gen_lambdas = function(data_info, n_lams = 30, eps = 0.05, ver = "1"){
Sr = data_info$Sr
Se = data_info$Se
n_obs = data_info$n_obs
X1 = data_info$X1
Y = data_info$Y
types_by_node = data_info$types_by_node
conti_nodes = which(types_by_node == "c")
multi_nodes = which(types_by_node == "m")
idx_resps_by_node = data_info$idx_resps_by_node
Ybar = apply(Y, 2, mean)
Yc = sweep(Y, 2, Ybar, "-")
X1tYc = t(X1) %*% Yc
## continuous part ####
lambda_max_conti = NULL
if (any(conti_nodes)) {
conti_resp = unlist(idx_resps_by_node[(types_by_node == "c")])
Yc_norm_sq = apply(Yc, 2, function(x) sum(x^2))
scaled_X1tYc = sweep(X1tYc, 2, Yc_norm_sq, "/" )
norm_scaled_X1tYc = sqrt(Se %*% (scaled_X1tYc^2) %*% t(Sr))
diag(norm_scaled_X1tYc) <- 0
lambda_max_conti = max(norm_scaled_X1tYc[,conti_nodes, drop = F])
## multi-level part ####
lambda_max_multi = NULL
if (any(multi_nodes)){
norm_X1tYc = sqrt(Se %*% (X1tYc^2) %*% t(Sr))
diag(norm_X1tYc) <- 0
multi_resp = unlist(idx_resps_by_node[multi_nodes])
lambda_max_multi = max( (1/n_obs) * norm_X1tYc[,multi_nodes, drop = F] )
## find the max ####
lambda_max = max(lambda_max_conti, lambda_max_multi) * 1.01
# ... *1.01 adjust lambda_max slightly larger to make it enough larger all the
# ... all the coefs are zeros
## generate list of lambdas ####
lambda_min = lambda_max * eps
if (ver == "1"){
lambdas = exp(seq(log(lambda_max), log(lambda_min), length.out = n_lams))
} else if (ver == "2") {
lambdas = seq(lambda_max, lambda_min, length.out = n_lams)
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