
#' All Democracy Scores Dataset
#' A dataset containing all (or nearly all) extant democracy indexes.
#' @section Overview:
#'   This dataset contains most democracy indexes in use today in a single panel
#'   (country-year) file. It attempts to be as comprehensive as possible,
#'   incorporating rarely used democracy indexes not easily available in
#'   country-year format.
#'   The measurement of democracy is complicated and controversial. This dataset
#'   makes few judgments about what counts as a measure of democracy, as long as
#'   it has been used in scholarly work. It thus includes dichotomous,
#'   trichotomous, ordinal, and continuous indices; indices that focus primarily
#'   on the "competition" and indices that focus on the "participation"
#'   dimension of democracy; "thick" indices that attempt to measure a wide
#'   variety of characteristics plausibly attributed to democracy; and
#'   "minimalist" indexes that restrict themselves to the bare minimum of
#'   competition. Four broad families of democracy measures can be
#'   distinguished:
#' @section Dichotomous indexes of democracy:
#'   These are indexes designed to distinguish between democracy and
#'   non-democracy. Most of them follow a fairly minimalist conception of
#'   democracy, focused on political competition while giving little weight to
#'   the extent of the suffrage or thicker civil or economic rights. These
#'   include the Boix, Miller, and Rosato (2012) indicator of democracy
#'   (`bmr_democracy`, `bmr_democracy_omitteddata`, and
#'   `bmr_democracy_femalesuffrage`); the Bernhard, Nordstrom and Reenock index
#'   of democracy (\code{bnr} and `bnr_extended`), originally developed for
#'   event history analysis (Bernhard, Nordstrom, and Reenock 2001); Renske
#'   Doorenspleet's indicator of democracy (\code{doorenspleet}), based on the
#'   Polity III data and a measure of the extent of suffrage (Doorenspleet
#'   2000); Freedom House's list of electoral democracies (\code{fh_electoral});
#'   the Cheibub, Gandhi, and Vreeland (2013) extension of the PACL (Przeworski,
#'   Alvarez, Cheibub and Limongi) democracy/dictatorship dataset (\code{pacl});
#'   Jay Ulfelder's indicator of democracy (\code{ulfelder_democracy} and
#'   `ulfelder_democracy_extended`), based on a recoding of the Polity IV data
#'   (Ulfelder 2012); a calculated measure of democracy from the PIPE
#'   (Prezeworski et al 2010) dataset (`PIPE_democracy` - use with care as it
#'   may be incorrectly calculated) and a number of dichotomous
#'   democracy/non-democracy indicators (\code{gwf_democracy},
#'   `gwf_democracy_extended`, `kailitz_binary`, `magaloni_democracy`,
#'   `magaloni_democracy_extended`, \code{svolik_democracy}, `utip_dichotomous`,
#'   \code{utip_dichotomous_strict}, `reign`, \code{wth_democ1}, and
#'   `wth_democrobust`) from datasets concerned with the identification of
#'   authoritarian regime types (Bell 2016; Geddes, Wright, and Frantz 2014;
#'   Svolik 2012, Wahman, Teorell, and Hadenius 2013, Kailitz 2013). These are
#'   all highly but not perfectly correlated with one another, with correlation
#'   coefficients ranging from 0.69 (\code{magaloni_democracy_extended} and
#'   \code{doorenspleet}) to 0.95 (\code{reign_democracy} and
#'   \code{gwf_democracy_extended_strict})
#'   Of these, only Doorenspleet's and Bernhard, Nordstrom, and Reenock's
#'   measures give special weight to the extent of suffrage in determining
#'   whether a country is democratic; not surprisingly, they display the lowest
#'   correlation with the other dichotomous indicators of democracy. All of
#'   these indexes have world-wide spatial scope, though they differ greatly in
#'   temporal coverage. \code{doorenspleet}, \code{bmr_democracy}, `reign`, and
#'   the "extended" versions of `magaloni_democracy`, `gwf_democracy`, and
#'   `ulfelder_democracy` have the widest temporal scope, going all the way back
#'   to the 19th century and in some cases beyond.
