
#' Simulated differential expression data with one exposure
#' A dataset containing 1e4 biomarkers and one exposure
#' @format A numeric matrix containing 1e4 biomarkers of 1e2 subjects.
#' \describe{
#'   This is example data to be used in testing the \code{adaptest}
#'   procedure. Consult the vignettes for how to use this data.
#' }
#' @return A matrix \code{simulated_array}

#' Simulated differential expression data with one exposure
#' A dataset containing 1e4 biomarkers and one exposure
#' @format A numeric vector containing binary exposures
#' \describe{
#'   This is example data to be used in testing the \code{adaptest}
#'   procedure. Consult the vignettes for how to use this data.
#' }
#' @return A numeric vector \code{simulated_treatment}.
wilsoncai1992/adaptest documentation built on Jan. 6, 2020, 2:33 p.m.