Man pages for wulingyun/CopTea
Combinatorial OPTimization based Enrichment Analysis

build_sim_netBuild the gene similarity network from annoations
CopTea-packageCopTea - Combinatorial optimization based enrichment analysis
get_annotated_genesGet annotated gene list
get_annotationsGet annotations from databases
get_gene_setsTransform the gene lists into the matrix of gene sets
get_GO_annotationsExtract GO temrs information from GO annotation
get_GO_leafsGet GO leaf terms
get_significant_termsGet significant term list
id_mappingMapping between different gene ids
id_mapping_from_symbolMapping gene symbols to central ids
id_mapping_speciesMapping gene central ids from one species to other species
id_mapping_to_symbolMapping central ids to gene symbols
kappa_scoreCohen's kappa score
require_biocLoad a Bioconductor package
toMatrixTurn a two-columns mapping table to matrix
wulingyun/CopTea documentation built on Dec. 4, 2019, 2:59 p.m.