#' @section Trichotomous indexes of democracy:
#'   Trichotomous indexes of democracy distinguish explicitly a "hybrid" or
#'   "semi-democratic" category. These include the measure of democracy in
#'   Central America developed by Bowman, Lehoucq, and Mahoney (\code{blm}, see
#'   Bowman, Lehoucq, and Mahoney 2005), the trichotomous measure of democracy
#'   in Latin America by Mainwaring, Brinks, and Perez Linan
#'   (\code{mainwaring}), the "Political Regime Change" dataset (\code{prc},
#'   omitting the code for "transition" in the original dataset) described in
#'   Gasiorowski 1996 and extended in Reich 2002; and a couple of measures taken
#'   from datasets of autocratic regimes that explicitly distinguish between
#'   full democracies, electoral or multiparty autocracies, and other
#'   autocracies (\code{utip_trichotomous}, \code{kailitz_tri}). Both \code{blm}
#'   and \code{mainwaring} are regional indexes developed by scholars with
#'   Latin-American expertise; the rest have world-wide scope. These correlate
#'   with each other at levels ranging from 0.70 (`kailitz_tri` and `blm`) to
#'   0.9 (`blm` and `mainwaring`).
#' @section Ordinal indexes of democracy:
#'   These indexes distinguish more than three "degrees" of democracy, but they
#'   are not explicitly continuous. They include Freedom House's 14 category
#'   freedom index (\code{fh_total_reversed}); the 7 category Lexical Index of
#'   Democracy (\code{lexical_index}, from Skaaning, Gerring, Bartusevicius
#'   2015); a 5 category indicator of democracy used by the Political
#'   Instability Task Force based on the \code{parcomp} and \code{exrec}
#'   variables of the Polity dataset (\code{pitf}, described in Goldstone et al
#'   2010); the Polity IV \code{polity2} variable; a calculated variable from
#'   Przeworski 2010 (`PIPE_regime` - use with care, as it may be incorrectly
#'   calculated) Coppedge and Reinicke's Polyarchy index
#'   (\code{polyarchy_original_contestation} and
#'   \code{polyarchy_original_polyarchy}, from Coppedge and Reinicke 1991). Of
#'   these, the Polyarchy measures are specialist measures that only cover 357
#'   country-years, but the rest have worldwide scope, \code{polity} and
#'   \code{lexical_index} go all the way back to the beginning of the 19th
#'   century.
#'   Most of these indexes are meant to capture "thicker" conceptions of
#'   democracy. The Freedom House measure puts some emphasis on civil and
#'   political rights; Polity and PITF focus on differences in "authority
#'   patterns" (though they tend to downplay the scope of participation);
#'   Polyarchy tries to operationalize both the participation and contestation
#'   dimensions of Dahl's "Polyarchy" concept; and LIED tries to incorporate the
#'   degree of suffrage using measures originally collected for the PIPE dataset
#'   (Prezeworski et al 2010). They correlate with one another at levels ranging
#'   from 0.81 (\code{lexical_index} and \code{pitf}) to 0.94 (\code{polity2}
#'   and \code{pitf}).
#' @section Continuous indexes of democracy:
#'   These indexes conceptualize democracy as a continuous quantity, and usually
#'   in "thicker" ways. They include Arat's measure of democracy
#'   (\code{pmm_arat}, from Arat 1991); Bollen's index of democracy
#'   (\code{pmm_bollen}, from Bollen 2001); the World Governance Indicator's
#'   Index of voice and Acocuntability (\code{wgi_democracy}); Axel Hadenius'
#'   index of democracy, from Hadenius 1992 (\code{pmm_hadenius}); Munck's
#'   measure of democracy (\code{pmm_munck}); several variants of the
#'   Participation-Enhanced Polity Scores (e.g., \code{PEPS1v}, from Moon et al
#'   2006); the calculated inclusion and contestation dimensions from Coppedge,
#'   Alvarez, and Maldonado (2008) (`polyarchy_inclusion_dimension` and
#'   `polyarchy_contestation_dimension`); several indexes from V-dem (e.g.
#'   \code{v2x_polyarchy}); the posterior means and medians for the three
#'   releases of the Unified Democracy scores (`uds_*`, Pemstein, Meserve, and
#'   Melton 2010) and Vanahnen's index of democratization
#'   (\code{vanhanen_democratization}). Of these, the Unified democracy indexes,
#'   the V-Dem indexes, and the Polyarchy dimensions are themselves latent
#'   variable indexes.
#'   Vanhanen and PEPS give special weight to participation in the measurement
#'   of democracy; the WGI index combines a very wide variety of indicators of
#'   democracy. Only Vanahanen, the V-dem measure, and PEPS have long temporal
#'   coverage; the WGI Voice and Accountability index has broad spatial coverage
#'   but is only available for a short time series. Arat and Bollen go back only
#'   until the 1950s, though they do have reasonable spatial coverage.
#'   Correlations vary from a low of 0.26 (Munck and the WGI, 126 country-year
#'   overlap, nonsignificant) to over 0.97 for various for V-Dem indexes. The
#'   lowest correlations are typically with the WGI measure of democracy.
