
Defines functions calcFreqFromAd callGtFromAd

Documented in calcFreqFromAd callGtFromAd

#' call genotype from Allele depth by Frequency
#' @param x a binmapr object
#' @param  min.depth minimum depth to infer the genotype, if
#' depth lower than it, it will be conside as NA
#' @param  max.depth maximum depth to infer the genotype, if
#' depth larger than it, it will be conside as NA
#' @param low  threshold to infer one parent, encoded as 0
#' @param high threshold to infer another parent, encoded as 2
#' @details The original GT in VCF may be wrong, if the variant is sequencing error.
#' To avoid this kind of error, we used the ALT/(REF + ALT) to infer
#' the genotype. If the ratio <= 0.2, it will be encoded as 0. If
#' the ratio >= 0.8, it will be encoded as 2. Otherwise, it will be
#' encoded as 1.
#' @return binmapr object, containing  genotype slot
#' @examples
#' AD <- matrix(data = c("30,1","1,30","0,0","15,15"), nrow = 2)
#' row.names(AD) <- c("chr1_1","chr1_100")
#' colnames(AD) <- c("A","B")
#' geno <- callGtFromAd(AD)
#' @export
#' @author Zhougeng Xu
callGtFromAd <- function(x, min.depth = 10, max.depth = 200,
						 low = 0.2, high = 0.8){
  if (!inherits(x, "binmapr")) {
    stop("x is not a binmapr object or its subclass")

  freq_mt <- calcFreqFromAd(x, min.depth = min.depth,
                               max.depth = max.depth)

  x$geno <- ifelse(freq_mt <= low, 0, ifelse(freq_mt >= high, 2 , 1) )


#' Calculate the frequcy of Allele depth
#' @param x a binmapr object
#' @param min.depth minimum depth to infer the genotype, if
#' depth lower than it, it will be conside as NA
#' @param  max.depth maximum depth to infer the genotype, if
#' depth larger than it, it will be conside as NA
#' @return matrix contains. The alt/(alt+ref) will be caculted
#' from the allele depth
#' @examples
#' AD <- matrix(data = c("30,1","1,30","0,0","15,15"), nrow = 2)
#' row.names(AD) <- c("chr1_1","chr1_100")
#' colnames(AD) <- c("A","B")
#' freq <- calcFreqFromAd(AD)
#' @export
#' @author Zhou-geng Xu
calcFreqFromAd <- function(x, min.depth = 10, max.depth = 200){

  Ref_COUNT <- x$refmat
  Alt_COUNT <- x$altmat
  AD_Depth <- Ref_COUNT + Alt_COUNT

  NA_pos <- which(AD_Depth < min.depth | AD_Depth > max.depth)
  Ref_COUNT[NA_pos] <- NA
  Alt_COUNT[NA_pos] <- NA

  AD_freq <- round(Alt_COUNT / (Ref_COUNT + Alt_COUNT), 2)


xuzhougeng/binmapr documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 6:44 a.m.