You may expedite bug fixes and new features by doing the work by yourself. For very simple changes such as fixing typos, you can just edit the file by clicking the button Edit after you open it here on Github. For more complicated changes, you will have to manually create a pull request (PR) after forking this repository. In the latter case, you are recommended to create a new branch instead of always working on the master branch.

If you submit a non-trivial pull request (e.g. not just fixing a typo), please add an item to NEWS.md, and add your name to the Authors@R field as a contributor (ctb) in the R package DESCRIPTION file.


To make sure you did not break anything, you need to run tests, which are done through the testit package. If you added any features, add your own tests in tests/testit/.

Travis CI

If you are lazy or do not understand what I said above, just push commits to your repo, submit a PR, and wait for a few minutes. Travis CI will run the tests automatically. If your pull request passes the tests, you see green check marks, otherwise you see red crosses, and you will probably get email notifications as well.

When your PR does not pass the check, you need to click on the red cross to see details. There are two sets of tests: R CMD check on the package source, as well as the test on examples. The former is basically the unit tests, and the latter is to make sure your changes does not break my existing examples in the knitr-examples.

roxygen2 documentation

If your changes involve the roxygen2 documentation, please run Rd2roxygen::rab('.') to generate the Rd files.


For a non-trivial fix or feature implementation, please let me know before you start working on it, since I do not want to waste too much of your time on something that I may not really want.

Thanks, and happy hacking.

yihui/knitr documentation built on July 17, 2024, 3:10 a.m.