#' @section Spatial and temporal organization:
#'   The state system is complicated, and not always amenable to presentation in
#'   tabular form. Countries change name, split, get absorbed into larger units,
#'   and are not always obviously independent. This dataset basically follows
#'   the Gleditsch and Ward list of independent states (Gleditsch and Ward 1999,
#'   updated by Gleditsch to 2013), supplemented by Gleditsch's tentative list
#'   of microstates (available at
#'   \url{http://privatewww.essex.ac.uk/~ksg/statelist.html}). The Gleditsch and
#'   Ward list is very similar, but not identical, to the Correlates of War list
#'   of independent states that is commonly used in Political Science and
#'   International Relations research; in particular, the treatment of Germany,
#'   Yemen, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Yugoslavia, Serbia, Montenegro, and a few other
#'   countries and their successor states differs between them.
#'   I have included two different codes for each country-year: the Gleditsch
#'   and Ward country code (\code{GWn}), and the COW code (\code{cown}), as well
#'   as an indicator of whether the country year is considered to be "in the
#'   international system" by Gleditsch and Ward (\code{in_GW_system}). Since
#'   the Gleditsch and Ward "international system" begins with the Congress of
#'   Vienna in 1816, country-years before 1816 are by definition not "in
#'   system," even though this does not mean that these states were not
#'   independent then. Care should thus be taken with the "in system" indicator
#'   for years before 1816.
#'   It is worth noting that while most measures of democracy are produced only
#'   for sovereign countries, a number of measures have also been produced,
#'   either explicitly (the V-dem project, Freedom House) or not (sometimes
#'   researchers do not agree on whether a country-year represents a "sovereign"
#'   state), for non-sovereign territories. In fact in this dataset about 6415
#'   country-years in or after 1816 are not "in system" (most of them from the
#'   V-dem indexes of democracy); these are easily excluded by filtering the
#'   dataset using the boolean \code{in_GW_system} indicator (or a logical
#'   expression that filters data points that are not in system after 1816 but
#'   includes those before 1816).
#'   All countries are measured as of 31 December of the given year, as is the
#'   conventional rule. Some datasets do not use this rule (e.g., Freedom House,
#'   Geddes, Wright, and Frantz 2014), and others sometimes contain more than
#'   one data point per year (e.g., the Political Regime Change dataset); I have
#'   tried my best to transform their coding so that all datapoints conform to
#'   convention, but some errors may remain.
#' @section A note on sources:
#'   Wherever possible, I have used the original sources for these measures of
#'   democracy and put them in the right panel format myself. For details, see
#'   the [democracyData](https://github.com/xmarquez/democracyData) package.
#'   There are three exceptions.
#'   First, in a few cases I have relied on the replication data for Pemstein,
#'   Meserve, and Melton (2010), which contains data I have not been able to
#'   find elsewhere. These variables are marked \code{pmm_*}, and they are not
#'   always perfectly correlated with the original data (where available). For
#'   example, \code{fh_pmm} includes data for 1981, whereas
#'   \code{fh_total_reversed} conventionally does not; and there are a number of
#'   divergences between PMM's \code{pmm_prc} data and the \code{prc} dataset
#'   available from Reich 2002 that seem to have something to do with the
#'   treatment of country-years that include transition periods. A more extended
#'   discussion of the differences between the PMM replication data and the
#'   original data sources is available in a package vignette; see
#'   \code{vignette("Differences_between_PMM_and_original_data")} for details.)
#'   Second, I have constructed the \code{PIPE_democracy}, `PIPE_regime`, and
#'   \code{pitf*} variables following the instructions in the source, but have
#'   not found the data ready-made. This is probably unproblematic in the case
#'   of \code{pitf} -- the instructions are very clear -- but less so in the
#'   case of \code{przeworski}, where the instructions are less clear and it is
#'   difficult to produce a test that indicates whether the variable is properly
#'   constructed. It is also worth noting that the Polity data is occasionally
#'   revised, so that the \code{pitf} variable described and used in Goldstone
#'   et al 2010 is probably different from the \code{pitf} variable here for a
#'   small number of country-years. (Similarly, \code{pmm_polity} and
#'   \code{polity2} differ in a few instances due to revisions of the Polity
#'   data between 2010 and today.)
#'   Third, on at least one occasion I have recalculated an index from its
#'   original sources in different ways (see the \code{utip_dichotomous},
#'   \code{utip_dichotomous_strict}, and \code{utip_trichotomous}  variables),
#'   since the original data does not provide an unambiguous measure.
