Man pages for wgmao/DataRemix
DataRemix: a universal data transformation for optimal inference from gene expression datasets

canonicalPathwaysCanonical Pathways
corMatToAUCEvaluate meanAUC/meanAUPR/medianAUC/medianAUPR of Recovering...
DataRemixDataRemix Main function
DataRemix_displayDisplay the DataRemix result with the help of knitr::kable
omegaOmega sampled from Fourier transfrom of Kernel
omega_GaussianOmega sampled from Fourier transfrom of Gaussian Kernel
omega_LaplacianOmega sampled from Fourier transfrom of Laplacian Kernel
wgmao/DataRemix documentation built on Aug. 6, 2020, 4:49 p.m.