function(y, id, covs = NULL,, tree = NULL, model, Gamma = c(1,3,5,7,9), Lamda = matrix(c(1, rep(0, 8), rep(1/3, 3), rep(0, 6), rep(1/5, 5), rep(0, 4), rep(1/7, 7), rep(0, 2), rep(1/9, 9)), 5, 9, byrow = T), 
           comp = FALSE, CLR = FALSE, opt.ncl = 30, n.perm = 5000) {
    if (length(Gamma) != nrow(Lamda) | max(Gamma) != ncol(Lamda) | length(Gamma) > 100 | length(Gamma) < 1) {
      stop("The number(maximum value) of the Gamma is out of range or not equal to the number of rows(columns) in Lamda. Please enter the correct Gamma or Lamda!")

    for (i in 1:nrow(Lamda)) {
      if (sum(Lamda[i,]) != 1){
        stop(paste(paste("The sum of Lamda's", i, sep = " "), paste("th row isn't 1. Please enter the correct Lamda!"), sep = ""))
      if (i < nrow(Lamda) && max(Lamda[i, as.numeric((Gamma[i]+1):max(Gamma))]) != 0){
        stop("Non-zero values occupy the position of the 0 element in Lamda. Please enter the correct Lamda!")

    if (!comp) { <- t(apply(, 1, function(x)x/sum(x)))
    } <-
    if (CLR) { <- t(apply(, 1, clr))
    n <- length(y)
    p <- ncol(

    if (is.null(covs)) {
      fit.GEE.AR <- MGEE(y ~ 1, id=id , family = model, corstr = "AR-1")
      f.y.GEE.AR <- fitted.values(fit.GEE.AR)
      r.GEE.AR <- y - f.y.GEE.AR

      fit.GEE.EX <- MGEE(y ~ 1, id=id , family = model, corstr = "exchangeable")
      f.y.GEE.EX <- fitted.values(fit.GEE.EX)
      r.GEE.EX <- y - f.y.GEE.EX

      fit.GEE.IN <- MGEE(y ~ 1, id=id , family = model, corstr = "independence")
      f.y.GEE.IN <- fitted.values(fit.GEE.IN)
      r.GEE.IN <- y - f.y.GEE.IN

    } else {
      fit.GEE.AR <- MGEE(y ~ ., id=id , family = model, corstr = "AR-1",
      f.y.GEE.AR <- fitted.values(fit.GEE.AR)
      r.GEE.AR <- y - f.y.GEE.AR

      fit.GEE.EX <- MGEE(y ~ ., id=id , family = model, corstr = "exchangeable",
      f.y.GEE.EX <- fitted.values(fit.GEE.EX)
      r.GEE.EX <- y - f.y.GEE.EX

      fit.GEE.IN <- MGEE(y ~ ., id=id , family = model, corstr = "independence",
      f.y.GEE.IN <- fitted.values(fit.GEE.IN)
      r.GEE.IN <- y - f.y.GEE.IN


    r.s.GEE.AR <- list()
    r.s.GEE.EX <- list()
    r.s.GEE.IN <- list()
    for (j in 1:n.perm) {
    ind_r.s <- shuffle(n)
    r.s.GEE.AR[[j]] <- r.GEE.AR[ind_r.s]
    r.s.GEE.EX[[j]] <- r.GEE.EX[ind_r.s]
    r.s.GEE.IN[[j]] <- r.GEE.IN[ind_r.s]

    n.Zs.GEE.AR <- as.numeric(r.GEE.AR) %*%
    n.Zs.GEE.EX <- as.numeric(r.GEE.EX) %*%
    n.Zs.GEE.IN <- as.numeric(r.GEE.IN) %*%
    n.Z0s.GEE.AR <- lapply(r.s.GEE.AR, function(x) as.numeric(x %*%
    n.Z0s.GEE.EX <- lapply(r.s.GEE.EX, function(x) as.numeric(x %*%
    n.Z0s.GEE.IN <- lapply(r.s.GEE.IN, function(x) as.numeric(x %*%
    U0s.GEE.AR <- lapply(apply(sapply(r.s.GEE.AR, function(x) return(x %*%,1,list),unlist)    
    U0s.GEE.EX <- lapply(apply(sapply(r.s.GEE.EX, function(x) return(x %*%,1,list),unlist)
    U0s.GEE.IN <- lapply(apply(sapply(r.s.GEE.IN, function(x) return(x %*%,1,list),unlist)
    se.GEE.AR <- sapply(U0s.GEE.AR, sd)
    se.GEE.EX <- sapply(U0s.GEE.EX, sd)
    se.GEE.IN <- sapply(U0s.GEE.IN, sd)
    Zs.GEE.AR <- n.Zs.GEE.AR/se.GEE.AR
    Zs.GEE.EX <- n.Zs.GEE.EX/se.GEE.EX
    Zs.GEE.IN <- n.Zs.GEE.IN/se.GEE.IN
    Z0s.GEE.AR <- lapply(n.Z0s.GEE.AR, function(x) x/se.GEE.AR)
    Z0s.GEE.EX <- lapply(n.Z0s.GEE.EX, function(x) x/se.GEE.EX)
    Z0s.GEE.IN <- lapply(n.Z0s.GEE.IN, function(x) x/se.GEE.IN)

      if (class(tree) == "phylo") {
        CDis <- cophenetic(tree)    
        for (j in 1:nrow(CDis)) {
          ind.t <- which(CDis[j,] == 0)
          ind.d <- which(ind.t == j)
          ind.r <- ind.t[-ind.d]
          CDis[j,ind.r] <- min(CDis[j,-ind.t])/2

