This package contains data and convenience functions that can be used to replicate and extend the Unified Democracy Scores of Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton (2010). It depends on the package mirt (Chalmers 2012), which can quickly compute full-information factor analyses.

The basic procedure for replicating or extending the UD scores is as follows. First, load the library and prepare the democracy data using the convenience functions prepare_data or prepare_democracy; fit a simple mirt model; and finally, extract the scores. These procedures can be easily condensed into a single call to democracy_scores, but this vignette shows how to use a longer procedure.


Preparing your democracy indexes

Though you can use your own custom democracy indexes to generate latent (unified) democracy scores, the package provides a dataset, democracy, which contains a large number of democracy measures (from more than 30 different datasets, of varying reliability and coverage) that you can use to generate custom unified democracy scores. (Use ?democracy to view which measures are included in the dataset as well as links to their sources; they are also listed in the references below). For example, suppose we wanted to replicate exactly the 2011 release of the UD scores. PMM's replication data for that release is included in the democracy dataset: we just need to select the variable names ending in _pmm and use the function prepare_democracy


indexes <- names(democracy)[grep("pmm",names(democracy))]
indexes # The measures of democracy used to generate the 2011 release of the UDS
data <- prepare_democracy(indexes)

You can use a dplyr::select helper to simplify this procedure:

data <- prepare_democracy(matches("pmm"))

The function prepare_democracy selects the appropriate colums from the democracy dataset, gets rid of "empty rows" (country-years that have no measurements of democracy for the chosen indexes; such patterns will make mirt fail), and runs prepare_data on the remaining indexes.

prepare_data transforms selected democracy indexes into ordinal variables suitable for use with mirt, mostly following the advice in Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton's original article (2010). In particular, prepare_data will try to do the following on any dataset (whether the included democracy dataset or your own dataset of democracy scores):

prepare_data will also work on column names that contain the following strings:

In each of these cases the function prepare_data transforms the values of the scores by running as.numeric(unclass(factor(x))), which transforms each index into ordinal variables from 1 to the number of categories.

If you are using democracy indexes not included in the democracy dataset, or want to use your own custom measures of democracy, or transform them in a very particular way, you simply need to ensure that there are no "blank" country-years in your data (i.e., country-years without any democracy measurements) and that the indexes you are using are ordinal measures from 1 to N with every category present in the data. mirt is pretty flexible and forgiving: it will accept ordinal variables in any range and will attempt to transform your indexes so that every category is within a distance of 1 of its neighboring categories. But it's useful to have a good sense of what the algorithm is doing to your data before you begin!

Fitting a democracy model

You then fit the model as follows:

replication_2011_model <- mirt(data[ ,  indexes], model = 1, 
                               itemtype = "graded", SE = TRUE, 
                               verbose = FALSE)

This just tells mirt to fit a one-factor, full information graded response model like that in Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton 2010, and to calculate the standard errors for the coefficients. (See ?mirt for details of the many options you can use to tweak your model).

Fitting this model is reasonably fast:


There is a convenient wrapper for the entire procedure:

replication_2011_model <- democracy_model(matches("pmm"), verbose = FALSE)

We can easily check that this model converges and that accounts for most of the variance in the democracy indexes:


And we can then extract the latent democracy scores, either via the mirt package's fscore function, or via this package's convenient wrapper democracy_scores (which returns a tidy dataset with the latent scores, binds them to the appropriate country-years and automatically calculates 95\% confidence intervals):

replication_2011_scores <-  fscores(replication_2011_model, 
                                    full.scores = TRUE, 
                                    full.scores.SE = TRUE)
# Not a data frame, no country-years:

replication_2011_scores <- democracy_scores(model = replication_2011_model)

# A data frame with confidence intervals:

The entire procedure can be performed in one call:

replication_2011_scores <- democracy_scores(matches("pmm"), verbose = FALSE)

We can also check that these scores are, in fact, perfectly correlated with Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton's 2011 UDS release:

cor(replication_2011_scores %>% select(matches("uds"), z1), use = "pairwise")

(For more details on the relationship between the original UD scores and the replicated scores produced using this method, see my working paper Marquez 2016).

