STAAR: STAAR procedure using omnibus test

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STAARR Documentation

STAAR procedure using omnibus test


The STAAR function takes in genotype, the object from fitting the null model, and functional annotation data to analyze the association between a quantitative/dichotomous phenotype and a variant-set by using STAAR procedure. For each variant-set, the STAAR-O p-value is a p-value from an omnibus test that aggregated SKAT(1,25), SKAT(1,1), Burden(1,25), Burden(1,1), ACAT-V(1,25), and ACAT-V(1,1) together with p-values of each test weighted by each annotation using Cauchy method.


  annotation_phred = NULL,
  rare_maf_cutoff = 0.01,
  rv_num_cutoff = 2



an n*p genotype matrix (dosage matrix) of the target sequence, where n is the sample size and p is the number of genetic variants.


an object from fitting the null model, which is the output from either fit_null_glm function for unrelated samples or fit_null_glmmkin function for related samples. Note that fit_null_glmmkin is a wrapper of the glmmkin function from the GMMAT package.


a data frame or matrix of functional annotation data of dimension p*q (or a vector of a single annotation score with length p). Continuous scores should be given in PHRED score scale, where the PHRED score of j-th variant is defined to be -10*log10(rank(-score_j)/total) across the genome. (Binary) categorical scores should be taking values 0 or 1, where 1 is functional and 0 is non-functional. If not provided, STAAR will perform the SKAT(1,25), SKAT(1,1), Burden(1,25), Burden(1,1), ACAT-V(1,25), ACAT-V(1,1) and ACAT-O tests (default = NULL).


the cutoff of maximum minor allele frequency in defining rare variants (default = 0.01).


the cutoff of minimum number of variants of analyzing a given variant-set (default = 2).


A list with the following members:

num_variant: the number of variants with minor allele frequency > 0 and less than rare_maf_cutoff in the given variant-set that are used for performing the variant-set using STAAR.

cMAC: the cumulative minor allele count of variants with minor allele frequency > 0 and less than rare_maf_cutoff in the given variant-set.

RV_label: the boolean vector indicating whether each variant in the given variant-set has minor allele frequency > 0 and less than rare_maf_cutoff.

results_STAAR_O: the STAAR-O p-value that aggregated SKAT(1,25), SKAT(1,1), Burden(1,25), Burden(1,1), ACAT-V(1,25), and ACAT-V(1,1) together with p-values of each test weighted by each annotation using Cauchy method.

results_ACAT_O: the ACAT-O p-value that aggregated SKAT(1,25), SKAT(1,1), Burden(1,25), Burden(1,1), ACAT-V(1,25), and ACAT-V(1,1) using Cauchy method.

results_STAAR_S_1_25: a vector of STAAR-S(1,25) p-values, including SKAT(1,25) p-value weighted by MAF, the SKAT(1,25) p-values weighted by each annotation, and a STAAR-S(1,25) p-value by aggregating these p-values using Cauchy method.

results_STAAR_S_1_1: a vector of STAAR-S(1,1) p-values, including SKAT(1,1) p-value weighted by MAF, the SKAT(1,1) p-values weighted by each annotation, and a STAAR-S(1,1) p-value by aggregating these p-values using Cauchy method.

results_STAAR_B_1_25: a vector of STAAR-B(1,25) p-values, including Burden(1,25) p-value weighted by MAF, the Burden(1,25) p-values weighted by each annotation, and a STAAR-B(1,25) p-value by aggregating these p-values using Cauchy method.

results_STAAR_B_1_1: a vector of STAAR-B(1,1) p-values, including Burden(1,1) p-value weighted by MAF, the Burden(1,1) p-values weighted by each annotation, and a STAAR-B(1,1) p-value by aggregating these p-values using Cauchy method.

results_STAAR_A_1_25: a vector of STAAR-A(1,25) p-values, including ACAT-V(1,25) p-value weighted by MAF, the ACAT-V(1,25) p-values weighted by each annotation, and a STAAR-A(1,25) p-value by aggregating these p-values using Cauchy method.

results_STAAR_A_1_1: a vector of STAAR-A(1,1) p-values, including ACAT-V(1,1) p-value weighted by MAF, the ACAT-V(1,1) p-values weighted by each annotation, and a STAAR-A(1,1) p-value by aggregating these p-values using Cauchy method.


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xihaoli/STAAR documentation built on May 26, 2024, 9:13 p.m.