
Quasi-UMI normalization is a technique for converting single-cell RNA-Seq read counts that lack unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) to a Poisson-lognormal target distribution that approximates a true UMI count distribution.

An example of a non-UMI count protocol is Smart-seq2. An example of a UMI count protocol is Drop-seq. Suppose we have a non-UMI count dataset ("A"). We recommend the following pipeline:

  1. Quantify gene expression in dataset A using a method that adjusts for gene-length bias, such as transcripts-per-million (TPM).
  2. (optional) Find a public UMI counts dataset ("B") with similar biological properties as dataset A, for example by searching a curated repository. Use the poilog_mle_matrix function to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the Poisson-lognormal shape parameters for each cell in B. Save the mean or median of this distribution as the fixed shape parameter. If this is too much trouble, just set the shape parameter to the default value of 2.0.
  3. Use the quminorm function to convert dataset A from TPMs to QUMI counts using the shape parameter from step 2. If dataset A has a lot of zeros, it will probably be most efficient to pass in the data as a sparse Matrix object, as this will enable quminorm to operate on only the nonzero elements. Quminorm supports parallelization by setting the mc.cores parameter.
  4. Analyze the resulting QUMI counts as if they were UMI counts, for example by using feature selection and dimension reduction from the scry package.

Obtaining and preprocessing read count data without UMIs


The Segerstolpe dataset is from Smart-seq2 of human pancreas tissue. We remove low-quality cells and genes and convert read counts to TPMs.

sce<-SegerstolpePancreasData(ensembl=TRUE, location=FALSE)
sce<-sce[, colData(sce)$`single cell well quality`=="OK"]
sce<-sce[rowSums(counts(sce))>0 & !$length), ]
tpm<-counts(sce)/rowData(sce)$length #recycling

Fitting a Poisson-lognormal distribution to UMI count data

The Grun dataset is from CEL-seq of human pancreas tissue. We use it as a reference to determine a reasonable shape parameter for quasi-UMI normalization.

This step is optional. If we didn't have time to look for a matching UMI counts dataset, we could just use the default of 2.0 for the shape parameter and skip to the next section.

#subsample of cells to save time, in real life we would use all cells

A shape parameter of about 1.9 appears to be appropriate for this tissue type.

Visualize the UMI count distribution

#plot(table(m[,1]),main="Grun UMI counts")
hist(log1p(m[,1]),main="Grun log(1+UMI counts)")

Quantile normalization to obtain quasi-UMI counts

Going back to the Segerstolpe data, we can now obtain QUMI counts using our custom shape parameter of 1.9.

#plot(table(qumi[,1]),main="Segerstolpe QUMI counts")
hist(log1p(qumi[,1]),main="Segerstolpe log(1+QUMI counts)")

Compare the QUMI count distribution to the original read count distribution.

hist(log1p(counts(sce)[,1]),main="Segerstolpe log(1+read counts)")

willtownes/quminorm documentation built on March 13, 2021, 2:16 a.m.