
This is a regular submission of the minor version of the package, where few minor issues were corrected.

Test environments

R CMD check results

There were no ERRORs, WARNINGs. The following 4 NOTEs have been reported by devtools::check_rhub. The surname Tschuprow is correctly spelled and the URL is accessible.

─  checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... [15s] NOTE
   Maintainer: 'Wojciech Wójciak <>'

   Possibly misspelled words in DESCRIPTION:
     Tschuprow (10:60)

   Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs:
       From: man/CapacityScaling.Rd
       Status: 403
       Message: Forbidden

─  checking PDF version of manual ... [12s] OK
N  checking HTML version of manual
   Skipping checking math rendering: package 'V8' unavailable
   Found the following files/directories:
N  checking for non-standard things in the check directory
N  checking for detritus in the temp directory
   Found the following files/directories:

wwojciech/stratallo documentation built on Dec. 24, 2024, 10:43 p.m.