Extending the model

Now suppose you want to create a new Unified Democracy score derived from Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton's original source measures but that also maximizes the democracy information available in other datasets, including:

This package makes the process extremely simple:

indexes <- c("pmm_arat","blm","bmr_democracy_femalesuffrage",
             "v2x_polyarchy", "vanhanen_democratization","wth_democ1") 

extended_model <- democracy_model(indexes, verbose = FALSE)


extended_scores <- democracy_scores(model = extended_model)

mirt will stop by default after 500 EM cycles, but some models will take longer to converge. If your model has not converged after 500 iterations of the algorithm, you can try increasing the number of cycles with the technical option.

Use ?mirt for more details.

One important point to note about latent variable democracy scores is that they are normalized with mean zero and standard deviation one, so a score of 1 just means that the country-year is 1 standard deviation more democratic than the average country-year in the sample. But this means that adding extra country-years to our model will typically result in scores that have a higher mean (though usually smaller standard errors) than the original UD model, given that the world has become substantially more democratic over the last two centuries:

countries <- c("United States of America", 
               "United Kingdom","Argentina",

data <- extended_scores %>% 
  filter(extended_country_name %in% countries) %>%
  tidyr::gather(measure, zscore, uds_2010_mean:uds_2014_mean, z1) %>%
  filter(!, year >=1946, year < 2008) %>%
  mutate(measure = plyr::mapvalues(measure, 
                                   c("2010 release of UDS",
                                     "2011 release of UDS",
                                     "2014 release of UDS",
                                     "Replicated score")))


ggplot(data = data, 
       aes(x = year, y = zscore, color = measure)) + 
  geom_path() + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(x = "Year", y = "Latent unified democracy scores,\nper year")  + 
  theme(legend.position="bottom") + 
  guides(color = guide_legend(ncol = 1),fill = guide_legend(nrow = 1)) + 
  facet_wrap(~extended_country_name, ncol = 2)  

If necessary, one can therefore "match" the extended scores to the official UD release by substracting the mean of the extended scores for the period of the UD release one wants to match from the extended scores (that is, making the mean of the extended scores equal to zero for the period of adjustment):

data <- extended_scores %>% 
  filter(! %>%
  mutate(z1_matched = z1 - mean(z1, na.rm = TRUE), 
         z1_pct975_matched = z1_pct975 - mean(z1, na.rm = TRUE), 
         z1_pct025_matched = z1_pct025 - mean(z1, na.rm = TRUE))

data <- data %>% 
  filter(extended_country_name %in% countries) %>%
  tidyr::gather(measure, zscore, uds_2010_mean:uds_2014_mean, z1_matched) %>%
  filter(!, year >=1946, year < 2008) %>%
  mutate(measure = plyr::mapvalues(measure, 
                                   c("2010 release of UDS",
                                     "2011 release of UDS",
                                     "2014 release of UDS",
                                     "Matched replicated score")))


ggplot(data = data, 
       aes(x = year, y = zscore, color = measure)) + 
  geom_path() + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(x = "Year", y = "Latent unified democracy scores,\nper year")  + 
  theme(legend.position="bottom") + 
  guides(color = guide_legend(ncol=1),fill = guide_legend(nrow=1)) + 

In the graph above, we can see that the 2014 release of the UDS seems to overestimate the degree of democracy in the USA in the early decades of 1950 relative to the "extended" scores.

These scores have a more natural interpretation when transformed to a 0-1 index using the cumulative distribution function as the "probability that a country-year is democratic" (so the 0 is now a natural minimum, and 1 a natural maximum). These indexes are automatically produced by the function democracy_scores; they are in the column z1_as_prob of the output, and are produced by applying the pnorm function to z1, as follows:

extended_scores <- extended_scores %>% 
  mutate(index = pnorm(z1), 
         index_pct025 = pnorm(z1_pct025), 
         index_pct975 = pnorm(z1_pct975))

# These are equal to z1_as_prob, which is automatically calculated:

extended_scores %>% filter(index != z1_as_prob)

