knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, eval=TRUE,  cache=TRUE)

Table of Contents


To install a stable version from CRAN, call install.packages("xxIRT") in R console. To install the most recent version from GitHub, call devtools::install_github("xluo11/xxIRT") in R console (if the devtools package has not been installed yet, install it first). To remove the package, call remove.packages("xxIRT") in R console.


xxIRT is an R package designed to provide a suite of practical psychometric analysis and research tools that keep abreast of latest advancement in psychometrics, especially pertaining to computer-based testing and innovative use of technology. The package is organized into five modules:

  1. IRT Models
  2. Parameter Estimation
  3. Automated Test Assembly
  4. Computerized Adaptive Testing
  5. Multistage Testing

Package Modules

IRT Models
3PL Model

The famous 3-parameter-logistic (3PL) model was introduced by Birnbaum[^1]. The 3PL model uses three item parameters (a, b, and c) and one ability parameter ($\theta$) to describe the interaction between an item and a person. The three item parameters are often referred to as the discrimination, difficulty and pseudo-guessing. By default, the scaling constant D is 1.702. When c=0, the 3PL model is reduced to the 2PL model. When a=1 and c=0, the 3PL model is reduced to the 1PL model. When a=1, c=0, and D=1, the model is mathematically equivalent to the Rasch model[^2].

The following functions are available for the 3PL model:

[^1]: Birnbaum, A. (1968). Some latent trait models. In F.M. Lord & M.R. Novick, (Eds.), Statistical theories of mental test scores. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. [^2]: Rasch, G. (1966). An item analysis which takes individual differences into account. British journal of mathematical and statistical psychology, 19(1), 49-57.

# prepare data
a <- c( .8,  1, 1.2)
b <- c(-.5,  0, 0.5)
c <- c( .1, .2,  .3)
t <- c( -1,  0,   1)
u <- matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=3)
u[lower.tri(u, diag=T)] <- 1

# compute the probability for the 3PL model
# expect: (.40, .32, .33), (.70, .60, .49), (.90, .88, .81)
model_3pl_prob(t, a, b, c, 1.702) %>% round(., 2)
# compute the information for the 3PL model
# expect: (.31, .14, .02), (.35, .48, .31), (.17, .29, .51)
model_3pl_info(t, a, b, c, 1.702) %>% round(., 2)
# compute the likelihood for the 3PL model
# expect: (.40, .68, .67), (.70, .60, .51), (.90, .88, .81)
model_3pl_lh(u, t, a, b, c, 1.702) %>% round(., 2)
# generate 1PL data with 10% missing
x <- model_3pl_gendata(10, 5, a=1, c=0, missing=.1)
with(x, data.frame(a=a, b=b, c=c)) %>% round(., 2)

# generate 3PL data and sample b from N(1.0, .5)
x <- model_3pl_gendata(10, 5, b_dist=c(1.0, .5))
with(x, data.frame(a=a, b=b, c=c)) %>% round(., 2)

# rescale b parameters to N(0, 1)
x <- with(x, model_3pl_rescale(t, a, b, c, param="b", mean=0, sd=1))
with(x, data.frame(a=a, b=b, c=c)) %>% round(., 2)
# generate data
x <- model_3pl_gendata(500, 4)
# Item characteristic curves
with(x, model_3pl_plot(a, b, c, type="prob"))
# Test information function
with(x, model_3pl_plot(a, b, c, type="info", total=TRUE))
# Item fit plot
with(x, model_3pl_fitplot(u, t, a, b, c, index=1:2, intervals=seq(-3, 3, .5)))
Generalized Partial Credit Model

The generalized partial credit model (GPCM) was introduced by Muraki[^3][^4]. GPCM extends IRT to model polytomously scored items where responses have more than two score categories. GPCM uses one ability parameter, one item discrimination parameter, and k (number of score categories) item category parameters to describe the interaction between an item and a people. There are two parameterization of this model: (1) use ${b_{ik}}$ to represent the difficulty of category k in item i, or (2) use ${b_i}$ to represent the overall difficulty of item i and ${d_{ik}}$ the difficulty of category k in item i. The second model parameterization is adopted in this package. In this parameterization, each item has a vector of d-parameters whose sum is equal to 0, and ${d_1}$ is set to 0.

