Man pages for wiesenfa/ESS
Quantification of prior informativeness in terms of prior effective and effective current sample size

adaptiveDesign_binomialSimulate adaptive design where control sample size is...
adaptiveDesign_normalSimulate adaptive design where control sample size is...
as.commensurateEBConvert RBesT mix object into a commensurateEB object
as.mixConvert StudyPrior mixture.prior object into RBesT mix object
as.mixture.priorConvert RBesT mix object into StudyPrior mixture.prior object
as.powerpriorConvert RBesT mix object into powerprior object
ecssCompute Effective Current Sample Size (ECSS)
ehssCompute Effective Historical Sample Size (EHSS)
essCompute Prior Effective Sample Size (prior ESS)
ESS-packageQuantification of prior informativeness in terms of prior...
MSECompute frequentist MSE
plot.ecssPlot ecss object
plotECSSPlot effective current sample size (ECSS) on a grid
postmix.powerpriorPosterior Analysis for empirical Bayes powerprior
powerparameterComputes empirical Bayes estimate of power parameter
powerpriorPosterior Analysis for empirical Bayes powerprior
wiesenfa/ESS documentation built on June 19, 2019, 4:19 p.m.