  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


Installation of gwhap

There are two ways to obtain the gwhap source package:


The gwhap package implies the use of a version of R (3.6.2 and higher) as well as a certain number libraries.

In order to facilitate the use of it, here is a recipe of a singularity image containing all the necessary. Please refer to the github repo, for more explanation about how to generate it.


Create the augmented genetic map

Currently, only threee kind of map are took into account:

Here is an example using the Rutgers genetic map.

Download the Rutgers genetic map v3 (Kosambi)


interpolate a new map for SNPs using either:

snp_physical_positions = "path_to_your_snps_file/snp_file.bim"
snp_physical_positions = "path_to_your_bgen_file/ukb_hap_"

Create the augmented genetic map as follow:

create_augmented_genetic_map(snp_physical_positions=snp_physical_positions, genetic_map_dir='path_to_your_rutgers_map_dir', map_name='rutgers', save_genetic_map=TRUE, output='path_to_your_output_dir')

Blocs creation

Create the blocs

Before creating the blocs, you need to load the map created above

augmented_map_df = get_augmented_genetic_map(augmented_genetic_map_dir='path_to_your_output_dir', chromosomes=1:23)

Create blocs with a single delta

create_blocs(genetics_map=augmented_map_df, delta=1e-3, save_blocs=TRUE, output='path_to_your_output_dir')

Create blocs with multiple values of delta

deltas = c(1e-3, 2.5e-3, 5e-3, 7.5e-3)
dfs_blocks = data.frame()
for(delta in deltas){
  df_blocks_tmp = create_blocs(genetics_map=augmented_map_df, delta=delta, save_blocs=FALSE)
  dfs_blocks <- rbind(dfs_blocks, df_blocks_tmp)

Blocs visualization

Assuming that df_blocs is your bloc data frame already loaded

Blocs distribution plot

haplotype_bloc_distribution_per_delta = haplotype_bloc_distribution(df_blocs)
save_plot(haplotype_bloc_distribution_per_delta, paste0('output_path/', 'haplotype_bloc_distribution_per_delta.png'))
haplotype_bloc_distribution_per_chr = haplotype_bloc_distribution(df_blocs, per_chromosome=TRUE)
save_plot(haplotype_bloc_distribution_per_chr, paste0('output_path/', 'haplotype_bloc_distribution_per_chr.png'))

Karyotype plot

karyotype_plot_obj = karyotype_plot(df_blocs)
save_plot(karyotype_plot_obj, paste0('output_path/', 'karyotype_plot.png'))

Determine the haplotypes

Before determining the haplotypes, you need to load the blocs created above

blocs_df = get_blocs(augmented_genetic_map_dir='path_to_your_output_dir')

Here is an example for one bloc

chr = 'chr1'
start = 1000
end = 1200
bgnfile = sprintf('bgen_file_path_%s.bgen', chr)
samples_index = c('index_1', 'index_2', 'index_3', 'index_4', 'index_5')
mysamples = c('IID_1', 'IID_2', 'IID_3', 'IID_4', 'IID_5')
haplotypes = legacy_determine_haplotypes_per_bloc(chr, start, end, bgnfile, samples_index, mysamples)

Please refer to the genome wide example vignette for more code about how to determine the haplotypes using all the blocs.


In the bgen file, the IID are annonymized. It is constitued of, among others, a list of sample that contain the anonymized IID indexed. The .sample file is used as a reference table. It contains the IID of the participant indexed. Here, the index can be used as a foreign key to toggle from the anonymized IID to the real ones.

Warning: please notice that .sample file has two header lines. Be sure to remove the second header and starting the index account from the second line.

Test the haplotypes

X = load('haplotypes_path_chr1.RData')
Y = read_delim(file_path_phenotype.tsv, delim='\t')
test_results = lm_test_haplotypes(X, Y, kind='all')


One should know that the test haplotype function assume that the Y are residualized. Indeed, it does not take into account the covariates.

yasmina-mekki/gwhap documentation built on Dec. 31, 2021, 9:19 p.m.