dat.dogliotti2014: Studies on Antithrombotic Treatments to Prevent Strokes

dat.dogliotti2014R Documentation

Studies on Antithrombotic Treatments to Prevent Strokes


Results from 20 trials examining the effectiveness of antithrombotic treatments to prevent strokes in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation.




The data frame contains the following columns:

study character study label
id numeric study ID
treatment character treatment
stroke numeric number of strokes
total numeric number of individuals


This dataset comes from a systematic review aiming to estimate the effects of eight antithrombotic treatments including placebo in reducing the incidence of major thrombotic events in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (Dogliotti et al., 2014).

The review included 20 studies with 79,808 participants, four studies are three-arm studies. The primary outcome is stroke reduction (yes / no).


medicine, odds ratios, network meta-analysis, Mantel-Haenszel method


Guido Schwarzer, sc@imbi.uni-freiburg.de, https://github.com/guido-s/


Dogliotti, A., Paolasso, E., & Giugliano, R. P. (2014). Current and new oral antithrombotics in non-valvular atrial fibrillation: A network meta-analysis of 79808 patients. Heart, 100(5), 396–405. ⁠https://doi.org/10.1136/heartjnl-2013-304347⁠

See Also

pairwise, metabin, netmeta, netmetabin


### Show first 7 rows / 3 studies of the dataset
head(dat.dogliotti2014, 7)

## Not run: 
### Load netmeta package

### Print odds ratios and confidence limits with two digits
settings.meta(digits = 2)

### Change appearance of confidence intervals
cilayout("(", "-")

### Transform data from long arm-based format to contrast-based
### format. Argument 'sm' has to be used for odds ratio as summary
### measure; by default the risk ratio is used in the metabin function
### called internally.
pw <- pairwise(treat = treatment, n = total, event = stroke,
  studlab = study, data = dat.dogliotti2014, sm = "OR")

### Print log odds ratios (TE) and standard errors (seTE)
head(pw, 5)[, 1:5]

### Conduct network meta-analysis (NMA) with placebo as reference
net <- netmeta(pw, ref = "plac")

### Details on excluded study
selvars <- c("studlab", "event1", "n1", "event2", "n2")
subset(pw, studlab == "WASPO, 2007")[, selvars]

### Show network graph
netgraph(net, seq = "optimal", number = TRUE)

### Conduct Mantel-Haenszel NMA
net.mh <- netmetabin(pw, ref = "plac")

### Compare results of inverse variance and Mantel-Haenszel NMA
nb <- netbind(net, net.mh, random = FALSE,
  name = c("Inverse variance", "Mantel-Haenszel"))
forest(nb, xlim = c(0.15, 2), at = c(0.2, 0.5, 1, 2))

### Print and plot results for inverse variance NMA

## End(Not run)

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