The following functions are available for GPCM:

[^3]: Muraki, E. (1992). A Generalized Partial Credit Model: Application of an EM Algorithm. Applied Psychological Measurement, 16(2), 159-176. [^4]: Muraki, E. (1993). Information Functions of the Generalized Partial Credit Model. Applied Psychological Measurement, 17(4), 351-363.

# prepare data
a <- c( .8,  1, 1.2)
b <- c(-.5,  0, 0.5)
d <- c( -1,-.8, -.2)
d <- cbind(d1=0, d2=d, d3=-d)
t <- c(-1,   0,   1)

# compute the probability for GPCM
# for score=0, expect: (.72, .93, .97), (.18, .44, .73), (.02, .03, .09)
# for score=1, expect: (.09, .04, .03), (.09, .11, .17), (.03, .04, .17)
# for score=2, expect: (.18, .03, .00), (.72, .44, .09), (.95, .93, .73)
model_gpcm_prob(t, a, b, d, 1.702) %>% round(., 2)
# generate data: 10 peopel, 5 item, 3 categories
x  <- model_gpcm_gendata(10, 5, 3)
# compute the probability
p  <- with(x, model_gpcm_prob(t, a, b, d))
# compute the informtaoin
i  <- with(x, model_gpcm_info(t, a, b, d))
# compute the likelihood
lh <- with(x, model_gpcm_lh(u, t, a, b, d))
# Figure 1 in Muraki, 1992 (APM)
b <- matrix(c(-2,0,2,-.5,0,2,-.5,0,2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
model_gpcm_plot(a=c(1,1,.7), b=rowMeans(b), d=rowMeans(b)-b, D=1.0, insert_d0=0)

# Figure 2 in Muraki, 1992 (APM)
b <- matrix(c(.5,0,NA,0,0,0), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
model_gpcm_plot(a=.7, b=rowMeans(b, na.rm=T), d=rowMeans(b, na.rm=T)-b, D=1.0, insert_d0=0)

# Figure 3 in Muraki, 1992 (APM)
b <- matrix(c(1.759,-1.643,3.970,-2.764), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
model_gpcm_plot(a=c(.778,.946), b=rowMeans(b), d=rowMeans(b)-b, D=1.0, insert_d0=0)
# Figure 1 in Muraki, 1993 (APM)
b <- matrix(c(0,-2,4,0,-2,2,0,-2,0,0,-2,-2,0,-2,-4), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)
model_gpcm_plot(a=1, b=rowMeans(b), d=rowMeans(b)-b, D=1.0)

# Figure 2 in Muraki, 1993 (APM)
b <- matrix(c(0,-2,4,0,-2,2,0,-2,0,0,-2,-2,0,-2,-4), nrow=5, byrow=TRUE)
model_gpcm_plot(a=1, b=rowMeans(b), d=rowMeans(b)-b, D=1.0, type='info', by_item=TRUE)
Graded Response Model

The graded response model (GRM) was introduced by Samejima[^5]. Similar to GPCM, GRM is another polytomous IRT model. However, the difference is that GRM is a "difference" model whereas the GPCM is a "divided-by-total" model under the Thissen and Steinberg's taxonomy of IRT model[^6]. The model uses one ability parameter, one item discrimination parameter, and k-1 ordered item difficulty parameters (k is the number of score categories) to describe the interaction between an item and an individual. The probability of a score category involves a two-step computation. First, the raw probabilities are computed, where ${P^{}(x>=m)}$ is computed using the 2PL model. Two special cases are: ${P^{}(x>=0)}=1$ and ${P^{}(x>=k)}=0$. Next, ${P(x=m)}$ is computed as ${P^{}(x>=m)-P^{*}(x>=m+1)}$.

The following functions are available for the GRM:

[^5]: Samejima, F. (1969). Estimation of latent ability using a response pattern of graded scores. Psychometrika Monograph Supplement, 34(4, Pt. 2), 100. [^6]: Thissen, D., & Steinberg, L. (1986). A taxonomy of item response models. Psychometrika, 51(4), 567-577.

