#<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://vis.supstat.com/assets/themes/dinky/css/scianimator.css">
#<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
#<script src="http://vis.supstat.com/assets/themes/dinky/js/jquery.scianimator.min.js"></script>


options(digits = 2)


#knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=TRUE, autodep=TRUE)
#dep_auto() # figure out dependencies automatically

opts_knit$set(aliases=c(h='fig.height', w='fig.width', cap='fig.cap', scap='fig.scap'))     

opts_knit$set(eval.after = c('fig.cap','fig.scap'))                                                                            
knit_hooks$set(document = function(x) {                                                                gsub('(\\\\end\\{knitrout\\}[\n]+)', '\\1\\\\noindent ', x)                                  })
opts_knit$set(animation.fun = hook_scianimator)

#knit_hooks$set(plot = function(x, options) {
#       paste('<figure><img src="',
#             opts_knit$get('base.url'), paste(x, collapse = '.'),
#             '"><figcaption>', options$fig.cap, '</figcaption></figure>',
#             sep = '')
# })

 fn = local({
   i = 0
   function(x) {
     i <<- i + 1
#     paste('Figure ', i, ': ', x, sep = '')
     paste('', '', x, sep = '')

rmd.convert <- function(fname, output=c('latex', 'word', 'html', "pdf")){
  ## Thanks to Robert Musk for helpful additions to make this run better on Windows


  thedir <- file_path_as_absolute(dirname(fname))
  thefile <- (basename(fname)) 

  create_latex <- function(f){
    knit(f, 'tmp-outputfile.md'); 
    newname <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(f), ".tex")
    mess <- paste('pandoc -f markdown -t latex -s -o', shQuote(newname), 
    cat("The Latex file is", file.path(thedir, newname), 
        "\nIf transporting do not forget to include the folder", file.path(thedir, "figure"), "\n")
    mess <- paste('rm tmp-outputfile.md')

  create_word <- function(f){
    knit(f, 'tmp-outputfile.md');
    newname <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(f),".docx")
    mess <- paste('pandoc -f markdown -t docx -o', shQuote(newname), "tmp-outputfile.md")
    cat("The Word (docx) file is", file.path(thedir, newname), "\n")
    mess <- paste('rm tmp-outputfile.md')

  create_html <- function(f){
    cat("The main HTML file is", file.path(thedir, paste0(file_path_sans_ext(f), ".html")), 
        "\nIf transporting do not forget to include the folder", file.path(thedir, "figure"), "\n")

  create_pdf <- function(f){
    knit(f, 'tmp-outputfile.md');
    newname <- paste0(file_path_sans_ext(f),".pdf")
    mess <- paste('pandoc -f markdown -o', shQuote(newname), "tmp-outputfile.md")
    cat("The PDF file is", file.path(thedir, newname), "\n")
    mess <- paste('rm tmp-outputfile.md')

  origdir <- getwd()  
    setwd(thedir) ## put us next to the original Rmarkdown file
    out <- match.arg(output)
    )}, finally=setwd(origdir))


rmarkdownTable <- function(df) {
    cat(paste(names(df), collapse = "|"))
    cat(paste(rep("-", ncol(df)), collapse = "|"))

    for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
        cat(paste(df[i,], collapse = "|"))

#tab <- xtable(head(iris),digits=2)
#print(tab, type="html")



Here we describe our approach to both the simulations and the illustrative experiments, which allows the same code to be used to address a real problem in anger (when we don’t know any truth except the VOI $x$ and some seeds $S \leftrightarrow S'$).
If it’s a simulation or illustrative experiment: (1) generate $G$ and $G'$ with some shared vertices and some unshared vertices, or start with real data $G$ and $G'$ with a collection of known shared vertices and some unknown or unshared vertices, and (2) randomly pick VOI $x$ and some number of seeds $S\leftrightarrow S'$ from amongst the shared vertices; then embark on our procedure described below. If it’s a real problem, with given VOI $x$ and some seeds $S \leftrightarrow S'$, then embark immediately on our procedure described below.

Toy Example

input: $G$, $G'$, seedset $S\leftrightarrow S'$ (pairs of vertices one in $G$ & one in $G'$), $x$ (vertex of interest in $G$), $h \leq \ell$.
output: list of (candidate,probability) where
- candidates are non-seed vertices in $G'$ and
- probability is for nomination as match for $x$.