#' @template standard-variables
#' @section Democracy measures:
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{anckar_democracy}{The Anckar-Fredriksson 2018 measure of democracy,
#'   as a numeric value. Up to 2010 this should be identical to
#'   `bmr_democracy_omitteddata`. 0 = non-democracy, 1 = democracy.}
#'   \item{arat_pmm}{Democracy score from Arat 1991. Taken from Pemstein,
#'   Meserve, and Melton 2013. Min = 29, max = 109, n = 3873.}
#'   \item{blm}{Trichotomous measure of regime type from Bowman, Lehoucq, and
#'   Mahoney 2005. 0 = authoritarian, 0.5 = semidemocratic, 1 = democratic.
#'   Available only for five Latin American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador,
#'   Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) from 1900 to 2000.}
#'   \item{pmm_blm}{Same as previous but taken from Pemstein, Meserve, and
#'   Melton 2013. 0 = authoritarian, 0.5 = semidemocratic, 1 = democratic.
#'   Available only for five Latin American countries (Costa Rica, El Salvador,
#'   Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua) from 1946 to 2000 in this version.
#'   Included here in order to replicate the original model from Pemstein,
#'   Meserve, and Melton 2011.}
#'   \item{bmr_democracy}{Dichotomous measure of regime type from Boix, Miller,
#'   and 2012, version 3.0. 1 = democracy, 0 = non-democracy. N = 16987.}
#'   \item{bmr_democracy_omitteddata}{Dichotomous measure of regime type from
#'   Boix, Miller, and 2012, version 3.0. 1 = democracy, 0 = non-democracy. This
#'   is the same measure as `bmr_democracy`, except it records an `NA` for
#'   countries occupied during an international war (e.g., the Netherlands
#'   1940-44) or experiencing state collapse during a civil war (e.g., Lebanon
#'   1976-89). The democracy variable instead fills in these years as
#'   continuations of the same regime type. N = 16762.}
#'   \item{bmr_democracy_femalesuffrage}{According to the BMR version 3.0
#'   codebook, this is the same measure as `bmr_democracy`, except that it also
#'   requires that at least half of adult women have the right to vote. 30
#'   countries change values.}
#'   \item{bnr}{Dichotomous indicator of democracy from the Bernhard, Nordstrom
#'   & Reenock 2001.}
#'   \item{bnr_extended}{Dichotomous indicator of democracy from the Bernhard,
#'   Nordstrom & Reenock 2001. This version indicator has been put in
#'   country-year format, extending to 1913, with the help of the Correlates of
#'   War panel of independent states; independent countries (not microstates) in
#'   this panel that were not included in the original dataset are assumed to be
#'   non-democratic for the period. See
#'   [democracyData](https://github.com/xmarquez/democracyData) for more
#'   information about the additional country-years generated in this way.}
#'   \item{pmm_bollen}{0-100 index of democracy from Bollen 2001. Taken from
#'   Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton 2013.}
#'   \item{doorenspleet}{Dichotomous index of democracy from Doorenspleet 2000.
#'   1 = authoritarian, 2 = democracy. Omits periods of interruption.}
#'   \item{eiu}{The Economist Intelligence Unit's democracy index.}
#'   \item{wgi_democracy}{Voice and Accountability index from the World
#'   Governance Indicators. Taken from \url{http://www.govindicators.org}.}
#'   \item{fh_total_reversed}{Average civil liberties + political rights score
#'   (reversed so higher values are more democratic) from Freedom House. 2018.
#'   "Freedom in the World." Original data available at
#'   \url{http://www.freedomhouse.org}. Goes from 0 (least democratic) to 13
#'   (most democratic). In this version, the index does not include a value for
#'   1981. This is based on the latest Freedom House data going all the way to
#'   2017.}
#'   \item{pmm_fh}{Same as previous but taken from Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton
#'   2013. Goes from 1 (least democratic) to 7 (most democratic). In this
#'   version the index stops at 2008. It also includes a value for 1981. For
#'   more on the differences between this variable and the current FH Freedom in
#'   the World index, see
#'   [democracyData](https://github.com/xmarquez/democracyData).}
#'   \item{fh_electoral}{An indicator of whether a country is an "electoral
#'   democracy" in Freedom House's estimation (1 = yes, 0 - no). Original data
#'   available at \url{http://www.freedomhouse.org}. Available only from 1989.
