Man pages for xihaoli/STAAR
STAAR Procedure for Dynamic Incorporation of Multiple Functional Annotations in Whole-Genome Sequencing Studies

CCTAn analytical p-value combination method using the Cauchy...
fit_null_glmFit generalized linear model under the null hypothesis for...
fit_null_glm_Binary_SPAFit generalized linear model under the null hypothesis for...
fit_null_glmmkinFit generalized linear mixed model with known relationship...
fit_null_glmmkin_Binary_SPAFit generalized linear mixed model with known relationship...
Indiv_Score_Test_RegionScore test for individual variants in a given variant-set
Indiv_Score_Test_Region_condConditional score test for individual variants in a given...
STAARSTAAR procedure using omnibus test
STAAR_Binary_SPASTAAR-SPA procedure using omnibus test
STAAR_condSTAAR procedure for conditional analysis using omnibus test
xihaoli/STAAR documentation built on May 26, 2024, 9:13 p.m.