
#' targets: Archetypes for Targets
#' @description A pipeline toolkit for R, the `targets` package brings together
#'   function-oriented programming and Make-like declarative pipelines for
#'   Statistics and data science. The `tarchetypes` package provides
#'   convenient helper functions to create specialized targets, making
#'   pipelines in targets easier and cleaner to write and understand.
#' @name tarchetypes-package
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows mutate select
#' @importFrom fs dir_create is_dir path_ext path_ext_remove
#'   path_ext_set path_rel
#' @importFrom parallel clusterCall clusterMap makePSOCKcluster parLapply
#'   stopCluster
#' @importFrom rlang as_function as_quosure call2 check_installed enquo expr
#'   inform is_call is_missing quo_squash
#' @importFrom secretbase siphash13
#' @importFrom targets tar_assert_chr tar_assert_dbl tar_assert_df
#'   tar_assert_envir tar_assert_equal_lengths
#'   tar_assert_expr tar_assert_file tar_assert_flag
#'   tar_assert_function tar_assert_ge tar_assert_identical
#'   tar_assert_in tar_assert_not_dirs tar_assert_not_dir
#'   tar_assert_not_in tar_assert_inherits tar_assert_int
#'   tar_assert_internet tar_assert_lang tar_assert_le
#'   tar_assert_list tar_assert_lgl tar_assert_name
#'   tar_assert_names tar_assert_nonempty tar_assert_not_expr
#'   tar_assert_nzchar tar_assert_package tar_assert_path
#'   tar_assert_match tar_assert_nonmissing tar_assert_positive
#'   tar_assert_scalar tar_assert_target tar_assert_target_list
#'   tar_assert_true tar_assert_unique tar_assert_unique_targets
#'   tar_cue tar_definition tar_deparse_language tar_deparse_safe
#'   tar_dir tar_envir tar_exist_meta tar_format tar_group tar_load tar_meta
#'   tar_option_get tar_option_set tar_path_target tar_read
#'   tar_runtime_object tar_script tar_seed_create tar_seed_set
#'   tar_target tar_target_raw tar_test tar_tidy_eval
#'   tar_throw_validate tar_warn_deprecate tar_warn_validate
#' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of any_of contains ends_with everything
#'   last_col matches num_range one_of starts_with
#' @importFrom utils download.file globalVariables head
#' @importFrom vctrs vec_c vec_rbind
#' @importFrom withr local_dir local_envvar local_options with_options

wlandau/tarchetypes documentation built on Sept. 26, 2024, 12:23 p.m.