# prepare data
a <- c( .8,  1, 1.2)
b <- c(-.5,  0, 0.5)
b <- cbind(b1=b, b2=b+.5)
t <- c(-1,   0,   1)

# compute the probability for GRM
# for score=0, expect: (.66, .85, .96), (.34, .50, .74), (.11, .15, .26)
# for score=1, expect: (.13, .08, .03), (.16, .20, .15), (.09, .15, .24)
# for score=2, expect: (.20, .07, .02), (.50, .30, .11), (.80, .70, .50)
model_grm_prob(t, a, b, 1.702) %>% round(., 2)
# generate data: 10 peopel, 5 item, 3 categories
x  <- model_grm_gendata(10, 5, 3)
# compute the probability
p  <- with(x, model_grm_prob(t, a, b))
# compute the informtaoin
i  <- with(x, model_grm_info(t, a, b))
# compute the likelihood
lh <- with(x, model_grm_lh(u, t, a, b))
# ICCs in GRM
with(model_grm_gendata(10, 4, 3), model_grm_plot(a, b, type='prob'))
# IFFs in GRM
with(model_grm_gendata(10, 4, 3), model_grm_plot(a, b, type='info', by_item=T))
Parameter Estimation

Parameters of an IRT model are often unknown and need to be estimated using statistical procedures, and parameter estimation is a central activity in psychometric analysis. A common method is the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), which attempts to find a set of parameter values that maximizes the likelihood of the observed responses. Two popular methods in IRT are: the joint maximum likelihood estimation (JMLE) and the marginal maximum likelihood estimation (MMLE)[^7]. JMLE estimates item parameters and ability parameters in turns, and in each turn it maximizes the likelihood conditional on all parameters. MMLE estimates item parameters using the marginal likelihood which integrates out the ability parameters.

The following functions are available for estimating the 3PL model:

The following functions are available for estimating the GPCM:

The following functions are available for estimating the GPCM:

[^7]: Bock, R. D., & Aitkin, M. (1981). Marginal maximum likelihood estimation of item parameters: Application of an EM algorithm. Psychometrika, 46(4), 443-459.


Estimation of the 3PL model

# generate data: 2000 people, 60 items
x <- model_3pl_gendata(2000, 60)
# JMLE: free calibration
y <- with(x, model_3pl_estimate_jmle(u, true_params=x))
# JMLE: no priors
y <- with(x, model_3pl_estimate_jmle(u, priors=NULL, true_params=x))
# JMLE: fix c=0
y <- with(x, model_3pl_estimate_jmle(u, c=0, true_params=x))
# MMLE: free calibration
y <- with(x, model_3pl_estimate_mmle(u, iter=20, true_params=x))
# EAP scoring
y <- with(x, model_3pl_eap_scoring(u, a, b, c))
c(corr=cor(x$t, y$t), rmse=rmse(x$t, y$t)) %>% round(., 2)
# MAP scoring
y <- with(x, model_3pl_map_scoring(u, a, b, c))
c(corr=cor(x$t, y$t), rmse=rmse(x$t, y$t)) %>% round(., 2)

The effect of sample size and test length on the estimation of the 3PL model

rs <- NULL
for(ns in seq(500, 3000, by=500)){
  for(ni in seq(20, 80, by=20)){
    data_tru <- model_3pl_gendata(ns, ni)
    data_est <- model_3pl_estimate_jmle(u=data_tru$u, scale=c(0, 1), priors=NULL)
    rs <- rbind(rs, data.frame(tru=data_tru$t, est=data_est$t, param="t", n_sample=ns, n_items=ni),
                data.frame(tru=data_tru$a, est=data_est$a, param="a", n_sample=ns, n_items=ni),
                data.frame(tru=data_tru$b, est=data_est$b, param="b", n_sample=ns, n_items=ni),
                data.frame(tru=data_tru$c, est=data_est$c, param="c", n_sample=ns, n_items=ni))

rs %>% mutate(n_items=paste(n_items, "Items")) %>%
  group_by(n_sample, n_items, param) %>% summarise(rmse=rmse(tru, est)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=n_sample, y=rmse, color=n_items)) +
  geom_smooth(method='loess', se=F, size=.8, span=1) + 
  facet_wrap( ~ param, nrow=1) + xlab("Sample Sizes") + ylab("RMSE") + 
  scale_color_discrete(guide=guide_legend('')) + theme_bw()