        if (opt.ncl == "gmx") {
          asw <- numeric(p-1)
          for (j in 2:(p-1)) {
            asw[j] <- pam(CDis, j)$silinfo$avg.width
 <- which.max(asw)
          clust.pam <- pam(CDis,, cluster.only=TRUE)
        if (opt.ncl == "fmx") {
          asw <- numeric(p-1)
          j <- 2
          asw[j] <- pam(CDis, j)$silinfo$avg.width
          while (asw[j-1] < asw[j] & j <= p-1) {
            j <- j + 1
            asw[j] <- pam(CDis, j)$silinfo$avg.width
 <- j-1
          clust.pam <- pam(CDis,, cluster.only=TRUE)
        if (opt.ncl != "gmx" & opt.ncl != "fmx") {
          asw <- numeric(p-1)
          for (j in 2:opt.ncl) {
            asw[j] <- pam(CDis, j)$silinfo$avg.width
 <- which.max(asw)
          clust.pam <- pam(CDis,, cluster.only=TRUE)
        Ws.GEE.AR <- rep(NA, p)
        Ws.GEE.EX <- rep(NA, p)
        Ws.GEE.IN <- rep(NA, p)
        for (j in 1:p) {
          ind.1 <- match(colnames(CDis)[j], names(clust.pam))
          ind.2 <- which(clust.pam == as.numeric(clust.pam[ind.1]))
          ind.3 <- which(ind.2 == ind.1)
          ind <- ind.2[-ind.3]
          if (length(ind) == 0) {
            Ws.GEE.AR[j] <- 1
            Ws.GEE.EX[j] <- 1
            Ws.GEE.IN[j] <- 1
          } else {
            inv.Ds <- 1/(CDis[j,ind])
            abs.Zs.GEE.AR <- abs(Zs.GEE.AR[ind])
            abs.Zs.GEE.EX <- abs(Zs.GEE.EX[ind])
            abs.Zs.GEE.IN <- abs(Zs.GEE.IN[ind])
            Ws.GEE.AR[j] <- sum(inv.Ds*abs.Zs.GEE.AR)/sum(inv.Ds) + 1
            Ws.GEE.EX[j] <- sum(inv.Ds*abs.Zs.GEE.EX)/sum(inv.Ds) + 1
            Ws.GEE.IN[j] <- sum(inv.Ds*abs.Zs.GEE.IN)/sum(inv.Ds) + 1
        Ws.GEE.AR <- Ws.GEE.AR/sum(Ws.GEE.AR)
        Ws.GEE.EX <- Ws.GEE.EX/sum(Ws.GEE.EX)
        Ws.GEE.IN <- Ws.GEE.IN/sum(Ws.GEE.IN)

        ahc.o.GEE.AR <- as.list(GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=Zs.GEE.AR, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=Ws.GEE.AR))
        ahc.o.GEE.EX <- as.list(GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=Zs.GEE.EX, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=Ws.GEE.EX))
        ahc.o.GEE.IN <- as.list(GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=Zs.GEE.IN, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=Ws.GEE.IN))
        ahc.p.GEE.AR <- lapply(apply(sapply(Z0s.GEE.AR, function(x) GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=x, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=Ws.GEE.AR)), 1, list), unlist)
        ahc.p.GEE.EX <- lapply(apply(sapply(Z0s.GEE.EX, function(x) GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=x, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=Ws.GEE.EX)), 1, list), unlist)
        ahc.p.GEE.IN <- lapply(apply(sapply(Z0s.GEE.IN, function(x) GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=x, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=Ws.GEE.IN)), 1, list), unlist)
        pvs.GEE.AR <- mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), ahc.o.GEE.AR, ahc.p.GEE.AR)
        pvs.GEE.EX <- mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), ahc.o.GEE.EX, ahc.p.GEE.EX)
        pvs.GEE.IN <- mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), ahc.o.GEE.IN, ahc.p.GEE.IN)

        ind.pvs.GEE.AR <- 1-pchisq(Zs.GEE.AR^2, df=1)
        ind.pvs.GEE.EX <- 1-pchisq(Zs.GEE.EX^2, df=1)
        ind.pvs.GEE.IN <- 1-pchisq(Zs.GEE.IN^2, df=1)
        simes.pv.GEE.AR <- round(min(length(ind.pvs.GEE.AR)*ind.pvs.GEE.AR/rank(ind.pvs.GEE.AR)),4)
        simes.pv.GEE.EX <- round(min(length(ind.pvs.GEE.EX)*ind.pvs.GEE.EX/rank(ind.pvs.GEE.EX)),4)
        simes.pv.GEE.IN <- round(min(length(ind.pvs.GEE.IN)*ind.pvs.GEE.IN/rank(ind.pvs.GEE.IN)),4)
        simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.AR <- unlist(lapply(Z0s.GEE.AR, function(x) {xx <- 1-pchisq(x^2, df=1); min(length(xx)*xx/rank(xx))}))
        simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.EX <- unlist(lapply(Z0s.GEE.EX, function(x) {xx <- 1-pchisq(x^2, df=1); min(length(xx)*xx/rank(xx))}))
        simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.IN <- unlist(lapply(Z0s.GEE.IN, function(x) {xx <- 1-pchisq(x^2, df=1); min(length(xx)*xx/rank(xx))}))
        simes.pv0s.GEE.AR <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        simes.pv0s.GEE.EX <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        simes.pv0s.GEE.IN <- rep(NA, n.perm)