#'   This is based on the latest Freedom House electoral democracies list going
#'   all the way to 2016.}
#'   \item{gwf_democracy}{Dichotmous democracy/autocracy indicator from Geddes,
#'   Wright, and Frantz 2014. 0 = autocracy, 1 = democracy.}
#'   \item{gwf_democracy_extended}{Dichotmous democracy/autocracy indicator from
#'   Geddes, Wright, and Frantz 2014. 0 = autocracy, 1 = democracy. Extended
#'   beyond 1945 using Geddes, Wright, and Frantz's case variable, which encodes
#'   information about the first year of the regime. For more detail on the
#'   resulting additional country-years, see
#'   [democracyData](https://github.com/xmarquez/democracyData).}
#'   \item{pmm_hadenius}{0-10 index of democracy from Hadenius 1992. Taken from
#'   Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton 2013. Higher values are more democratic.}
#'   \item{kailitz_binary}{Dichotomous democracy indicator from Kailitz 2013. 0
#'   = autocracy (all types including electoral autocracy), 1 = liberal
#'   democracy.}
#'   \item{kailitz_tri}{Trichotomous democracy indicator from Kailitz 2013. 0 =
#'   autocracy (all types except electoral autocracy), 1 = electoral autocracy,
#'   2 = liberal democracy.}
#'   \item{lexical_index}{0-6 Lexical Index of Electoral Democracy from
#'   Skaaning, Gerring, and Bartusevicius 2015. This is from V3 of the dataset,
#'   updated to 2015.
#'   0 = nonelectoral,
#'   1 = one- or no- party elections,
#'   2 = limited competition multiparty elections for legislature only,
#'   3 = Limited competition multiparty elections for both executive and
#'   legislature,
#'   4 = Competitive elections for executive and legislative, limited suffrage,
#'   5 = Male democracy,
#'   6 = Electoral democracy.}
#'   \item{magaloni_democracy}{Dichotomous democracy indicator from Magaloni,
#'   Chu, and Min 2013. 0 = autocracy (all types including multiparty
#'   autocracy), 1 = democracy.}
#'   \item{magaloni_democracy_extended}{Dichotomous democracy indicator from
#'   Magaloni, Chu, and Min 2013. 0 = autocracy (all types including multiparty
#'   autocracy), 1 = democracy. Extended beyond 1950 using the
#'   \code{duration_nr} variable of the original dataset, which encodes
#'   information about the first year of each regime. For more detail on the
#'   resulting additional country-years, see
#'   [democracyData](https://github.com/xmarquez/democracyData).}
#'   \item{mainwaring}{Trichotomous democracy indicator from Mainwaring, Brinks,
#'   and Perez Linan 2008. 0 = non-democracy, 0.5 = hybrid, 1 = democracy.}
#'   \item{pmm_mainwaring}{Same as previous but taken from Pemstein, Meserve,
#'   and Melton 2013. In this version the indicator goes only to 1945, and it is
#'   missing some country-years. -1 = non-democracy, 0 = hybrid, 1 = democracy.
#'   For more on the differences between this variable and the original
#'   Mainwaring et al data, see
#'   \code{vignette("Differences_between_PMM_and_original_data")}. Included in
#'   order to replicate the original PMM 2010 model.}
#'   \item{pmm_munck}{0-1 index of democracy from Munck 2009. Taken from
#'   Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton 2013. Only available for 342 country-years.
#'   Higher values are more democratic.}
#'   \item{pacl}{Dichotomous measure of democracy from Cheibub, Gandhi, and
#'   Vreeland 2010. 1= democracy, 0 = non-democracy.}
#'   \item{pmm_pacl}{Same as previous but taken from Pemstein, Meserve, and
#'   Melton 2013. This is missing a couple of countries in the original dataset;
#'   for more detail on the missing cases, see
#'   \code{vignette("Differences_between_PMM_and_original_data")}.}
#'   \item{PEPS1i}{Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 1, polity score adjusted
#'   using IDEA Votes/Voting age population. From Moon et al. (2006).}
#'   \item{PEPS2i}{Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 2, polity score adjusted
#'   using IDEA Votes/Voting age population. From Moon et al. (2006).}
#'   \item{PEPS1v}{Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 1, polity score adjusted
#'   using Vanhanen votes/two-thirds of Vanhanen population. From Moon et al.
#'   (2006).}
#'   \item{PEPS2v}{Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 2, polity score adjusted
#'   using Vanhanen votes/two-thirds of Vanhanen population. From Moon et al.