The effect of missing data on the estimation of the 3PL model (2000 people, 60 items)

rs <- NULL
for(nm in seq(0, .5, by=.1)){
  data_tru <- model_3pl_gendata(2000, 60, missing=nm)
  data_est <- model_3pl_estimate_jmle(data_tru$u, scale=c(0, 1), priors=NULL)
  rs <- rbind(rs, data.frame(tru=data_tru$t, est=data_est$t, param="t", n_miss=nm),
              data.frame(tru=data_tru$a, est=data_est$a, param="a",n_miss=nm),
              data.frame(tru=data_tru$b, est=data_est$b, param="b", n_miss=nm),
              data.frame(tru=data_tru$c, est=data_est$c, param="c", n_miss=nm))

rs %>% group_by(n_miss, Params=param) %>% summarise(rmse=rmse(tru, est)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=n_miss, y=rmse, color=Params)) + 
  geom_point(fill='white', pch=1) + geom_line(size=.8) + 
  xlab("Percent of Missing Data") + ylab("RMSE") + theme_bw()

Estimation of GPCM

# generate data: 1000 people, 30 items, 3 score categories
x <- model_gpcm_gendata(1000, 30, 3)
# JMLE: free calibration
y <- with(x, model_gpcm_estimate_jmle(u, true_params=x))
# MMLE: free calibration
y <- with(x, model_gpcm_estimate_mmle(u, true_params=x))
# EAP scoring
y <- with(x, model_gpcm_eap_scoring(u, a, b, d))
c(corr=cor(x$t, y$t), rmse=rmse(x$t, y$t)) %>% round(., 2)
# MAP scoring
y <- with(x, model_gpcm_map_scoring(u, a, b, d))
c(corr=cor(x$t, y$t), rmse=rmse(x$t, y$t)) %>% round(., 2)

Estimation of GRM

# generate data: 1000 people, 30 items, 3 score categories
x <- model_grm_gendata(1000, 30, 3)
# JMLE: free calibration
y <- with(x, model_grm_estimate_jmle(u, true_params=x))
# MMLE: free calibration
y <- with(x, model_grm_estimate_mmle(u, true_params=x))
# EAP scoring
y <- with(x, model_grm_eap_scoring(u, a, b))
c(corr=cor(x$t, y$t), rmse=rmse(x$t, y$t)) %>% round(., 2)
# MAP scoring
y <- with(x, model_grm_map_scoring(u, a, b))
c(corr=cor(x$t, y$t), rmse=rmse(x$t, y$t)) %>% round(., 2)
Automated Test Assembly

Test assembly is an activity that selects items from the pool to construct test forms that satisfy a set of predefined psychometric, content, and administration requirements. The quality of the assembled test forms has an immediate impact on the test validity and fairness. The traditional manual test assembly approach relies on content developers to hand-pick items based on their judgments, and this is apprantly an inefficient approach that is difficult to scale up for any large-scale assembly task. Conversely, automated test assembly (ATA) is an approach that utilizes computer algorithms and mathematical optimization techniques to construct test forms in an automated manner. Not only does it improve the efficiency of test assembly, but also lays the foundation for other advanced testing models such as shadow-test computerized adaptive testing[^8] and computerized adaptive multistage testing[^9].

A test assembly task is essentially an optimization problem in ATA, and it can be solved either by a heuristic[^10][^11] or a mixed integer programming (MIP)[^12] algorithm. Heuristics avoid traversing all possibilities of item combination, yet attempt to find a "shortcut" to one of working solutions. Thus, they are fast but cannot guarantee the optimality of the solution. More importantly, they are usually specialized for a certain type of tasks. On the other hand, MIP is a general framework that is useful for a variety of tasks. To apply MIP, the task has to be defined in linear formulae, with one objective function and a set of constraints. Then, apply a solver to search completely through the feasibility region defined by constraints for a solution that yields the optimal value of the objective function.

