ipw.pi.competing: Sample-Weighted Prevalence-Incidence Mixture Models for...

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) References

View source: R/ipw.pi.competing.R


This package fits competing risks models to failure time (or survival time) data for two competing events. Failure time for one event of the competing events can be prevalent left-censored, interval-censored or a mixture of truly incident disease and missed prevalent disease when disease ascertainment is not always conducted at baseline, while failure time for the other event is only interval-censored. Baseline is set to be time 0. General transformation,G(x)=(1+r*x)/r if r>0; =x if r=0, is used for a subdistribution hazard function multiplied by an exponential effect of a linear combination of risk factors for flexible incidence models. Logistic regression models are used for prevalence. The IPW log-likelihood approach, which uses the inverse of sample inclusion probabilities, is employed to account for different sampling fractions across strata.


ipw.pi.competing(Data, p.model, i.model1, i.model2, trans.r1 = 0,
  trans.r2 = 0, n.beta = 1, n.gamma1 = 0, n.gamma2 = 0,
  reg.initials = NULL, convergence.criteria = 0.001,
  iteration.limit = 250, time.interval = 0.1, time.list = NULL,
  population = "super", anal.var = TRUE, ...)



Data used to fit the model containing columns for each term in p.model, i.model1 and i.model2 expressions. For stratified random sampling designs, columns denoted samp.wgt and strata are expected indicating the sampling weights and sampling strata. population="super" option, an additional column denoted strata.frac is expected indicating the fraction of the population that consists of each strata. For example, if in the target population there are three strata that occurs with proportions 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6, then strata.frac will take values of 0.2, 0.4 or 0.6.


The prevalence model for event 1 to be fitted, specified using an expression of the form C~model. Elements in the expression are as followed:

  • c - Numeric variable indicating whether the event was prevalent at time zero, taking values of 1="Yes", 0="No", -999="Unknown";

  • model - Linear predictor consisting of a series of terms separated by + operators.


The incidence model for event 1 to be fitted using an expression of the form C+L1+R1~model1

  • C - Numeric variable indicating whether the event was prevalent at time zero, taking values of 1="Yes", 0="No", -999="Unknown";

  • L1 - Numeric starting time of the interval in which event 1 occurred, with -999 denoting known prevalent events;

  • R1 - Ending time of the interval in which event 1 occurred, with -999 and Inf denoting known prevalent event 1 and right-censoring, respectively;

  • model1 - Linear predictor consisting of a series of terms separated by + operators.


The incidence model for event 2 to be fitted, specified using an expression of the form L2+R2~model2

  • L2 - Numeric starting time of the interval in which event 1 occurred, with -999 denoting known prevalent event 1;

  • R2 - Ending time of the interval in which event 1 occurred, with -999 and Inf denoting known prevalent event 1 and right-censoring, respectively;

  • model2 - Linear predictor consisting of a series of terms separated by + operators.


The parameter "r" for the transformation function for event 1, G(x)=log(1+rx)/r for r>0;G(x)=x for r=0 (default),which indicates proportional hazards model for the subdistribution hazard function.


The parameter "r" for the transformation function for event 2. Default to 0.


is The number of regressors expressed in the p.model plus 1 (for intercept). If p.model is "C~1", n.beta=1.


The number of regressors expressed in the i.model1. If i.model1 is "C+L1+R1~1", n.gamma1=0.


The number of regressors expressed in the i.model2. If i.model2 is "L2+R2~1", n.gamma2=0.


The initial values for regression coefficients in the order of (p.model, i.model1, i.model2). The number of components for reg.initials is n.beta+n.gamma1+n.gamma2. Default to be NULL.


The criterion for the convergence of the iterated algorithm. Default to 0.001


The maximum number allowed for the iteration of the algorithm. Default to 250.


time.interval determines how finner finite time points are evenly divided, at which subdistribution hazard functions are estimated. Default to 0.1.


a vector of finite time points at which subdistribution hazard functions are estimated. Default to NULL. For example, when an irregular spaced time points are of interest, time.list=c(1,3,8,10).


options="super" and "finite" include variation due to super-population sampling and finite sampling from the super-population and variation due to finite sampling from a finite population, respectively. Default to "super".


analytical variance estimation is provided when anal.var=TRUE and the inverse information matrix exists. Default to TRUE.


The output is a list of class ipw.pi.competing.risks, which contains the following elements.


Noorie Hyun, nhyun@mcw.edu, Xiao Li xiaoli@mcw.edu


xiaoli-mcw/PIcompete documentation built on May 20, 2020, 7:44 p.m.