Contributing to samplyzer

First of all, thanks for taking your time to contribute! You could contribute to this project by:

Filing a bug report or feature request in an issue. Suggesting a change via a pull request.


To file an issue about a possible bug, please try to include:

Pull Requests

To suggest a change via pull requests, please:

  1. Fork the repository into your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to local machine, make the changes.
  3. Commit and push the changes to GitHub. Create a pull request.

Style guide

Please try to follow the coding style in this repo: 1. One line should be no longer than 80 characters 2. For each function, include documentation of the function and input variables 3. One function should not be longer than 30 lines (otherwise create two functions) 4. Use CamelCase rather than under_score.

xiaoli0/samplyzer documentation built on Sept. 4, 2023, 9:23 p.m.