Compared with other general linear programming packages, this package is specifically designed for ATA and thus has more succinct and expressive APIs. Many ATA-specific model configurations are simplified for users. Moreover, it includes two open source MIP solvers: lp_solve (accessed via the package lpSolveAPI) and GNU Linear Programming Kit (accessed via the package glpkAPI).

The following functions are available for ATA:

[^8]: van der Linden, W. J. (2009). Constrained adaptive testing with shadow tests. In Elements of adaptive testing (pp. 31-55). Springer, New York, NY. [^9]: Luecht, R. M., & Nungester, R. J. (1998). Some practical examples of computer‐adaptive sequential testing. Journal of Educational Measurement, 35(3), 229-249. [^10]: Stocking, M. L., & Swanson, L. (1998). Optimal design of item banks for computerized adaptive tests. Applied Psychological Measurement, 22, 271-279. [^11]: Luecht, R. M. (1998). Computer-assisted test assembly using optimization heuristics. Applied Psychological Measurement, 22, 224-236. [^12]: Van der Linden, W. J. (2006). Linear models for optimal test design. Springer Science & Business Media.

## Generate a pool of 100 items
n_items <- 100
pool <- with(model_3pl_gendata(1, n_items), data.frame(id=1:n_items, a=a, b=b, c=c))
pool$content <- sample(1:3, n_items, replace=TRUE)
pool$time <- round(rlnorm(n_items, log(60), .2))
pool$group <- sort(sample(1:round(n_items/3), n_items, replace=TRUE))

## four 10-item forms to maximize b parameters
x <- ata(pool, 4, len=10, max_use=1)
x <- ata_obj_relative(x, 'b', 'max', negative=F)
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve')

## four 10-item forms to minimize b parameters
x <- ata(pool, 4, len=10, max_use=1)
x <- ata_obj_relative(x, 'b', 'min', negative=T)
x <- ata_solve(x, 'glpk')

## four 10-item forms to maximize TIF at [-1, 0, 1]
x <- ata(pool, 4, len=10, max_use=1)
x <- ata_obj_relative(x, seq(-1, 1, .5), 'max')
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', details=F)

## four 10-item forms to have a TIF of 3 at [-1, 0, 1] with equal tolerance
x <- ata(pool, 4, len=10, max_use=1)
x <- ata_obj_absolute(x, seq(-1, 1, .5), 3, equal_tol=T)
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve')

# two severly constrained 10-item form
# constraints: item set, 4 common items, 3 items in domain 1 & 3, 58-62 seconds per item
x <- ata(pool, 2, len=10, max_use=1, group='group', common_items=4)
x <- ata_obj_relative(x, c(-1, 1), 'max')
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', 3, 3, level=1)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'content', 3, 3, level=3)
x <- ata_constraint(x, 'time', 58*10, 62*10)
x <- ata_solve(x, 'lpsolve', as.list=F)
# check item set and item overlap
group_by(x$items, item_set=group) %>% summarise(n_items=length(unique(id)), n_forms=length(unique(form)))
# check constraints on content and time
group_by(x$items, form) %>% summarise(content_1=sum(content==1), content_3=sum(content==3), time=mean(time))
Computerized Adaptive Testing

Computerized adaptive testing (CAT) is a testing model that utilizes the computing powers of modern computers to customize the test form on-the-fly to match a test taker's demonstrated abilities. The on-the-fly test adaptation improves testing efficiency and prevents answer-copying behaviors to a great extent. This module provides a framework for conducting CAT simulation studies. Three essential components of a CAT system are: the item selection rule, the ability estimation rule, and the test stopping rule. The framework allows for the mix-and-match of different rules and using customized rules in the CAT simulation. When writing a new rule, the function signature must be function(len, theta, stats, admin, pool, opts) where len is the current test length, theta is the current $\theta$ estimate, stats is a matrix of four columns (u, t, se, info), admin is a data frame of administered items, pool is a data frame of remaining items in the pool, opts is a list of option/control parameters (see built-in rules for examples).