#'   (2006).}
#'   \item{PEPS1q}{Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 1, polity score adjusted
#'   using (mostly)IDEA votes/Voting age population, with participation coded
#'   zero for noncompetitive elections. From Moon et al. (2006).}
#'   \item{PEPS2q}{Participation-Enhanced Polity Score 2, polity score adjusted
#'   using (mostly)IDEA votes/Voting age population, with participation coded
#'   zero for noncompetitive elections. From Moon et al. (2006).}
#'   \item{pitf}{A five category indicator of democracy described in Goldstone
#'   et al 2010. Can be:
#'   0-Full autocracy (`exrec` < 7, `parcomp` !=0 and `parcomp` < 3)
#'   1-Partial autocracy (`exrec` < 7, `parcomp` = 0 or `parcomp` > 2)
#'   2-Partial democracy with factionalism (`exrec` > 6, `parcomp` = 3)
#'   3-Partial democracy (`exrec` > 6, `parcomp` = 0 or `parcomp` = 4 or
#'   `parcomp` = 5 but `exrec` != 8)
#'   4-Full democracy (`exrec` = 8, `parcomp` = 5). See Goldstone et al. 2010
#'   for full details.}
#'   \item{pitf_binary}{A simplification of the \code{pitf} indicator of
#'   democracy described in Taylor and Ulfelder 2015. A country is a democracy
#'   (1) "if its chief executive is chosen in competitive elections (`exrec`
#'   equal to 7 or 8) and political competition is not suppressed (`parcomp`
#'   equal to 0 or `parcomp` greater than 2)" Otherwise it is a non-democracy
#'   (0).}
#'   \item{polity}{Annual polity index, excluding special codes for
#'   interruption, interregnum, and transition (-88,-77,-66). Higher values are
#'   more democratic. From Marshall, Gurr, and Jaggers 2015.}
#'   \item{polity2}{Annual polity2 index, interpolating values for interruption,
#'   interregnum, and transition periods. Higher values are more democratic.
#'   From Marshall, Gurr, and Jaggers 2015.}
#'   \item{polity_pmm}{Same as previous, but taken from Pemstein, Meserve, and
#'   Melton 2013. In this version the indicator only goes to 1945, and it
#'   differs from \code{polity2} in a few cases. For more detail on the
#'   differences, see
#'   \code{vignette("Differences_between_PMM_and_original_data")}. Included only
#'   in order to be able to replicate the PMM 2011 model.}
#'   \item{polyarchy_original_polyarchy}{0-10 index of democracy from Coppedge
#'   and Reinicke 1991. Revised in 2003-2006. This has been reversed so that
#'   higher values are more democratic; the original index was scored so that 0
#'   was less democratic. The codebook for the dataset suggests using
#'   \code{polyarchy_original_contestation} instead, a more reliable version of
#'   the polyarchy scale with fewer categories. Includes a value for Western
#'   Sahara in 2000, which has been assigned COW code 605; Western Sahara is not
#'   coded by any other dataset in this compilation, and is not considered an
#'   independent state by either Gleditsch and Ward or the Correlates of War
#'   project. Exclude if necessary.}
#'   \item{pmm_polyarchy}{Same as \code{polyarchy_reversed} but taken from
#'   Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton 2013. Note that there are 22 discrepancies
#'   between \code{polyarchy_reversed} and \code{polyarchy_pmm}; these appear to
#'   be due to transcription error in PMM's replication dataset.
#'   \code{pmm_polyarchy} also misses 4 country-years in
#'   \code{polyarchy_original_polyarchy}. For more detail on the differences,
#'   see \code{vignette("Differences_between_PMM_and_original_data")}. Included
#'   only in order to be able to replicate the PMM 2011 model.}
#'   \item{polyarchy_original_contestation}{1-9 index of contestation from the
#'   revised version of Coppedge and Reinicke. 1991. Revised in 2003-2006.
#'   Includes a value for Western Sahara in 2000, which has been assigned code
#'   605; Western Sahara is not coded by any other dataset in this compilation,
#'   and is not considered an independent state by either Gleditsch and Ward or
#'   the Correlates of War project. Meaning of the scale is as follows:
#'   9	Meaningful fair elections are held, there is full freedom for political
#'   organization and expression, and there is no preferential presentation of
#'   official views in the media.
#'   8	Meaningful fair elections are held and there is full freedom for
#'   political organization and expression, but there is preferential
#'   presentation of official views in the media.
#'   7	Meaningful fair elections are held and there is full freedom for
#'   political organization, but some public dissent is suppressed and there is
#'   preferential presentation of official views in the media.
#'   6	Meaningful fair elections are held, but some independent political
#'   organizations are banned, some public dissent is suppressed, and there is
#'   preferential presentation of official views in the media.
#'   5	Elections are marred by fraud or coercion, some independent political
#'   organizations are banned, some public dissent is suppressed, and there is
#'   preferential presentation of official views in the media.
#'   4	Like score 5 except that there is less contestation in one or two of the
#'   following respects: no meaningful elections are held, only nonpolitical
#'   organizations are allowed to be independent, or alternatives to the
#'   official media are very limited.
#'   3	No meaningful elections are held, only nonpolitical organizations are
#'   allowed to be independent, some public dissent is suppressed, and
#'   alternatives to the official media are very limited.
#'   2	Like score 3 except that there is less contestation in one or two of the
#'   following respects: all organizations are banned or controlled by the
#'   government or official party, all public dissent is suppressed, or there is
#'   no public alternative to official information.
