
#' AzureSMR
#' The AzureSMR package connects R to the Azure Service Manager API.
#' This enables you to use and change many Azure resources. The following is an incomplete list of available functions:
#' * Create an Azure context:
#'   - [createAzureContext()]
#' * Resources and resource groups:
#'   - [azureListAllResources()]
#'   - [azureCreateResourceGroup()]
#'   - [azureListRG()]
#' * Storage accounts and blobs:
#'   - [azureListSA()]
#'   - [azureCreateStorageAccount()]
#'   - [azureListStorageContainers()]
#'   - [azureListStorageBlobs()]
#' * Virtual Machines
#'   - List VMs: [azureListVM()]
#'   - To create a virtual machine, use [azureDeployTemplate()] with a suitable template
#'   - Start a VM: [azureStartVM()]
#'   - Stop a VM: [azureStopVM()]
#'   - Get status: [azureVMStatus()]
#' * HDInsight clusters:
#'   - [azureListHDI()]
#'   - [azureCreateHDI()]
#'   - [azureResizeHDI()]
#'   - [azureDeleteHDI()]
#'   - [azureRunScriptAction()]
#'   - [azureScriptActionHistory()]
#' @name AzureSMR
#' @aliases AzureSMR-package
#' @docType package
#' @keywords package
#' @importFrom utils browseURL URLencode ls.str str
#' @importFrom digest hmac
#' @importFrom base64enc base64encode base64decode
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr add_headers headers content status_code http_status authenticate
#' @importFrom httr GET PUT DELETE POST
#' @importFrom XML htmlParse xpathApply xpathSApply xmlValue
ymmah/AzureSMR documentation built on May 6, 2019, 10:53 a.m.