        for (j in 1:n.perm) {   
          simes.pv0s.GEE.AR[j] <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.AR[-j] < simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.AR[j]))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
          simes.pv0s.GEE.EX[j] <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.EX[-j] < simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.EX[j]))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
          simes.pv0s.GEE.IN[j] <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.IN[-j] < simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.IN[j]))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        simes.pv.GEE.AR <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.GEE.AR < simes.pv.GEE.AR))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
        simes.pv.GEE.EX <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.GEE.EX < simes.pv.GEE.EX))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
        simes.pv.GEE.IN <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.GEE.IN < simes.pv.GEE.IN))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        l.Gamma <- length(Gamma)
        Tu.GEE.AR <- min(pvs.GEE.AR[1:l.Gamma], simes.pv.GEE.AR)
        Tu.GEE.EX <- min(pvs.GEE.EX[1:l.Gamma], simes.pv.GEE.EX)
        Tu.GEE.IN <- min(pvs.GEE.IN[1:l.Gamma], simes.pv.GEE.IN)
        T0u.GEE.AR <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        T0u.GEE.EX <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        T0u.GEE.IN <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        Tw.GEE.AR <- min(pvs.GEE.AR[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)], simes.pv.GEE.AR)
        Tw.GEE.EX <- min(pvs.GEE.EX[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)], simes.pv.GEE.EX)
        Tw.GEE.IN <- min(pvs.GEE.IN[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)], simes.pv.GEE.IN)
        T0w.GEE.AR <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        T0w.GEE.EX <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        T0w.GEE.IN <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        for (j in 1:n.perm) {
          T0u.o.GEE.AR <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.AR[1:l.Gamma], function(x) x[j])
          T0u.o.GEE.EX <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.EX[1:l.Gamma], function(x) x[j])
          T0u.o.GEE.IN <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.IN[1:l.Gamma], function(x) x[j])
          T0u.p.GEE.AR <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.AR[1:l.Gamma], function(x) x[-j])
          T0u.p.GEE.EX <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.EX[1:l.Gamma], function(x) x[-j])
          T0u.p.GEE.IN <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.IN[1:l.Gamma], function(x) x[-j])
          T0u.GEE.AR[j] <- min(mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), T0u.o.GEE.AR, T0u.p.GEE.AR))
          T0u.GEE.EX[j] <- min(mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), T0u.o.GEE.EX, T0u.p.GEE.EX))
          T0u.GEE.IN[j] <- min(mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), T0u.o.GEE.IN, T0u.p.GEE.IN))
        for (j in 1:n.perm) {
          T0w.o.GEE.AR <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.AR[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)], function(x) x[j])
          T0w.o.GEE.EX <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.EX[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)], function(x) x[j])
          T0w.o.GEE.IN <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.IN[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)], function(x) x[j])
          T0w.p.GEE.AR <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.AR[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)], function(x) x[-j])
          T0w.p.GEE.EX <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.EX[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)], function(x) x[-j])
          T0w.p.GEE.IN <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.IN[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)], function(x) x[-j])
          T0w.GEE.AR[j] <- min(mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), T0w.o.GEE.AR, T0w.p.GEE.AR))
          T0w.GEE.EX[j] <- min(mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), T0w.o.GEE.EX, T0w.p.GEE.EX))
          T0w.GEE.IN[j] <- min(mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), T0w.o.GEE.IN, T0w.p.GEE.IN))

        T.GEE.AR <- min(pvs.GEE.AR, simes.pv.GEE.AR)
        T0.GEE.AR <- apply(cbind(T0u.GEE.AR, T0w.GEE.AR, simes.pv0s.GEE.AR),1,min)
        pv.opt.GEE.AR <- (length(which(T0.GEE.AR < T.GEE.AR))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        T.GEE.EX <- min(pvs.GEE.EX, simes.pv.GEE.EX)
        T0.GEE.EX <- apply(cbind(T0u.GEE.EX, T0w.GEE.EX, simes.pv0s.GEE.EX),1,min)
        pv.opt.GEE.EX <- (length(which(T0.GEE.EX < T.GEE.EX))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        T.GEE.IN <- min(pvs.GEE.IN, simes.pv.GEE.IN)
        T0.GEE.IN <- apply(cbind(T0u.GEE.IN, T0w.GEE.IN, simes.pv0s.GEE.IN),1,min)
        pv.opt.GEE.IN <- (length(which(T0.GEE.IN < T.GEE.IN))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        T <- min(T.GEE.AR, T.GEE.EX, T.GEE.IN)
        T0 <- apply(cbind(T0.GEE.AR, T0.GEE.EX, T0.GEE.IN),1,min)
        pv.opt <- (length(which(T0 < T))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        names(simes.pv.GEE.AR) <- "Simes.GEE(AR)"
        names(simes.pv.GEE.EX) <- "Simes.GEE(EX)"
        names(simes.pv.GEE.IN) <- "Simes.GEE(IN)"
        item.pvs.GEE.AR <- cbind(pvs.GEE.AR[1:l.Gamma], pvs.GEE.AR[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)])
        item.pvs.GEE.EX <- cbind(pvs.GEE.EX[1:l.Gamma], pvs.GEE.EX[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)])
        item.pvs.GEE.IN <- cbind(pvs.GEE.IN[1:l.Gamma], pvs.GEE.IN[(l.Gamma+1):(l.Gamma*2)])
        colnames(item.pvs.GEE.AR) <- c("uGEEHC(h).AR", "wGEEHC(h).AR")
        colnames(item.pvs.GEE.EX) <- c("uGEEHC(h).EX", "wGEEHC(h).EX")
        colnames(item.pvs.GEE.IN) <- c("uGEEHC(h).IN", "wGEEHC(h).IN")
        rownames(item.pvs.GEE.AR) <- as.character(Gamma)
        rownames(item.pvs.GEE.EX) <- as.character(Gamma)
        rownames(item.pvs.GEE.IN) <- as.character(Gamma)

        ada.pvs <- c(pv.opt.GEE.AR, pv.opt.GEE.EX, pv.opt.GEE.IN, pv.opt)
        names(ada.pvs) <- c("GEEMiHC(AR)", "GEEMiHC(EX)", "GEEMiHC(IN)", "aGEEMiHC")