#'   1	No meaningful elections are held, all organizations are banned or
#'   controlled by the government or official party, all public dissent is
#'   suppressed, and there is no public alternative to official information.}
#'   \item{polyarchy_contestation_dimension}{The contestation dimension
#'   (`CONTEST`) in the dataset described in Coppedge, Alvarez, and Maldonado
#'   2008.}
#'   \item{polyarchy_inclusion_dimension}{The inclusion dimension (`INCLUS`) in
#'   the dataset described in Coppedge, Alvarez, and Maldonado 2008.}
#'   \item{prc}{Trichotomous index of democracy from Gasiorowski 1996. Available
#'   in updated form in Reich 2002. 1= Authoritarian, 3 = semidemocratic, 4 =
#'   democratic. Transitional categories coded `NA`.}
#'   \item{pmm_prc}{Same as previous but taken from Pemstein, Meserve, and
#'   Melton 2013. In this version the indicator only goes to 1945. It also
#'   differs from the original data in a few cases (including the fact that it
#'   includes the transition category, coded `NA` in `prc`). For more detail on
#'   the differences, see  For more detail on the differences, see
#'   \code{vignette("Differences_between_PMM_and_original_data")}. Included only
#'   in order to be able to replicate the PMM 2011 model.}
#'   \item{PIPE_regime}{Calculated regime type variable from the PIPE dataset.
#'   Przeworski et al. 2013. This variable is not found in the downloadable
#'   dataset; it is calculated according to the instructions in the codebook.
#'   The documentation gives the following instructions:
#'   "0 if \code{electoral_age} (a variable in the original dataset) is missing.
#'   There are two distinct reasons why it may be missing: either elections are
#'   not held regularly or they are held but the winner does not complete a term
#'   in office or makes an autocoup. Elections are considered not to be held if
#'   (1) there is a constitution that specifies the length of term of the chief
#'   executive (or the legislature) and this period is exceeded by more than one
#'   year, except for war years, (2) there is no constitution or the
#'   constitution does not provide for elections and no elections are held
#'   during this period.
#'   1 if \code{electoral_age} is not missing and \code{opposition = 0} (a
#'   variable in the original dataset) (or \code{republic_age} is missing).
#'   These are regimes in which elections are held regularly and the winners (or
#'   their constitutional successors) complete electoral terms but either
#'   elections are uncontested or there is one party and independents or parties
#'   are banned and everyone runs as independent. Note that if everyone runs as
#'   independents it is possible for the incumbent government to lose an
#'   election, as in Swaziland in 1993. It is also possible for the incumbent to
#'   lose if the regime had no opposition up to some time when a competitive
#'   election occurred but the winner did not complete a term, as in Honduras in
#'   1852. Finally, incumbents can lose when \code{regime = 1} if the election
#'   was competitive but at the end of the year the opposition was suppressed,
#'   as in Panama in 1968.
#'   2 if \code{republic_age} (a variable in the original dataset) is not
#'   missing, that is if \code{electoral_age} is not missing and
#'   \code{opposition = 1} (there is some minimal opposition), but no strong
#'   alternation has ocurred (power has not changed hands).
#'   3 if \code{democracy_age} (\code{democracy_age} is not found in the
#'   original dataset) is not missing, that is, the country has elections, there
#'   is opposition, and a strong alternation -- a change in parties controlling
#'   the government -- has occurred."}
#'   \item{reign_democracy}{A measure of democracy from Bell 2016, obtained by
#'   coding all presidential and parliamentary democracies as 1, all other
#'   regimes as 0.}
#'   \item{csvmdi}{The continuous Support Vector Machine democracy index from
#'   Grundler and Krieger 2018.}
#'   \item{svmdi_2016}{The continuous Support Vector Machine democracy index
#'   from  Grundler and Krieger 2016.}
#'   \item{dsvmdi}{The dichotomous Support Vector Machine democracy index from
#'   Grundler and Krieger 2018.}
#'   \item{svolik_democracy}{Dichotomous indicator of democracy from Svolik
#'   2012. 0 = authoritarian, 1 = democracy.}
#'   \item{ulfelder_democracy}{Dichotomous indicator of democracy from Ulfelder
#'   2012. 0 = authoritarian, 1 = democracy.}
#'   \item{ulfelder_democracy_extended}{Dichotomous indicator of democracy from
#'   Ulfelder 2012. 0 = authoritarian, 1 = democracy, extended back in time
#'   using the regime duration information in the dataset. For more details on
#'   the additional country-years coded this way, see
