  collapse  = TRUE,
  comment   = "#>"

This vignette reproduces the follow figures from the psupertime preprint:

Data and requirements

This vignette illustrates the default psupertime analysis and plotting, by analysing data derived from aging acinar cells. The data is stored in acinar_sce, which consists of 411 acinar cells with sequential labels corresponding to age of donor in years (from here, GSE81547).

There are a couple of bits of additional analysis for which you need additional packages (and which will not run if you don't have them):

  # load packages

Obtaining data and doing dimensionality reduction

Let's first get the relevant data, and restrict to just the highly variable genes.

  # get data
  message('loading acinar cell SCE object')
  tag       = 'aging_acinar'
  label_name    = 'Donor age\n(years)'

  # restrict to highly variable genes
  message('identifying highly variable genes')
  hvg_params    = list(hvg_cutoff=0.1, bio_cutoff=0.5, span=0.1)
  sel_genes     = psupertime:::calc_hvg_genes(acinar_sce, hvg_params)
  acinar_hvg    = acinar_sce[sel_genes, ]

Now we check how the labels are distributed over the data using a non-linear dimensionality reduction algorithm (this reproduces Fig 1C). This plot shows that although the individual donors explain a large proportion of the variation in the data (i.e. cells generally cluster with other cells from the same donor), donor age accounts for only a small proportion of the variation.

  # check whether can use umap
  if ( !requireNamespace("umap", quietly=TRUE) ) {
    message('umap not installed; not doing clustering')


  # calc and plot umap
  message('projecting using UMAP')
  x               = t(SummarizedExperiment::assay(acinar_hvg, 'logcounts'))
  wellKey_vector  = SingleCellExperiment::colData(acinar_hvg)$wellKey
  label_vector    = factor(SingleCellExperiment::colData(acinar_hvg)[['donor_age']])
  proj_umap       = psupplementary:::calc_umap(x, wellKey_vector)
  g               = psupplementary:::plot_dim_reduction(label_vector, proj_umap$umap1, proj_umap$umap2, 
    labels=c('umap1', 'umap2', 'Donor age (years)'))

Running psupertime

We now run psupertime using default parameters, and examine the genes that it identifies. We first specify the sequential labels to be used, in this case donor_age.

(Note that we use the sce acinar_sce, rather than the restricted acinar_hvg. This is because psupertime does the dimensionality reduction itself. Normally we wouldn't do the gene selection separately, but here we wanted to look at the UMAP projection.)

  # run psupertime
  message('running psupertime')
  y_age       = acinar_sce$donor_age
  psuper_obj  = psupertime(acinar_sce, y_age)

Plotting psupertime results

The plot below shows how the sequential labels are distributed over the identified pseudotime (Fig 1D). This allows us to check how easily psupertime was able to order the cells.

  # plot labels over learned psupertime
  message('plotting labels over psupertime')
  g         = plot_labels_over_psupertime(psuper_obj, label_name)

We can check the effect of different levels of regularization, $\lambda$, on classification performance and sparsity. The plot below shows training and test performance of psupertime used as a classifier, for the range of $\lambda$ values it was trained over (Supp Fig 01).

  # plot training diagnostics
  message('plotting psupertime training diagnostics')
  g         = plot_train_results(psuper_obj)

The next plot shows the profiles of genes identified by psupertime, plotted against the learned pseudotime values (Supp Fig 02).

  # plot identified genes against learned psupertime
  message('plotting identified genes over psupertime')
  g         = plot_identified_genes_over_psupertime(psuper_obj, label_name)
  # NOT RUN: smaller plot replicating Fig 1E
  # g         = plot_identified_genes_over_psupertime(psuper_obj, label_name, n_to_plot=5)

Each of these genes has a different coefficient, indicating how strongly they affect the pseudotime values. The plot below shows the coefficients for the top 20 genes, subject to minimum absolute coefficient value of 0.05 (Supp Fig 03). Positive coefficients correspond to genes positively correlated with the label sequence, and vice versa for negative coefficients.

  # plot coefficients for identified genes
  message('plotting identified gene coefficients')
  g         = plot_identified_gene_coefficients(psuper_obj)

GO enrichment of genes relevant to acinar cells

We can also analyse which GO terms are enriched at various points of the sequence. Calculating the GO terms can take a little while.

  # check whether can use topGO
  if ( !requireNamespace("topGO", quietly=TRUE) ) {
    message('topGO not installed; not doing clustering')

  # calculate go terms
  go_list     = psupertime_go_analysis(psuper_obj, org_mapping='')

  # plot gene cluster profiles
  g_profiles  = plot_profiles_of_gene_clusters(go_list, label_name='Donor age\n(years)')
  # plot go terms
  g_go        = plot_go_results(go_list)

Once we've done that, we can plot the mean profiles of the clustered genes against the pseudotime values. This tells us whether these genes are up, down or otherwise regulated over the sequence of labels.


We can then show the GO terms enriched in each gene cluster relative to the others.


wmacnair/psupplementary documentation built on Sept. 10, 2019, 1:36 p.m.