        otu.ids <- colnames(
        otu.ids <- sub("New.ReferenceOTU", "N", otu.ids)
        otu.ids <- sub("New.CleanUp.ReferenceOTU", "NC", otu.ids)
        pvs.GEE.AR <- ind.pvs.GEE.AR
        pvs.GEE.EX <- ind.pvs.GEE.EX
        pvs.GEE.IN <- ind.pvs.GEE.IN
        i0.GEE.AR <- which(pvs.GEE.AR < 0.00000001)
        i0.GEE.EX <- which(pvs.GEE.EX < 0.00000001)
        i0.GEE.IN <- which(pvs.GEE.IN < 0.00000001)
        i1.GEE.AR <- which(pvs.GEE.AR > 0.99999999)
        i1.GEE.EX <- which(pvs.GEE.EX > 0.99999999)
        i1.GEE.IN <- which(pvs.GEE.IN > 0.99999999)
        pvs.GEE.AR[i0.GEE.AR] <- 0.00000001
        pvs.GEE.EX[i0.GEE.EX] <- 0.00000001
        pvs.GEE.IN[i0.GEE.IN] <- 0.00000001
        pvs.GEE.AR[i1.GEE.AR] <- 0.99999999
        pvs.GEE.EX[i1.GEE.EX] <- 0.99999999
        pvs.GEE.IN[i1.GEE.IN] <- 0.99999999
        Is.GEE.AR <- order(order(pvs.GEE.AR))
        Is.GEE.EX <- order(order(pvs.GEE.EX))
        Is.GEE.IN <- order(order(pvs.GEE.IN))
        exp.HC.GEE.AR <- (Is.GEE.AR/p)/sqrt(pvs.GEE.AR*(1-pvs.GEE.AR)/p)
        exp.HC.GEE.EX <- (Is.GEE.EX/p)/sqrt(pvs.GEE.EX*(1-pvs.GEE.EX)/p)
        exp.HC.GEE.IN <- (Is.GEE.IN/p)/sqrt(pvs.GEE.IN*(1-pvs.GEE.IN)/p)
        obs.HC.GEE.AR <- pvs.GEE.AR/sqrt(pvs.GEE.AR*(1-pvs.GEE.AR)/p)
        obs.HC.GEE.EX <- pvs.GEE.EX/sqrt(pvs.GEE.EX*(1-pvs.GEE.EX)/p)
        obs.HC.GEE.IN <- pvs.GEE.IN/sqrt(pvs.GEE.IN*(1-pvs.GEE.IN)/p)
        exp.wHC.GEE.AR <- Ws.GEE.AR*(Is.GEE.AR/p)/sqrt(pvs.GEE.AR*(1-pvs.GEE.AR)/p)
        exp.wHC.GEE.EX <- Ws.GEE.EX*(Is.GEE.EX/p)/sqrt(pvs.GEE.EX*(1-pvs.GEE.EX)/p)
        exp.wHC.GEE.IN <- Ws.GEE.IN*(Is.GEE.IN/p)/sqrt(pvs.GEE.IN*(1-pvs.GEE.IN)/p)
        obs.wHC.GEE.AR <- Ws.GEE.AR*pvs.GEE.AR/sqrt(pvs.GEE.AR*(1-pvs.GEE.AR)/p)
        obs.wHC.GEE.EX <- Ws.GEE.EX*pvs.GEE.EX/sqrt(pvs.GEE.EX*(1-pvs.GEE.EX)/p)
        obs.wHC.GEE.IN <- Ws.GEE.IN*pvs.GEE.IN/sqrt(pvs.GEE.IN*(1-pvs.GEE.IN)/p)
        deviation.uGEEHC.AR <- abs(exp.HC.GEE.AR - obs.HC.GEE.AR)
        deviation.uGEEHC.EX <- abs(exp.HC.GEE.EX - obs.HC.GEE.EX)
        deviation.uGEEHC.IN <- abs(exp.HC.GEE.IN - obs.HC.GEE.IN)
        deviation.wGEEHC.AR <- abs(exp.wHC.GEE.AR - obs.wHC.GEE.AR)
        deviation.wGEEHC.EX <- abs(exp.wHC.GEE.EX - obs.wHC.GEE.EX)
        deviation.wGEEHC.IN <- abs(exp.wHC.GEE.IN - obs.wHC.GEE.IN)
        rank.uGEEHC.AR <- otu.ids[order(deviation.uGEEHC.AR, decreasing = T)]
        rank.uGEEHC.EX <- otu.ids[order(deviation.uGEEHC.EX, decreasing = T)]
        rank.uGEEHC.IN <- otu.ids[order(deviation.uGEEHC.IN, decreasing = T)]
        rank.wGEEHC.AR <- otu.ids[order(deviation.wGEEHC.AR, decreasing = T)]
        rank.wGEEHC.EX <- otu.ids[order(deviation.wGEEHC.EX, decreasing = T)]
        rank.wGEEHC.IN <- otu.ids[order(deviation.wGEEHC.IN, decreasing = T)]
        return(list(graph.els = list(otu.ids = otu.ids, exp.GEEHC.AR = exp.HC.GEE.AR, exp.GEEHC.EX = exp.HC.GEE.EX, exp.GEEHC.IN = exp.HC.GEE.IN, obs.GEEHC.AR = obs.HC.GEE.AR, obs.GEEHC.EX = obs.HC.GEE.EX, obs.GEEHC.IN = obs.HC.GEE.IN, exp.wGEEHC.AR = exp.wHC.GEE.AR, exp.wGEEHC.EX = exp.wHC.GEE.EX, exp.wGEEHC.IN = exp.wHC.GEE.IN, obs.wGEEHC.AR = obs.wHC.GEE.AR, obs.wGEEHC.EX = obs.wHC.GEE.EX, obs.wGEEHC.IN = obs.wHC.GEE.IN), opt.nclust =, rank.order = list(uGEEHC.AR = rank.uGEEHC.AR, uGEEHC.EX = rank.uGEEHC.EX, uGEEHC.IN = rank.uGEEHC.IN, wGEEHC.AR = rank.wGEEHC.AR, wGEEHC.EX = rank.wGEEHC.EX, wGEEHC.IN = rank.wGEEHC.IN), simes.pv.GEE.AR = simes.pv.GEE.AR, simes.pv.GEE.EX = simes.pv.GEE.EX, simes.pv.GEE.IN = simes.pv.GEE.IN, ind.pvs.GEEMiHC.AR = item.pvs.GEE.AR, ind.pvs.GEEMiHC.EX = item.pvs.GEE.EX, ind.pvs.GEEMiHC.IN = item.pvs.GEE.IN, ada.pvs=ada.pvs))