#'   [democracyData](https://github.com/xmarquez/democracyData)}
#'   \item{utip_dichotomous}{Calculated dichotomous index of democracy from data
#'   in the UTIP dataset of political regimes (Hsu 2008). 1 if the regime is a
#'   social democracy, conservative democracy, or one party democracy, 0
#'   otherwise. The category of "one party democracy" is not well documented.}
#'   \item{utip_dichotomous_strict}{Stricter version of the calculated
#'   dichotomous index of democracy from data in the UTIP dataset of political
#'   regimes (Hsu 2008). 1 if the regime is a social democracy or a conservative
#'   democracy, 0 otherwise. This excludes "one party democracies" from the
#'   democracy category.}
#'   \item{utip_trichotomous}{Calculated trichotomous index of democracy from
#'   data in the UTIP dataset of political regimes (Hsu 2008). 2 if the regime
#'   is a social democracy or conservative democracy, 1 if the regime is a one
#'   party democracy, 0 otherwise. The category of "one party democracy" is not
#'   well documented.}
#'   \item{v2x_api}{Additive polyarchy index from V-dem version 7.1, Coppedge et
#'   al 2017.Higher values are more democratic.}
#'   \item{v2x_delibdem}{Deliberative democracy index from V-dem version 7.1,
#'   Coppedge et al 2017.Higher values are more democratic.}
#'   \item{v2x_egaldem}{Egalitarian democracy index from V-dem version 7.1,
#'   Coppedge et al 2017.Higher values are more democratic.}
#'   \item{v2x_libdem}{Egalitarian democracy index from V-dem version 7.1,
#'   Coppedge et al 2017.Higher values are more democratic.}
#'   \item{v2x_mpi}{Multiplicative polyarchy index from V-dem version 7.1,
#'   Coppedge et al 2017.Higher values are more democratic.}
#'   \item{v2x_partipdem}{Participatory democracy index from V-dem version 7.1,
#'   Coppedge et al 2017.Higher values are more democratic.}
#'   \item{v2x_polyarchy}{Continuous polyarchy index from V-dem version 7.1,
#'   Coppedge et al 2017.Higher values are more democratic.}
#'   \item{vanhanen_competition}{Index of competition from Vanhanen 2012. From
#'   Vanahnen's documentation: "The smaller parties' share of the votes cast in
#'   parliamentary or presidential elections, or both, is used to indicate the
#'   degree of competition. It is calculated by subtracting the percentage of
#'   votes won by the largest party from 100. If the largest party gets, for
#'   example, 40 percent of the votes, the share of the smaller parties is 60
#'   percent. If data on the distribution of votes are not available, the value
#'   of this variable is calculated on the basis of the distribution of seats in
#'   parliament. The distribution of seats is used also in cases in which it
#'   seems to indicate power relations more realistically than the distribution
#'   of votes." Its maximum value is 70. See the full documentation for
#'   Vanhanen's dataset for details.}
#'   \item{vanhanen_participation}{Index of participation from Vanhanen 2012.
#'   From Vanahnen's documentation: "The percentage of the population which
#'   actually voted in the same elections is used to measure the degree of
#'   participation (= Participation). This percentage is calculated from the
#'   total population, not from the adult or enfranchized population." It is
#'   zero by construction in cases where no popular elections exist. May be
#'   modified by referenda. See the full documentation of Vanhanen's dataset for
#'   details.}
#'   \item{vanhanen_democratization}{Index of democratization from Vanhanen
#'   2012. Higher values are more democratic. Constructed multiplicatively from
#'   \code{vanhanen_participation} and \code{vanhanen_competition}.}
#'   \item{pmm_vanhanen}{Same as \code{vanhanen_democratization} but taken from
#'   Pemstein, Meserve, and Melton. 2013. There are some small differences
#'   between this variable and `vanhanen_democratization`. For more detail on
#'   the differences, see
#'   \code{vignette("Differences_between_PMM_and_original_data")}. Included only
#'   in order to be able to replicate the PMM 2011 model exactly.}
#'   \item{wth_democ1}{Dichotomous measure of democracy from Wahman, Teorell,
#'   and Hadenius 2013, obtaining by coding 1 all democracies according to the
#'   `regime1ny` variable, 0 all other regimes.}
#'   \item{wth_democrobust}{Dichotomous measure of democracy from Wahman,
#'   Teorell, and Hadenius 2013, obtaining by coding 1 all democracies according
#'   to the `regimenyrobust` variable, 0 all other regimes.}
#'   }
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#' @family democracy
#' @author Xavier Marquez, Political Science and International Relations
#'   Programme, Victoria University of Wellington, marquez.x@gmail.com
xmarquez/QuickUDS documentation built on May 4, 2019, 1:24 p.m.