name16}}{Working zone name 2016}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm16}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Significant Urban Area (SUA), 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Significant Urban Areas (SUA) in 2021.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with six variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sua_code_2021}}{The SUA code}
#' \item{\code{sua_name_2021}}{The SUA name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Urban Centre and Locality (UCL), 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for Urban Centre and Locality (UCL) in 2021.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with twelve variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ucl_code_2021}}{The UCL code}
#' \item{\code{ucl_name_2021}}{The UCL name}
#' \item{\code{ssr_code_2021}}{The SSR code}
#' \item{\code{ssr_name_2021}}{The SSR name}
#' \item{\code{sos_code_2021}}{The SOS code}
#' \item{\code{sos_name_2021}}{The SOS name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2021}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' State Electoral Districts, 2022
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for State Electoral Districts (SEDs) in 2022.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with six variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{sed_code_2022}}{The SED code}
#' \item{\code{sed_name_2022}}{The SED name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2022}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Local Government Areas, 2022
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for local government areas (LGAs) in 2022.
#' @format An \code{sf} object with eight variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{lga_code_2022}}{The LGA code}
#' \item{\code{lga_name_2022}}{The LGA name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2022}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2022}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2022}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Indigenous Locations (ILOCs), 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for ILOCs in 2021, where 'Indigenous Locations (ILOCs) represent small Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (urban and rural) with a minimum population of about 90 people.'
#' @source <https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files>
#' @format An \code{sf} object with 11 variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ilo_code_2021}}{The Indigenous Locations code}
#' \item{\code{ilo_name_2021}}{The Indigenous Locations name}
#' \item{\code{iar_code_2021}}{The Indigenous Areas code}
#' \item{\code{iar_name_2021}}{The Indigenous Areas name}
#' \item{\code{ire_code_2021}}{The Indigenous Regions code}
#' \item{\code{ire_name_2021}}{The Indigenous Regions name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2021}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Indigenous Areas (IAREs), 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for IAREs in 2021, where 'Indigenous Areas (IAREs) are medium sized geographical areas designed to facilitate the release of more detailed statistics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.'
#' @source <https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files>
#' @format An \code{sf} object with nine variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{iar_code_2021}}{The Indigenous Areas code}
#' \item{\code{iar_name_2021}}{The Indigenous Areas name}
#' \item{\code{ire_code_2021}}{The Indigenous Regions code}
#' \item{\code{ire_name_2021}}{The Indigenous Regions name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2021}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Indigenous Regions (IREGs), 2021
#' Geospatial data provided by the ABS for IREGs in 2021, where 'Indigenous Regions (IREGs) are large geographical areas based on historical boundaries. The larger population of Indigenous Regions enables highly detailed analysis.'
#' @source <https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/standards/australian-statistical-geography-standard-asgs-edition-3/jul2021-jun2026/access-and-downloads/digital-boundary-files>
#' @format An \code{sf} object with seven variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ire_code_2021}}{The Indigenous Regions code}
#' \item{\code{ire_name_2021}}{The Indigenous Regions name}
#' \item{\code{state_code_2021}}{The state code}
#' \item{\code{state_name_2021}}{The full state name}
#' \item{\code{areasqkm_2021}}{The area in square kilometres}
#' \item{\code{cent_lat}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{cent_long}}{The latitide of the area's centroid}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' NSW Local Health Districts, 2023
#' Geospatial data of NSW Local Health Districts (see source)
#' @source <https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1Dv1JRTGmzlm83tBv7tb8vQcOQXY&hl=en_US&ll=-36.014960831899266%2C146.956844&z=9>
#' @format An \code{sf} object with two variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{nsw_lhd_name}}{The NSW Local Health District name}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }

#' Regional Development Australia 2015-16
#' RDA Regions are created and maintained by the Dept. of Infrastructure and Regional Development to support this initiative.
#' @source <https://data.gov.au/data/dataset/rda-2015-16>
#' @format An \code{sf} object with two variables:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{rda_code_2016}}{Regional Development Australia code}
#' \item{\code{rda_name_2016}}{Regional Development Australia name}
#' \item{\code{geometry}}{A nested list containing the area's geometry (polygons)}
#' }
wfmackey/absmapsdata documentation built on July 28, 2023, 9:15 p.m.