      if (class(tree) != "phylo") {
        ahc.o.GEE.AR <- as.list(GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=Zs.GEE.AR, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=NULL))
        ahc.o.GEE.EX <- as.list(GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=Zs.GEE.EX, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=NULL))
        ahc.o.GEE.IN <- as.list(GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=Zs.GEE.IN, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=NULL))
        ahc.p.GEE.AR <- lapply(apply(sapply(Z0s.GEE.AR, function(x) GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=x, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=NULL)), 1, list), unlist)
        ahc.p.GEE.EX <- lapply(apply(sapply(Z0s.GEE.EX, function(x) GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=x, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=NULL)), 1, list), unlist)
        ahc.p.GEE.IN <- lapply(apply(sapply(Z0s.GEE.IN, function(x) GEEMiHC.stat(Zs=x, Gamma=Gamma, Lamda=Lamda, Ws=NULL)), 1, list), unlist)
        pvs.GEE.AR <- mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), ahc.o.GEE.AR, ahc.p.GEE.AR)
        pvs.GEE.EX <- mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), ahc.o.GEE.EX, ahc.p.GEE.EX)
        pvs.GEE.IN <- mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), ahc.o.GEE.IN, ahc.p.GEE.IN)

        ind.pvs.GEE.AR <- 1-pchisq(Zs.GEE.AR^2, df=1)
        ind.pvs.GEE.EX <- 1-pchisq(Zs.GEE.EX^2, df=1)
        ind.pvs.GEE.IN <- 1-pchisq(Zs.GEE.IN^2, df=1)
        simes.pv.GEE.AR <- min(length(ind.pvs.GEE.AR)*ind.pvs.GEE.AR/rank(ind.pvs.GEE.AR))
        simes.pv.GEE.EX <- min(length(ind.pvs.GEE.EX)*ind.pvs.GEE.EX/rank(ind.pvs.GEE.EX))
        simes.pv.GEE.IN <- min(length(ind.pvs.GEE.IN)*ind.pvs.GEE.IN/rank(ind.pvs.GEE.IN))
        simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.AR <- unlist(lapply(Z0s.GEE.AR, function(x) {xx <- 1-pchisq(x^2, df=1); min(length(xx)*xx/rank(xx))}))
        simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.EX <- unlist(lapply(Z0s.GEE.EX, function(x) {xx <- 1-pchisq(x^2, df=1); min(length(xx)*xx/rank(xx))}))
        simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.IN <- unlist(lapply(Z0s.GEE.IN, function(x) {xx <- 1-pchisq(x^2, df=1); min(length(xx)*xx/rank(xx))}))
        simes.pv0s.GEE.AR <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        simes.pv0s.GEE.EX <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        simes.pv0s.GEE.IN <- rep(NA, n.perm)

        for (j in 1:n.perm) {   
          simes.pv0s.GEE.AR[j] <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.AR[-j] < simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.AR[j]))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
          simes.pv0s.GEE.EX[j] <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.EX[-j] < simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.EX[j]))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
          simes.pv0s.GEE.IN[j] <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.IN[-j] < simes.pv0s.ori.GEE.IN[j]))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        simes.pv.GEE.AR <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.GEE.AR < simes.pv.GEE.AR))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
        simes.pv.GEE.EX <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.GEE.EX < simes.pv.GEE.EX))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
        simes.pv.GEE.IN <- (length(which(simes.pv0s.GEE.IN < simes.pv.GEE.IN))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        l.Gamma <- length(Gamma)
        Tu.GEE.AR <- min(pvs.GEE.AR, simes.pv.GEE.AR)
        Tu.GEE.EX <- min(pvs.GEE.EX, simes.pv.GEE.EX)
        Tu.GEE.IN <- min(pvs.GEE.IN, simes.pv.GEE.IN)
        T0u.GEE.AR <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        T0u.GEE.EX <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        T0u.GEE.IN <- rep(NA, n.perm)
        for (j in 1:n.perm) {
          T0u.o.GEE.AR <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.AR, function(x) x[j])
          T0u.o.GEE.EX <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.EX, function(x) x[j])
          T0u.o.GEE.IN <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.IN, function(x) x[j])
          T0u.p.GEE.AR <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.AR, function(x) x[-j])
          T0u.p.GEE.EX <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.EX, function(x) x[-j])
          T0u.p.GEE.IN <- lapply(ahc.p.GEE.IN, function(x) x[-j])
          T0u.GEE.AR[j] <- min(mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), T0u.o.GEE.AR, T0u.p.GEE.AR))
          T0u.GEE.EX[j] <- min(mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), T0u.o.GEE.EX, T0u.p.GEE.EX))
          T0u.GEE.IN[j] <- min(mapply(function(x, y) (length(which(x < y))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01), T0u.o.GEE.IN, T0u.p.GEE.IN))
        T0u.minp.GEE.AR <- apply(cbind(T0u.GEE.AR, simes.pv0s.GEE.AR),1,min)
        T0u.minp.GEE.EX <- apply(cbind(T0u.GEE.EX, simes.pv0s.GEE.EX),1,min)
        T0u.minp.GEE.IN <- apply(cbind(T0u.GEE.IN, simes.pv0s.GEE.IN),1,min)
        pv.opt.u.GEE.AR <- (length(which(T0u.minp.GEE.AR < Tu.GEE.AR))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
        pv.opt.u.GEE.EX <- (length(which(T0u.minp.GEE.EX < Tu.GEE.EX))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)
        pv.opt.u.GEE.IN <- (length(which(T0u.minp.GEE.IN < Tu.GEE.IN))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        T <- min(Tu.GEE.AR, Tu.GEE.EX, Tu.GEE.IN)
        T0 <- apply(cbind(T0u.minp.GEE.AR, T0u.minp.GEE.EX, T0u.minp.GEE.IN),1,min)
        pv.opt <- (length(which(T0 < T))+0.01)/(n.perm+0.01)

