knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


This vignette walks the user through applying the neural embedding NLP approach to a novel set of PDF documents. We use a sample corpus of eight peer-reviewed academic journal articles about restoration.

Installation instructions

R can be downloaded from this link. Once it is downloaded, open up the 32-bit version (i386, as WRI computers only seem to have 32-bit version of Java). Then, you can proceed to installing the package by running the following lines of code. Copy and paste them one at a time and press enter.


Downloading data

Next, we load up the package into R using library. Depending on your operating system, you then need to run either install_mac or install_windows - these functions will get the Java dependencies to extract text from images, as well as install the necessary components to run neural networks.

Finally, the download_example function will download the example PDFs.


Prepping documents for querying

The prep_documents function will strip text from the PDFs, clean up the results, and calculate neural weights. These can be turned off by specifying ocr = F, clean = F, or weights = F. The function takes a path to the folder of documents - in this case they are stored in a folder called pdfs. This pathing is local to the directory that R is running in - this can be printed with getwd() and changed with setwd().

corpus <- prep_documents("pdfs")

Querying documents for paragraphs related to land tenure

The create_report function takes the following arguments:

  1. query: Query phrase within quotations.
  2. data: name that the output of prep_documents is stored to.
create_report(query = "food water waste wastewater reuse", data = corpus)
create_report(query="land tenure", data = corpus, interactive = F, thresh = 0.51)


The results of the create_report function are stored in an html file in the working directory. I have included the results within this file for ease of example.


wri/retrieveR documentation built on July 23, 2019, 11:54 p.m.