
[fbseqComputation package](https://github.com/wlandau/fbseqComputation) package is a smaller version of the fbseqStudies package package, created becase fbseqStudies package reveals too much too soon. [fbseqComputation package](https://github.com/wlandau/fbseqComputation) package reproduces the results of Section 5 ("Assessing computational tractability") of a paper entitled "A fully Bayesian strategy for high-dimensional hierarchical modeling using massively parallel computing" by Will Landau and Dr. Jarad Niemi. The goal is to assess the computational tractability of fbseq package and fbseqCUDA package using a real RNA-seq dataset [@paschold] and a simulation study based off this dataset. See the original paper for details.

System requirements


Option 1: install a stable release (recommended).

Navigate to a list of stable releases on the project's GitHub page. Download the desired tar.gz bundle, then install it either with install.packages(..., repos = NULL, type="source") from within R R CMD INSTALL from the Unix/Linux command line.

Option 2: use install_github to install the development version.

For this option, you need the devtools package, available from CRAN or GitHub. Open R and run


Option 3: build the development version from the source.

Open a command line program such as Terminal in Mac/Linux and enter the following commands.

git clone git@github.com:wlandau/fbseqComputation.git
R CMD build fbseqComputation

where ... is replaced by the name of the tarball produced by R CMD build.

Run paper_computation() to reproduce the analysis

The function paper_computation() reproduces the computational results of Section 5 (Assessing computational tractability) of "A fully Bayesian strategy for high-dimensional hierarchical modeling using massively parallel computing" by Will Landau and Dr. Jarad Niemi. Internally, paper_computation() runs the following functions.

For further control during the computation, the user may run any of the above functions individually. real_mcmc() and computation_mcmc() do not have to be run completely through in a single run, as they do not overwrite existing completed Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) runs in the real_mcmc and computation_mcmc folders, respectively. To see which MCMCs analyses are completed so far, run progress("real_mcmc") or progress("computation_mcmc"). For even finer-grained control, see the manual and help files.


wlandau/fbseqComputation documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:43 a.m.