Man pages for xhtai/cartridges
Algorithm to Compare Cartridge Case Images

allPreprocessPerform all pre-processing steps
basis1769List of basis functions for a 1769 x 1769 image.
calculateCCFmaxCompute maximum correlation for two images, taking into...
calculateCCFmaxSearchCompute maximum correlation for two images, taking into...
cartridgescartridges: A package for comparing cartridge case images.
centerBFprimerCenter image
comparisonCompute correlation for two images
computeProbCompute the probability of obtaining a higher correlation by...
cropBordersCrop borders of an image
findFPFind and remove firing pin region
findPrimerRead cartridge case image and find primer region
fitBasisFit basis functions
FPexampleMatrix of pixel values after selecting only the breechface...
gaussianFilterFilter image.
getBasisFunctionsGet ij coordinates for circularly symmetric basis functions
getClustGoing from links to clusters
getFittedGet fitted image from basis function coefficients
getHclusterHierarchical clustering given pairwise distances
inpaintedExampleMatrix of pixel values after the first three pre-processing...
inpaint_nansFill in NA values
levelBFLevel image
linksAnalysisHierarchical clustering to generate final clusters
longToSquareGenerate distance matrix from pairwise list and distance (or...
makeLinkColGenerate binary column representing links between pairs,...
outlierRejectionRemove outliers and fill them in with NA
plotImagePlot an image
precisionRecall#' Find prototypes given clustering, and radius (maximum...
primerExampleBinary image in 'EBImage' format indicating the primer region
processedExampleMatrix of pixel values of processed image from the NBIDE...
processedExample2Matrix of pixel values of processed image from the NBIDE...
readCartridgeImageRead in a cartridge image
removeCircularRemove circular symmetry of an image
removedExampleMatrix of pixel values after the first three pre-processing...
removeDupsGiven a data set with all pairwise comparisons including A-B...
statisticsByBasisFunctionGet statistics for each basis function
xhtai/cartridges documentation built on June 1, 2019, 2:58 p.m.