Configuration instructions

Follow these instructions to create an active directory. You will need to collect the tenant ID (tenantID), client ID (clientID) and authentication key (authKey) in order to authenticate with the createAzureContect() function.

Create an Active Directory App.

  1. Login to the Classic (i.e., the old) Portal

  2. On the left hand menu you should see amongst all the items one called ACTIVE DIRECTORY. Click the item and an active directory DIRECTORY will be listed.

  3. Click on an entry under the Name column (if there is only one entry the choice is easy!) to take you to a page of options to get started with some text like I WANT TO.

  4. Along the top menu click APPLICATIONS.

  5. You probably want to create a new application so type a name for it in the Search box (I called mine AzureSMR). The search result will come back with no results and a button that says ADD AN APPLICATION -> which you should click.

  6. Give the application a name and choose WEB APPLICATION AND/OR WEB API. Then go to the next page ->.

  7. Provide some dummy URLs. They are not used but they must be valid URLs. Click on the tick to continue to create the application.

  8. Under the Configure menu button take note of the client ID.9. Under the Keys section choose a 1 year duration (or 2) and click the Save button azToken the bottom of the screen. A key is generated which you should copy now and save it somewhere.

  9. We also need the tenant ID. Click the VIEW ENDPOINTS button on the bottom of the screen and find a list of endpoints all including the tenant ID as a sequence of hexadecimals.

  10. Now we need to set up the applications permissions. Click the Add application button. In the resulting window scroll to Windows Azure Service Management API and select it. Then click the Tick icon.

  11. Under the resulting "permissions to other applications" section, for the Windows Azure Service Management API entry, from the "Delegated Permissions:0" drop down tick the Access Azure Service Management as organization.

  12. Click on the Save icon azToken the bottom of the window again.

  13. Now we need to assign the application a role and to do so we go to the (new) Azure portal.

To apply access control azToken Resource Group

  1. Click on Resource Groups menu item on the left in the portal.

  2. Identify the resource group you will associate with this application.

  3. Choose the Users menu item from the Resource scope.

  4. In the resulting scope click the + Add button.

  5. Choose the role as Owner and under the user search box enter the name of the App, e.g., AzureSMR.

  6. Select the resulting list item for that App then click Select in that scope then OK in the "Add access" scope. The user will be added to the list.

Alternatively you can access control azToken Subscription Level

  1. Click on Subscriptions on the left menu item in the portal.

  2. Identify the Subscription you will associate with this application.

  3. Choose the Users(access) menu item.

  4. In the resulting scope click the + Add button.

  5. Choose the role as Owner and under the user search box enter the name of the App, e.g., AzureSMR.

  6. Select the resulting list item for that App then click Select in that scope then OK in the "Add access" scope. The user will be added to the list.

That is all. You can test this by trying:

sc <- createAzureContext(tenantID = "{TID}", clientID = "{CID}", authKey= "{KEY}")
rgs <- azureListRG(sc)

For more information see the tutorial Use portal to create Active Directory application and service principal that can access resources

ymmah/AzureSMR documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:53 a.m.