The following functions are available in this module:

[^13]: Weiss, D. J., & Kingsbury, G. (1984). Application of computerized adaptive testing to educational problems. Journal of Educational Measurement, 21, 361-375. [^14]: Kingsbury, C. G., & Zara, A. R. (1991). A comparison of procedures for content-sensitive item selection in computerized adaptive tests. Applied Measurement in Education, 4, 241-261. [^15]: van der Linden, W. J. (2000). Constrained adaptive testing with shadow tests. In Computerized adaptive testing: Theory and practice (pp. 27-52). Springer Netherlands. [^16]: Luo, X., Kim, D., & Dickison, P. (2018). Projection-based stopping rules for computerized adaptive testing in licensure testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 42, 275-290


Generate a 100-item pool

num_items <- 100
pool <- with(model_3pl_gendata(1, num_items), data.frame(a=a, b=b, c=c))
pool$group <- sort(sample(1:30, num_items, replace=TRUE))
pool$content <- sample(1:3, num_items, replace=TRUE)
pool$time <- round(rlnorm(num_items, mean=4.1, sd=.2))

MLE, EAP, and hybrid estimation rule

cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=20, estimate_rule=cat_estimate_mle) %>% plot()
cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=20, estimate_rule=cat_estimate_eap) %>% plot()
cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=20, estimate_rule=cat_estimate_hybrid) %>% plot()

SE, MI, and CI stopping rule

cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=20, stop_se=.3) %>% plot()
cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=20, stop_mi=.6) %>% plot()
cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=20, stop_cut=0) %>% plot() 
cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=20, stop_cut=0, ci_width=2.58) %>% plot()

Maximum information selection with item sets

cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=10, group="group")$admin %>% round(., 2)

Maximum information with item exposure control

cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=10, info_random=5)$admin %>% round(., 2)

Constrained-CAT selection rule with and without initial randomness

cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=20, select_rule=cat_select_ccat, ccat_var="content", ccat_perc=c("1"=.2, "2"=.3, "3"=.5))$admin$content %>% freq()

Shadow-test selection rule

cons <- data.frame(var='content', level=1:3, min=c(3,3,4), max=c(3,3,4))
cons <- rbind(cons, data.frame(var='time', level=NA, min=55*10, max=65*10))
cat_sim(.5, pool, min=10, max=10, select_rule=cat_select_shadow, constraints=cons)$admin %>% round(., 2)

Projection-based stopping rule

cons <- data.frame(var='content', level=1:3, min=5, max=15)
cons <- rbind(cons, data.frame(var='time', level=NA, min=60*20, max=60*40))
cat_sim(.5, pool, min=20, max=40, select_rule=cat_select_shadow, stop_rule=cat_stop_projection, projection_method="diff", stop_cut=0, constraints=cons) %>% plot()
Multistage Testing

Multistage testing (MST) is a computer-based adaptive testing model that gives practitioners more controls over the test, compared to CAT. MST navigates test takers through multiple stages and each stage contains a set of pre-constructed modules. The test is adapted between stages in order to administer modules most suited to the test taker's ability. A group of modules connected via the routing rule constitutes a MST panel, and the combination of modules (one module per stage) that leads a test taker to the end of the test is called a route. The design, or configuration, of a MST is normally abbreviated as "1-2", "1-3-3", etc., where the length represents the number of stages and each number represents the number of modules in that stage. With reduced adaptivity, MST usually has a slightly low efficiency than CAT. However, it allows test developers to add complex constraints and review assembled tests before publishing and administration, which enhances test quality and security.

The following functions are available in this module:

[^17]: Luo, X., & Kim, D. (2018). A Top‐Down Approach to Designing the Computerized Adaptive Multistage Test. Journal of Educational Measurement, 55(2), 243-263. [^18]: Luecht, R. M., & Nungester, R. J. (1998). Some practical examples of computer‐adaptive sequential testing. Journal of Educational Measurement, 35(3), 229-249.