It is also possible to to set the cutpoint for this index at, for example, the average cutpoint in the latent variable of the dichotomous indexes of democracy (so that 0.5 correponds more naturally to the point at which a regime could be either democratic or non-democratic according to the dichotomous measures of democracy included in your model). These scores are also automatically calculated (they are in the column z1_adj) but they can also be manuallyadded as follows:

cutpoints_extended <- cutpoints(extended_model)


dichotomous_cutpoints <- cutpoints_extended %>% 
  group_by(variable) %>%
  filter(n() == 1) 


avg_dichotomous <- mean(dichotomous_cutpoints$estimate)


extended_scores <- extended_scores %>% mutate(adj_z1 = z1 - avg_dichotomous, 
                                        adj_pct025 = z1_pct025 - avg_dichotomous, 
                                        adj_pct975 =z1_pct975 - avg_dichotomous,
                                        index = pnorm(adj_z1),
                                        index_pct025 = pnorm(adj_pct025),
                                        index_pct975 = pnorm(adj_pct975))

ggplot(data = extended_scores %>% filter(extended_country_name %in% countries), 
       aes(x= year, y = index, 
           ymin = index_pct025, ymax = index_pct975)) + 
  geom_path() + 
  geom_ribbon(alpha=0.2) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(x = "Year", y = "Latent unified democracy scores,\nper year\nconverted to 0-1 probability scale")  + 
  theme(legend.position="bottom") + 
  guides(color = guide_legend(ncol=1),fill = guide_legend(nrow=1)) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept=0.5,color="red") +

A pre-computed version of the extended UDS scores, with data from all the indexes mentioned above, plus the participation-enhanced Polity Scores of Moon et al (2006), a trichotomous democracy indicator calculated from Magaloni, Min, and Chu's "Autocracies of the World" datset (Magaloni, Min and Chu 2013), a dichotomous democracy indicator calculated from Hsu (2008), the REIGN dataset of Bell (2016), and an indicator of democracy used by the Political Instability Task Force (Goldstein et. al 2010; Taylor and Ulfelder 2015), is included with the package; it can be loaded by simply typing extended_uds. Use ?extended_uds to examine the documentation for all its variables; see my working paper (Marquez 2016) for more detail on the data and its uses.

Extracting useful information from the model

The mirt package offers a great number of powerful tools to examine and diagnose the fitted model, including functions to extract model cutpoints and item information curves. But this package also contains two convenience functions that wrap mirt tools to quickly extract democracy rater discrimination parameters, rater cutoffs, and rater information curves from a model produced by democracy_model in a tidy data frame format suitable for graphing:

replication_2011_cutpoints <- cutpoints(replication_2011_model, type ="score")

# We plot the "normalized" cutpoints ("estimate," in the same scale as the latent scores), 
# not the untransformed ones ("par")

ggplot(data = replication_2011_cutpoints, 
       aes(x = variable, y = estimate, 
           ymin = pct025, ymax = pct975))  + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(x="",y="Unified democracy level rater cutoffs") + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_errorbar() + 
  geom_hline(yintercept =0, color="red") + 

# We can also plot discrimination parameters, which are in a different scale:
replication_2011_discrimination <- cutpoints(replication_2011_model, 
                                             type ="discrimination")


ggplot(data = replication_2011_discrimination, 
           y = estimate, ymin = pct025, 
           ymax = pct975))  + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(x="",y="Discrimination parameter for each rater
       \n(higher value means fewer idiosyncratic\nerrors relative to latent score)") + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_errorbar() + 

# And we can plot item information curves for each rater:
replication_2011_info <- raterinfo(replication_2011_model)

ggplot(data = replication_2011_info, aes(x=theta,y=info)) + 
  geom_path() + 
  facet_wrap(~rater) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  labs(x="Latent democracy score",y = "Information") + 

Finally, the package offers a simple function to estimate the probability that a given country is more democratic than another in a given year, accounting for the uncertainty in the UD-style measures. For example, suppose we want to know the probability that the USA was more democratic than France in the year 2000 for both the replicated 2011 scores and our extended model:

prob_more(replication_2011_scores, "United States of America","France", 2000)
prob_more(extended_scores, "United States of America","France", 2000)

Or perhaps we wish to know the probability that the United States was more democratic in the year 2000 than in the year 1953:

          "United States of America",
          "United States of America", 
          "United States of America",
          "United States of America", 

If you find this package useful, cite both it and Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton's original paper (Pemstein Meserve and Melton 2010). Citation information can be automatically generated by using citation:



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xmarquez/QuickUDS documentation built on May 4, 2019, 1:24 p.m.