makeSurvObj: Functions to build survival objects

makeSurvObjR Documentation

Functions to build survival objects


A function to fit logistic regressions defining survival following user defined formulas (e.g., size+size^2, etc) to build survival objects for which methods to build an IPM object are defined.


makeSurvObj(dataf,Formula=surv~size+size2, coeff=NULL)



a dataframe with columns ‘size’ and ‘surv’(‘size’ is size at t, ‘surv’ is 0 for death of the individual and 1 for survival); facultatively, dataf may include ‘covariate’ and ‘covariatel’ for a single discrete covariate, indicating values at t, and at t+1, respectively; these must take values of sequential integers, starting at ‘1’.


a formula describing the desired explanatory variables (interactions, etc) in classical R style, i.e. separated by ‘+’, ‘*’, ‘:’. Possible covariates include ‘size’, 'size2' (size^2), ‘size3’ (size^3),‘logsize’ (log(size)), ‘logsize2’ (log(size)^2), and ‘covariate’. Response should be 'surv' to match dataf


numeric vector of required coefficients to be imposed if dataf is NULL; must be compatible with Formula


An object of class survObj which is a S4 object which contains the slots:


an object of class lm or glm that can be used with predict in the survival methods

Slots can be listed by using slotNames(survObj)


See manual for details on building case-specific survival objects.


C. Jessica E. Metcalf, Sean M. McMahon, Roberto Salguero-Gomez & Eelke Jongejans

See Also



#generate data
dff <- generateData()
#make simple logistic regression survival object relating survival to size at t
sv1 <- makeSurvObj(dff, Formula=surv~size)
#assess fit for model with discrete environmental classes fitted
sv1 <- makeSurvObj(dff, Formula=surv~size+covariate)

#now specifying parameters and supplying no data
sv1 <- makeSurvObj(Formula = surv ~ size + covariate,coeff=c(1,1,1))

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