
Defines functions calcGseaStatBatchCpp calcGseaStatCumulative calcGseaStatCumulativeBatch

Documented in calcGseaStatBatchCpp

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calcGseaStatCumulativeBatch <- function(stats, gseaParam, pathwayScores, pathwaysSizes, iterations, seed) {
    .Call('_signatureSearch_calcGseaStatCumulativeBatch', PACKAGE = 'signatureSearch', stats, gseaParam, pathwayScores, pathwaysSizes, iterations, seed)

calcGseaStatCumulative <- function(stats, selectedStats, gseaParam) {
    .Call('_signatureSearch_calcGseaStatCumulative', PACKAGE = 'signatureSearch', stats, selectedStats, gseaParam)

#' Calculates GSEA statistic valus for all gene sets in `selectedStats` list.
#' Takes \emph{O(n + mKlogK)} time, where n is the number of genes, m is the number of gene sets,
#' and k is the mean gene set size.
#' @param stats Numeric vector of gene-level statistics sorted in decreasing order
#' @param selectedGenes List of integer vector with integer gene IDs (from 1 to n)
#' @param geneRanks Integer vector of gene ranks
#' @return Numeric vector of GSEA statistics of the same length as `selectedGenes` list
calcGseaStatBatchCpp <- function(stats, selectedGenes, geneRanks) {
    .Call('_signatureSearch_calcGseaStatBatchCpp', PACKAGE = 'signatureSearch', stats, selectedGenes, geneRanks)
yduan004/signatureSearch documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 9:30 a.m.