knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, fig.width=10, fig.height=6)

Install xviz

# Before installing the xviz, there are some packages needed to be manually installed from Bioconductor.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
BiocManager::install(c("dada2", "phyloseq", "DESeq2", "EnhancedVolcano", "ComplexHeatmap"))
# Note: You need to run devtools::install() from parent working directory that contains the xviz folder.
# If you can't install package in R Console, try this: open xviz.Rproj first, then use RStudio → Build → Install and Restart.

Load package and demo data.

demo_phyloseq_object <- xviz::demo_phyloseq_object
demo_dada2_result <- xviz::demo_dada2_result

Data status



DADA2 filter parameters:

dada2::filterAndTrim(truncLen=c(0,0), maxEE=c(2,2))

DADA2 taxonomy database:



extract_metadata_phyloseq(demo_phyloseq_object) %>% arrange(diagnosis) %>% knitr::kable()

DADA2 workflow reads track

First use the track_reads_dada2 function to check reads drop associated with every step in DADA2.


You can plot reads track in either absolute abundance or relative abundance.

If the sample size is too large to show on legend, set legend_position to "none".

                  single_end = FALSE, 
                  relative_abundance = TRUE, 
                  legend_position = "top")

Plot sparsity - plot_sparsity()

plot_sparsity(demo_dada2_result$seq_tab, binwidth = 10)

Stacked barplot of phylogenetic composition - plot_stacked_bar()

Use plot_stacked_bar function to plot the taxonomy level abundance in every sample.

Minimum usage: plot in relative abundance

plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                 level = "Family")

Set feature parameter to show feature information

plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                 level = "Family", 
                 relative_abundance = TRUE, 
                 feature = "diagnosis")

Pass ordered sample names to order parameter to plot in specific order

sample_order <- extract_metadata_phyloseq(demo_phyloseq_object) %>% arrange(diagnosis) %>% .$SampleID
plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                 level = "Family", 
                 relative_abundance = TRUE, 
                 feature = "diagnosis", 
                 order = sample_order)

Use facet_wrap(vars, scale="free") funciton to facet stacked barplot

When faceting, feature parameter will not work.

plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                 level = "Family", 
                 relative_abundance = TRUE) + 
  facet_wrap("diagnosis", scale="free")

Alpha diversity - plot_alpha_diversity()

Use plot_alpha_diversity to plot alpha diversity.

All alpha diversity

plot_alpha_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, feature = "diagnosis") %>% 
  # Show result in a table in markdown

Or you can change measures argument to use different measurement.

Shannon Index

plot_alpha_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                     feature = "diagnosis", 
                     measures = "Shannon", 
                     label = TRUE)

Shannon Index (Genus Level)

plot_alpha_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                     level = "Genus",
                     feature = "diagnosis", 
                     measures = "Shannon", 
                     label = TRUE)

Beta diversity - plot_beta_diversity()

Use plot_beta_diversity to plot beta diversity. Change method to draw different beta diversity plot. You can locate specific sample in beta diversity plot by the table printed to the screen.


plot_beta_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                    feature = "diagnosis", 
                    method = "bray", 
                    label = TRUE)

Bray-Curtis with PC1 and PC2 info

plot_beta_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                    feature = "diagnosis", 
                    method = "bray", 
                    label = TRUE, 
                    add_pc1 = TRUE, add_pc1_otu_level = "Genus", add_pc1_cor_method = "spearman", 
                    add_pc2 = TRUE, add_pc2_otu_level = "Genus", add_pc2_cor_method = "spearman")

Bray-Curtis (Genus Level)

plot_beta_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                    level = "Genus",
                    feature = "diagnosis", 
                    method = "bray", 
                    label = TRUE)

Bray-Curtis (Genus Level) with PC1 and PC2 info

plot_beta_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                    level = "Genus",
                    feature = "diagnosis", 
                    method = "bray", 
                    label = TRUE, 
                    add_pc1 = TRUE, add_pc1_cor_method = "spearman", 
                    add_pc2 = TRUE, add_pc2_cor_method = "spearman")

Log2 fold change - log2fc()

Use log2fc function to show differential analysis result.

Minimum usage

log2fc(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
       feature = "diagnosis", 
       p_value = 0.05)

Choose a taxonomy level to calculate log2 fold change.

log2fc(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
       feature = "diagnosis", 
       p_value = 0.05, 
       level = "Genus")

Set reference and treatment parameters to change log2fc treatment vs reference. Both reference and treatment should be one of the levels in feature.

log2fc(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
       feature = "diagnosis", 
       p_value = 0.05, 
       level = "Genus", 
       reference = 'healthy', 
       treatment = 'liver cancer')

Correlation - plot_correlation()

# Construct correlation table
cor_tab <- demo_dada2_result$seq_tab %>% t() %>% %>% 
  rownames_to_column("OTU") %>% 
  mutate(Healthy = s17118657 + s17118661 + s17118667 + s17118714) %>% 
  mutate(IntestinalCancer = s17118646 + s17118664 + s17118669 + s17118686) %>% 
  mutate(LiverCancer = s17118647 + s17118684 + s17118715 + s17118730) %>% 
  mutate(LungCancer = s17118650 + s17118680 + s17118691 + s17118703) %>% 
  select(OTU, Healthy, IntestinalCancer, LiverCancer, LungCancer) %>% 
# Normalization
cor_tab <- (cor_tab + 1) %>% log10()

Minimum usage

plot_correlation(cor_tab, x = "IntestinalCancer", y = "Healthy")

Multiple correlation in one plot

plot_correlation(cor_tab, x = c("IntestinalCancer", "LiverCancer", "LungCancer"), y = "Healthy")

Correlation heatmap

plot_correlation(cor_tab, heatmap = TRUE)

Correlation heatmap in given order

plot_correlation(cor_tab, heatmap = TRUE, 
                 row_order = c("Healthy", "LungCancer", "LiverCancer", "IntestinalCancer"), 
                 col_order = c("Healthy", "LungCancer", "LiverCancer", "IntestinalCancer"))

yeguanhuav/visualization416S documentation built on March 22, 2022, 9:03 p.m.