        names(simes.pv.GEE.AR) <- "Simes.GEE(AR)"
        names(simes.pv.GEE.EX) <- "Simes.GEE(EX)"
        names(simes.pv.GEE.IN) <- "Simes.GEE(IN)"
        item.pvs.GEE.AR <- as.matrix(pvs.GEE.AR)
        item.pvs.GEE.EX <- as.matrix(pvs.GEE.EX)
        item.pvs.GEE.IN <- as.matrix(pvs.GEE.IN)
        colnames(item.pvs.GEE.AR) <- "uGEEHC(h).AR"
        colnames(item.pvs.GEE.EX) <- "uGEEHC(h).EX"
        colnames(item.pvs.GEE.IN) <- "uGEEHC(h).IN"
        rownames(item.pvs.GEE.AR) <- as.character(Gamma)
        rownames(item.pvs.GEE.EX) <- as.character(Gamma)
        rownames(item.pvs.GEE.IN) <- as.character(Gamma)

        ada.pvs <- c(pv.opt.u.GEE.AR, pv.opt.u.GEE.EX, pv.opt.u.GEE.IN, pv.opt)
        names(ada.pvs) <- c("GEEMiHC(AR)", "GEEMiHC(EX)", "GEEMiHC(IN)", "aGEEMiHC")

        otu.ids <- colnames(
        otu.ids <- sub("New.ReferenceOTU", "N", otu.ids)
        otu.ids <- sub("New.CleanUp.ReferenceOTU", "NC", otu.ids)
        pvs.GEE.AR <- ind.pvs.GEE.AR
        pvs.GEE.EX <- ind.pvs.GEE.EX
        pvs.GEE.IN <- ind.pvs.GEE.IN
        i0.GEE.AR <- which(pvs.GEE.AR < 0.00000001)
        i0.GEE.EX <- which(pvs.GEE.EX < 0.00000001)
        i0.GEE.IN <- which(pvs.GEE.IN < 0.00000001)
        i1.GEE.AR <- which(pvs.GEE.AR > 0.99999999)
        i1.GEE.EX <- which(pvs.GEE.EX > 0.99999999)
        i1.GEE.IN <- which(pvs.GEE.IN > 0.99999999)
        pvs.GEE.AR[i0.GEE.AR] <- 0.00000001
        pvs.GEE.EX[i0.GEE.EX] <- 0.00000001
        pvs.GEE.IN[i0.GEE.IN] <- 0.00000001
        pvs.GEE.AR[i1.GEE.AR] <- 0.99999999
        pvs.GEE.EX[i1.GEE.EX] <- 0.99999999
        pvs.GEE.IN[i1.GEE.IN] <- 0.99999999
        Is.GEE.AR <- order(order(pvs.GEE.AR))
        Is.GEE.EX <- order(order(pvs.GEE.EX))
        Is.GEE.IN <- order(order(pvs.GEE.IN))
        exp.HC.GEE.AR <- (Is.GEE.AR/p)/sqrt(pvs.GEE.AR*(1-pvs.GEE.AR)/p)
        exp.HC.GEE.EX <- (Is.GEE.EX/p)/sqrt(pvs.GEE.EX*(1-pvs.GEE.EX)/p)
        exp.HC.GEE.IN <- (Is.GEE.IN/p)/sqrt(pvs.GEE.IN*(1-pvs.GEE.IN)/p)
        obs.HC.GEE.AR <- pvs.GEE.AR/sqrt(pvs.GEE.AR*(1-pvs.GEE.AR)/p)
        obs.HC.GEE.EX <- pvs.GEE.EX/sqrt(pvs.GEE.EX*(1-pvs.GEE.EX)/p)
        obs.HC.GEE.IN <- pvs.GEE.IN/sqrt(pvs.GEE.IN*(1-pvs.GEE.IN)/p)
        deviation.uGEEHC.AR <- abs(exp.HC.GEE.AR - obs.HC.GEE.AR)
        deviation.uGEEHC.EX <- abs(exp.HC.GEE.EX - obs.HC.GEE.EX)
        deviation.uGEEHC.IN <- abs(exp.HC.GEE.IN - obs.HC.GEE.IN)
        rank.uGEEHC.AR <- otu.ids[order(deviation.uGEEHC.AR, decreasing = T)]
        rank.uGEEHC.EX <- otu.ids[order(deviation.uGEEHC.EX, decreasing = T)]
        rank.uGEEHC.IN <- otu.ids[order(deviation.uGEEHC.IN, decreasing = T)]
        return(list(graph.els = list(otu.ids = otu.ids, exp.GEEHC.AR = exp.HC.GEE.AR, exp.GEEHC.EX = exp.HC.GEE.EX, exp.GEEHC.IN = exp.HC.GEE.IN, obs.GEEHC.AR = obs.HC.GEE.AR, obs.GEEHC.EX = obs.HC.GEE.EX, obs.GEEHC.IN = obs.HC.GEE.IN), rank.order = list(uGEEHC.AR = rank.uGEEHC.AR, uGEEHC.EX = rank.uGEEHC.EX, uGEEHC.IN = rank.uGEEHC.IN), simes.pv.GEE.AR = simes.pv.GEE.AR, simes.pv.GEE.EX = simes.pv.GEE.EX, simes.pv.GEE.IN = simes.pv.GEE.IN, ind.pvs.GEEMiHC.AR = item.pvs.GEE.AR, ind.pvs.GEEMiHC.EX = item.pvs.GEE.EX, ind.pvs.GEEMiHC.IN = item.pvs.GEE.IN, ada.pvs = ada.pvs))


