
#' Converting Objects in the 'fda' Package into their Counterparts in 'fdaplus'
#' This function can convert objects in the \pkg{fda} package
#' into S4 objects that have been redesigned in the \pkg{fdaplus} package.
#' @param obj Object to be converted, whose type should be "\code{basisfd}",
#'            "\code{fd}" or "\code{bifd}".
#' @param \dots Currently unused.
#' @return Below gives the conversion result:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{basisfd} objects will be converted into
#'         \code{\link[=basis+-class]{basis+}} objects
#'   \item \code{fd} objects will be converted into
#'         \code{\link[=fd+-class]{fd+}} objects
#'   \item \code{bifd} objects will be converted into
#'         \code{\link[=bifd+-class]{bifd+}} objects
#' }
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{http://statr.me/}>
#' @export
wrap = function(obj, ...)

#' Subsetting A Functional Data Object
#' This generic function provides methods to subset a functional data
#' object (basis function or univariate function).
#' @name [-methods
#' @rdname subsetter-methods
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link[=basis+-class]{basis+}}
#'          or \code{\link[=fd+-class]{fd+}}.
#' @param i An integer vector giving the indices of functions that are going
#'          to be extracted.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters, currently unused.
#' @return An object of the same class as \code{x} containing the extracted functions.
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{http://statr.me/}>

## "[" is already defined in base package as a generic

#' Evaluating A Functional Data Object
#' This generic function provides methods to evaluate different types of
#' functional data (basis function, univariate function, bivariate function)
#' at specified argument values.
#' @name feval-methods
#' @aliases feval
#' @usage feval(f, x, ...)
#' ## For bifd+
#' # feval(f, x, y, ...)
#' @param f An object of class \code{\link[=basis+-class]{basis+}},
#'        \code{\link[=fd+-class]{fd+}}, or \code{\link[=bifd+-class]{bifd+}}.
#' @param x Values that \code{f} is evaluated on.
#' @param y Only used when \code{f} is of class \code{\link[=bifd+-class]{bifd+}},
#'          in which case \code{f} is evaluated on two arguments, \code{x} and
#'          \code{y}.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters, currently unused.
#' @return See \strong{Method (...)} sections for the actual implementations of
#'         this generic function.
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{http://statr.me/}>

    setGeneric("feval", function(f, x, ...) standardGeneric("feval"))

#' Visualizing A Functional Data Object
#' This generic function provides methods to visualize different types of
#' functional data (basis function, univariate function, bivariate function).
#' @name plot-methods
#' @param x An object of class \code{\link[=basis+-class]{basis+}},
#'          \code{\link[=fd+-class]{fd+}}, or \code{\link[=bifd+-class]{bifd+}}.
#' @param y Unused and should be missing. For compatibility with the signature
#'          of the generic function.
#' @param engine Only used in plotting \code{\link[=bifd+-class]{bifd+}} objects,
#'               to determine whether using \pkg{graphics}\code{::persp()}
#'               or \pkg{rgl}\code{::persp3d()} to draw the plot.
#' @param \dots Additional graphical parameters passed to \code{matplot()},
#'              \code{persp()} or \code{rgl::persp3d()}.
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{http://statr.me/}>

    setGeneric("plot", function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("plot"))

#' Calculating Inner Products between Functional Data Objects
#' This generic function provides methods to calculate inner products between
#' functional data objects (basis functions, univariate functions and bivariate
#' functions).
#' @name %*%-methods
#' @rdname inprod-methods
#' @param x,y Objects of classes \code{\link[=basis+-class]{basis+}},
#'            \code{\link[=fd+-class]{fd+}} or \code{\link[=bifd+-class]{bifd+}}.
#' @return See \strong{Method (...)} sections for the explanation of various
#'         types of results.
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{http://statr.me/}>


#' Arithmetic Operations of Functional Data Objects
#' Simple arithmetic operations of \code{\link[=fd+-class]{fd+}}
#' and \code{\link[=bifd+-class]{bifd+}} objects.
#' @name arithmetic-methods
#' @param e1,e2 Numeric scalars, or functional data objects of class
#'              \code{\link[=fd+-class]{fd+}}
#'              or \code{\link[=bifd+-class]{bifd+}}.
#' @return See \strong{Method (...)} sections for the explanation of various
#'         types of results.
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{http://statr.me/}>

## "+", "-", "*", "/" and "^" are already defined in base package as generics

## Penalty matrix of basis function
## P(i, j) = integrate B^(k)_i(x) * B^(k)_j(x) dx
## k is the order of derivative, given by the "penalty" argument

#' Calculating the Basis Penalty Matrix
#' This function calculates the penalty matrix \eqn{R} of a basis object
#' (for example of class \code{\link[=bspline+-class]{bspline+}} or
#' \code{\link[=fourier+-class]{fourier+}}). The element
#' \eqn{R_{ij}}{R[i, j]} is equal
#' to the inner product of \eqn{f_i^{(k)}}{f_i^(k)} and
#' \eqn{f_j^{(k)}}{f_j^(k)}, where \eqn{f_i^{(k)}}{f_i^(k)} is the \eqn{k}-th
#' derivative of the \eqn{i}-th basis.
#' @name penmat-methods
#' @aliases penmat
#' @usage penmat(basis, penalty, ...)
#' @param basis An object inherited from \code{\link[=basis+-class]{basis+}}.
#'              Can be of class \code{\link[=bspline+-class]{bspline+}} or
#'              \code{\link[=fourier+-class]{fourier+}}.
#' @param penalty An integer giving the order of derivative.
#' @param \dots Currently unused.
#' @return A symmetric non-negative definite penalty matrix.
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{http://statr.me/}>

    setGeneric("penmat", function(basis, penalty, ...)

#' Mean Function of Univariate Functinoal Data
#' This function calculates the mean curve of a set of univariate functional data.
#' @name mean-methods
#' @param x An \code{\link[=fd+-class]{fd+}} object.
#' @param \dots Currently unused.
#' @return An \code{\link[=fd+-class]{fd+}} object that contains the mean function.
#' @export
#' @author Yixuan Qiu <\url{http://statr.me/}>


## Standard deviation and variance function

## Covariance function

## Eigen decomposition of a (symmetric) bivariate function
    setGeneric("eig", function(x, k, ...) standardGeneric("eig"))
yixuan/fdaplus documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:29 p.m.