Man pages for wpeterman/ResistanceGA
Optimize resistance surfaces using genetic algorithms

all_combAnalyze all combinations
Combine_SurfacesCombine multiple resistance surfaces together
CS.prepPrepare and bundle input CIRCUITSCAPE model parameters
Dc_listData file. A list of three matrices
Diagnostic.PlotsCreate diagnostic plots
GA.prepCreate R object with genetic algorithm optimization settings
gdist.prepPrepare data for optimization using 'gdistance'
Grid.SearchConduct grid search of response surface
jl_outData file. Example raster output from CIRCUITSCAPE Julia
jl.prepPrepare and bundle input CIRCUITSCAPE model parameters to run...
k.smoothKernel smoothing function
lowerMake a vector of the lower half of a square distance matrix
MLPE.lmmRun maximum likelihood population effects mixed effects model...
mlpe_rgaRun maximum likelihood population effects mixed effects model...
MS_optimSimultaneous optimization of multiple resistance surfaces
pipePipe operator
Plot.transPlot continuous surface transformation
raster_origData file. Simulated original resistance surfaces
raster_trueData file. Simulated true resistance surfaces
ResistanceGA-packageAbout this R package
resistance_surfacesData file. Simulated resistance surfaces
Resistance.tranApply transformation to continuous resistance surface
Resist.bootRun bootstrap on optimized resistance surfaces
resist_listData file. A list of three matrices
Run_CS.jlRun Julia version of CIRCUITSCAPE from R
Run_gdistanceGet cost distance using gdistance Execute gdistance
sample_popsData file. A list of three 'sp' objects
samplesData file. Example sample location file
SHNeCalculate distance-based Spatial-Heterogeneity-in-Ne (SHNe)...
SS_optimSingle surface optimization
To.From.IDConvenience function to make to-from object needed for...
wpeterman/ResistanceGA documentation built on Nov. 20, 2023, 11:50 p.m.