1. Introduction

This R package, GEEMiHC, can be used for detecting sparse microbial association signals adaptively from longitudinal microbiome data. It can be applied to datasets with diverse types of outcomes to study the association between diverse types of host phenotype and microbiome, such BMI (Gaussian distribution), disease status (Binomial distribution) or number of tumors (Poisson distribution). Considering cross-sectional data as a special case of longitudinal data, it can be also applied to cross-sectional data, in which case the results will be consistent with MiHC.

2. Installation

2.1. Requisite R packages

Our R package GEEMiHC requires these existing R packages ("phyloseq", "cluster", "compositions", "permute", "PGEE", "vegan", "ape", "dirmult", "aSPU", "MiSPU") to be pre-imported, where "phyloseq" is available in Bioconductor and the others are available in CRAN. We need to install these package using the following code:


2.2. R package GEEMiHC

You may install GEEMiHC from GitHub using the following code:

devtools::install_github("xpjiang-ccnu/GEEMiHC", force=T)

3. Model

3.1. Generalized estimating equations

We establish the connection between the marginal mean and other factors by specifying that

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned}[b] g({\mu}{it}) = \textbf{X}{it}^T \alpha + {\textbf{o}}{it}^T \beta, \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $\textbf{o}{it} = (o_{it1}, o_{it2}, \ldots, o_{itm})^T$ represents the abundance data of $m$ OTUs, $\textbf{X}{it} = (1, x{it1}, \ldots, x_{itl})^T$ is $(l+1)$-dimension vectors of covariates and $\mu {it}$ represents the expectation of $y{it}$. And we can obtain the estimator of regression parameter $\theta = (\alpha^T,\beta^T)^T$ by solving the following:

\begin{equation} \begin{aligned}[b] \textbf{S}(\theta) & = \sum_{i=1}^n (\frac{\partial \mu_i(\theta)}{\partial \theta ^T})^T \textbf{V}^{-1}i (\textbf{Y}_i-\mu_i(\theta)) \ & = \sum{i=1}^n {\begin{pmatrix} \textbf{X}{i}^T \ \textbf{o}{i}^T \end{pmatrix}} \textbf{A}_i(\theta)\textbf{V}^{-1}_i(\textbf{Y}_i-\mu_i(\theta))=0. \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $\textbf{V}_i=\textbf{A}^{1/2}_i(\theta)\textbf{R}(\tau)\textbf{A}^{1/2}_i(\theta)$ is the working covariance matrix and $\textbf{R}(\tau)$ is the working correlation matrix.

3.2. Marginal score statistics

The GEE-based marginal score statistic is as follows: \begin{equation}\label{Z} \begin{aligned}[b] Z^{\rm GEE}j = \frac{\textbf{o}^T{{.}j}(\textbf{Y}-\hat{\mu}0)}{\sqrt{\textbf{o}^T{{.}j} \textbf{P} \textbf{o}{{.}j}}}, \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $\textbf{o}{.j} = (o_{11j}, o_{12j}, \ldots, o_{n {k_n} j})^T$ and $\textbf{Y} = (\textbf{Y}{1}^T, \ldots, \textbf{Y}_n^T)^T$. The vector of the expected values $\hat{\mu}_0$ consists of the estimator of ${\mu}{it}$

3.3. GEE-based higher criticism analyses

We consider association signals with close phylogenetic relevance to be amplified by adding the weighted factor $w_j$ to the GEE-based HC test (i.e., GEEHC test). Following the HC test and MiHC, the test statistics for the original and weighted GEE-based HC test are as follows: \begin{equation}\label{uGEEHC} \begin{aligned}[b] {\rm uGEEHC}=\max {j \in {{1, 2, \ldots, m}}} {\frac{r_j / m - p_j}{\sqrt{p_j (1-p_j)/m}}}, \end{aligned} \end{equation} \begin{equation}\label{wGEEHC} \begin{aligned}[b] {\rm wGEEHC}=\max {j \in {{1, 2, \ldots, m}}} {\frac{w_j (r_j / m - p_j)}{\sqrt{p_j (1-p_j)/m}}}, \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $$ w_j = \frac{\sum_ {j' \in \zeta (j)/{{j}}}^{} \frac{1}{D_{j, j'}} |Z^{\rm GEE}{j'}|}{\sum {j' \in \zeta (j)/{{j}}}^{} \frac{1}{D_{j, j'}}} +1 $$ is the weight of the $j$th OTU and $D_{j, j'}$ denotes the cophenetic distance and $\zeta (j)$ is a cluster with $j$th OTU by using the partitioning-around-medoids algorithm (PAM).

3.4. Adjustments for low sparsity levels

To adapt to low sparsity levels, we can make appropriate adjustments: \begin{equation}\label{uGEEHC(lambda)} \begin{aligned}[b] {\rm uGEEHC}{(\lambda)} = \sum {j'=1}^\lambda {\lambda_{j'} * {\rm uGEEHC}{j'}}, \end{aligned} \end{equation} \begin{equation}\label{wGEEHC(lambda)} \begin{aligned}[b] {\rm wGEEHC}{(\lambda)} = \sum {j'=1}^\lambda {\lambda{j'} * {\rm wGEEHC}{j'}}, \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $\lambda{j'}$ is the $j'$th weight and $\sum {j'=1}^\lambda \lambda{j'} = 1$.