Generate a pool of 300 items

num_item <- 300
pool <- with(model_3pl_gendata(1, num_item), data.frame(a=a, b=b, c=c))
pool$id <- 1:num_item
pool$content <- sample(1:3, num_item, replace=TRUE)
pool$time <- round(rlnorm(num_item, 4, .3))
pool$group <- sort(sample(1:round(num_item/3), num_item, replace=TRUE))

Ex. 1: Assemble 2 panels of 1-2-2 MST using the top-down approach 20 items in total and 10 items in content area 1 in each route maximize info. at -1 and 1 for easy and hard routes

x <- mst(pool, "1-2-2", 2, 'topdown', len=20, max_use=1)
x <- mst_obj(x, theta=-1, indices=1:2)
x <- mst_obj(x, theta=1, indices=3:4)
x <- mst_constraint(x, "content", 10, 10, level=1)
x <- mst_assemble(x, timeout=10)
plot(x, byroute=TRUE)

Ex. 2: Assemble 2 panels of 1-2-3 MST using the bottom-up approach Remove two routes with large theta change: 1-2-6, 1-3-4 10 items in total and 4 items in content area 2 in each module Maximize info. at -1, 0 and 1 for easy, medium, and hard modules

x <- mst(pool, "1-2-3", 2, 'bottomup', len=10, max_use=1)
x <- mst_route(x, c(1, 2, 6), "-")
x <- mst_route(x, c(1, 3, 4), "-")
x <- mst_obj(x, theta= 0, indices=c(1, 5))
x <- mst_obj(x, theta=-1, indices=c(2, 4))
x <- mst_obj(x, theta= 1, indices=c(3, 6))
x <- mst_constraint(x, "content", 4, 4, level=2)
x <- mst_assemble(x, timeout=10) 
plot(x, byroute=FALSE)

Ex.3: Same specs with Ex.2 (without content constraints), but group-based

x <- mst(pool, "1-2-3", 2, 'bottomup', len=12, max_use=1, group="group")
x <- mst_route(x, c(1, 2, 6), "-")
x <- mst_route(x, c(1, 3, 4), "-")
x <- mst_obj(x, theta= 0, indices=c(1, 5))
x <- mst_obj(x, theta=-1, indices=c(2, 4))
x <- mst_obj(x, theta= 1, indices=c(3, 6))
x <- mst_assemble(x, timeout=10)
plot(x, byroute=FALSE)
for(p in 1:x$num_panel)
   for(m in 1:x$num_module){
     items <- mst_get_items(x, panel=p, module=m)
     cat('panel=', p, ', module=', m, ': ', length(unique(items$id)), ' items from ', 
         length(unique(items$group)), ' groups\n', sep='')

Ex.4: Assemble 2 panels of 1-2-3 using the top-down design 20 total items and 10 items in content area 3, 6+ items in stage 1 & 2

x <- mst(pool, "1-2-3", 2, "topdown", len=20, max_use=1)
x <- mst_route(x, c(1, 2, 6), "-")
x <- mst_route(x, c(1, 3, 4), "-")
x <- mst_obj(x, theta=-1, indices=1)
x <- mst_obj(x, theta=0, indices=2:3)
x <- mst_obj(x, theta=1, indices=4)
x <- mst_constraint(x, "content", 8, 12, level=3)
x <- mst_stage_length(x, 1:2, min=6)
x <- mst_assemble(x, timeout=15)
plot(x, byroute=FALSE)
for(p in 1:x$num_panel)
  for(s in 1:x$num_stage){
    items <- mst_get_items(x, panel=p, stage=s)
    cat('panel=', p, ', stage=', s, ': ', length(unique(items$id)), ' items\n', sep='')

Ex. 5: Administer the MST using fixed RDP for routing

x_sim <- mst_sim(x, .5, list(stage1=0, stage2=c(-.4, .4)))
plot(x_sim, ylim=c(-4, 4))

Ex. 6: Administer the MST using the maximum information for routing

x_sim <- mst_sim(x, .5)
plot(x_sim, ylim=c(-4, 4))


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xluo11/xxIRT documentation built on May 4, 2019, 1:24 p.m.