3.5. Microbiome higher criticism analysis for longitudinal data

The form of GEEMiHC is as follows: \begin{equation}\label{GEEMiHC} \begin{aligned}[b] T_{\rm GEEMiHC} = \min (\min {\lambda \in \Gamma} (P{{\rm uGEEHC}{(\lambda)}},P{{\rm wGEEHC}{(\lambda)}}), P{\rm Simes}), \quad \; \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $P_{{\rm uGEEHC}{(\lambda)}}$ and $P{{\rm wGEEHC}{(\lambda)}}$ are the $p$-values for the test statistics ${\rm uGEEHC}{(\lambda)}$ and ${\rm wGEEHC}{(\lambda)}$, respectively; and $P{\rm Simes}$ is the $p$-value for the Simes test \cite{Simes(1986)}, whose model is as follow: \begin{equation}\label{Simes} \begin{aligned}[b] P_{\rm Simes} = T_{\rm Simes} = \min {j \in {{1, 2, \ldots, m}}} {\frac{m p_j}{r_j}}. \end{aligned} \end{equation} To accommodate these uncertain correlation structures, it is valuable to analyze various related structures to obtain more accurate conclusions. The adaptive GEEMiHC (aGEEMiHC) integrates multiple GEEMiHCs with different structures, whose model is as follow: \begin{equation}\label{aGEEMiHC} \begin{aligned}[b] T{\rm aGEEMiHC} = \min (T^{\rm AR}{\rm GEEMiHC}, T^{\rm EX}{\rm GEEMiHC}, T^{\rm IN}{\rm GEEMiHC}), \end{aligned} \end{equation} where $T^{\rm AR}{\rm GEEMiHC}$, $T^{\rm EX}{\rm GEEMiHC}$ and $T^{\rm IN}{\rm GEEMiHC}$ represent test statistics for GEEMiHC(AR), GEEMiHC(EX) and GEEMiHC(IN), respectively (Eq. \ref{GEEMiHC}). For longitudinal data with an unknown underlying correlation within clusters, GEEMiHCs cannot always have robust stability, but aGEEMiHC can perform well.

4. Implementation

First of all, we import requisite R packages:


Then, we import example microbiome data:


#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 372 taxa and 81 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 81 samples by 4 sample variables ]
#> phy_tree()    Phylogenetic Tree: [ 372 tips and 371 internal nodes ] <- CD_longitudinal@otu_table
tree <- CD_longitudinal@phy_tree
y <- sample_data(CD_longitudinal)$label
covs <- data.frame(matrix(NA, length(y), 2))
covs[,1] <- as.numeric(sample_data(CD_longitudinal)$age)
covs[,2] <- as.factor(sample_data(CD_longitudinal)$smoker)
id <- sample_data(CD_longitudinal)$id

The microbiome data we use includes OTU count table, phylogenetic tree and sample information, where sample information contains response Variable (e.g., disease status) and covariates (e.g., age, gender). Next, we test the association between CD status and microbial composition using aGEEMiHC:

out <- GEEMiHC(y, id, covs=covs,, tree=tree, model="binomial", n.perm=5000)

We can find significant association between CD status and microbial composition based on aGEEMiHC (p-value $\approx$ 0.006 < 0.05), and rank order for significant factors (Lachnospiraceae, No. "3586" "7929" "9498" et al., and Ruminococcaceae, No. "1784" "4760" "594" et al.) associated with the host phenotype. Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae have ever reported differences in these bacteria between CD patients and healthy people.


#>   uGEEHC(h).AR wGEEHC(h).AR
#> 1   0.01980196   0.02520195
#> 3   0.02400195   0.02320195
#> 5   0.02280195   0.02140196
#> 7   0.02200196   0.02120196
#> 9   0.02140196   0.02060196


#>   uGEEHC(h).EX wGEEHC(h).EX
#> 1   0.02060196   0.02600195
#> 3   0.02480195   0.02400195
#> 5   0.02480195   0.02220196
#> 7   0.02260195   0.02260195
#> 9   0.02180196   0.02140196


#>   uGEEHC(h).IN wGEEHC(h).IN
#> 1   0.02520195   0.02700195
#> 3   0.02180196   0.01920196
#> 5   0.01940196   0.01660197
#> 7   0.01780196   0.01540197
#> 9   0.01700197   0.01480197


#> 0.004801990 0.004201992 0.012601975 0.005601989


#>  [1] "3586" "8895" "2430" "2556" "7929" "5929" "7825" "1784" "8608" "288" 
#> [11] "4760" "9498" "6918" "594"  "4861" "8792" "587"  "6618" "9427" "4400"
#> [21] "4193" "817"  "1298" "6357" "6737" "9648" "1726" "9634" "1658" "3561"
#> [31] "4128" "4645" "5264" "518"  "7005" "5961" "4088" "9854" "8086" "1515"
#> [41] "8853" "3271" "3119" "9514" "5816" "5102" "2425" "9304" "1863" "9488"

5. Function SimulateOTU

5.1. Description

This function can be used for the OTUs count table simulated according to real data. The simulation process is implemented based on the Dirichlet-multinomial model. We first calculate the parameters of the real data, and then generate the corresponding cross-sectional simulated data according to the parameters.

5.2. Example

Parameter estimation:

data("", package = "MiSPU")
nOTU = 100
otu_sum <- apply(, 2, sum) <-[, order(otu_sum, decreasing = T)[1:nOTU]]
parameters <- dirmult(

Generation of microbiome data: <- SimulateOTU(, nSam = 50, parameters, mu = 1000, size = 25)

6. References

xpjiang-ccnu/GEEMiHC documentation built on May 15, 2023, 7:01 a.m.