This toy example follows these steps:

  1. build a pair of $\rho$-correlated RDPG random graphs, $G(V,E)$ & $G'(V',E')$, where $|V|=|V'|=30$
  2. remove the last $5$ vertices from $G'$ to make $|V(G)| \geq |V(G')|$
  3. randomly pick VOI $x$ and $s$ seeds from amongst the shared vertices
  4. find $S_x$, all seeds in $N_h(x)$ in $G$, and matching $S'_x$ in $G'$, let $s_x = |S_x| = |S'_x|$, if $s_x=0$, then "impossible1"
  5. let $C'x = N\ell(S'x)$ be the _candidates for the match $x'$ to the VOI $x$ for $\ell\geq h$, if $x' \notin C'_x$, then "impossible2"
  6. find $G_x = \Omega(N_\ell[S_x])$ and $G'x = \Omega(N\ell[S'_x])$
  7. do SGM$(G_x, G'_x, S_x \leftrightarrow S'_x)$ which returns $P=|V_x| \times |V'_x|$ matching probability matrix
  8. find $\hat{x}' = \arg\max_{v \in {C'_x}} P[x,v]$

So now we do SGM$(G_x,G'_x,S_x \leftrightarrow S'_x)$ -- a smaller SGM problem. (NB: original is this with $h=\infty$.)

NB: Steps 4-8 are the same for simulation, illustrative experiment, and real application.


sim <- TRUE # if TRUE, run simulation, otherwise do the HS experiment
HS <- "full" # or "core"

# parameters for finding seeds
s <- ifelse(sim,4,12) # number of seeds to be used for SGM
h <- ell <- 1 # max walk for finding neighborhoods

# parameters for SGM
R <- 100     # repeat SGM R times to get averaged P matrix
gamma <- 0.1 # number of iterations for the Frank-Wolfe algorithm

mc <- 2

if (sim) {
    # generate a pair of correlated graphs
    m <- 5  # |J| = junk on G1
    n <- 20 # |W| = shared vertices on G1, not including x and S
    mp <- 0 # |J'| = junk on G2 
    d <- 5  # for RDPG, dimension of the random vectors
    corr <- 0.5 # for correlated graphs

    (nV1 <- 1+s+n+m)
    (nV2 <- 1+s+n+mp)
    lpvs <- sample_sphere_surface(dim=d, n=nV1)/1.5 # random vectors for RDPG
    gg <- rdpg.sample.correlated(t(lpvs),corr)
    g1 <- gg[[1]]; 
    g2 <- gg[[2]]; 
    g2 <- delete_vertices(g2,v=(nV2+1):nV1); # remove m vertices from G' to make |V(G)| != |V(G')|
    W <- intersect(V(g1),V(g2)) # shared vertices
} else {
    if (HS == "full") {
        # rearrange the vertices so that the to-be-selected seeds are valid
        perm.fb <- c(coremap[,1],setdiff(1:vcount(HSfbgraphfull),coremap[,1]))
        perm.fr <- c(coremap[,2],setdiff(1:vcount(HSfriendsgraphfull),coremap[,2]))
        g1 <- permute.vertices(HSfbgraphfull,perm.fb) # (156,1437)
        g2 <- permute.vertices(HSfriendsgraphfull,perm.fr) # (134,668)
        W <- 1:nrow(coremap) # seeds should be selected from the shared (core) vertices
    } else { # core graphs
        g1 <- HSfbgraphcore # (82,513)
        g2 <- HSfrgraphcore # (82,214)
        W <- intersect(V(g1),V(g2)) # shared vertices
# Randomly select x and S from W, the shared vertices
#NB: Somehow, I cannot reproduce the previous demo in the vignette, so I hard coded!
(x <- 22) #sample(W,1))
W <- setdiff(W,x) # exclude x from W
maxseed <- min(length(W),s)
(S <- c(1,8,18,25)) #sort(sample(W,maxseed))) 
# Determine Sx and C'x, then do SGM
NBDS <- vnsgm.ordered(x,S,g1,g2,h,ell,R,gamma,plotF=TRUE)
image(Matrix(NBDS$P[,1:length(NBDS$labelsGxp)]),xlab=expression(G*minute[x]), ylab=expression(G[x]),
#          tck=c(1,0),
#          alternating=c(3),
trellis.focus("panel", 1, 1, highlight=FALSE)
s <- length(NBDS$Sx)
dat <- NBDS$P
dat <- dat[,1:length(NBDS$ind2)]
rownames(dat) <- NBDS$ind1
colnames(dat) <- NBDS$ind2
# Determine x' amongst the candidates based on the matching probability from SGM
Sx <- NBDS$Sx
x <- NBDS$labelsGxp[length(Sx)+1]
x.ind <- which(NBDS$labelsGx==x)
Cxp <- match(NBDS$Cxp,NBDS$labelsGxp) 

if (NBDS$case=="possible") {
    prob <- NBDS$P[x.ind,Cxp]
    names(prob) <- NBDS$labelsGxp[Cxp]
    x.prob <- prob[which.max(prob)]
    vhatstar <- as.integer(names(x.prob))
    rank.prob <- rank(-prob,ties.method = "average")
    plot(as.integer(names(prob)), prob, type="h",col=2, lwd=2)
    rank.prob <- matrix(rank.prob,nrow=1); colnames(rank.prob) <- paste0("V",names(prob))
    kable(rank.prob,caption="Rank of matching probability for candidates")
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
V(g1)$color <- V(g2)$color <- "white"
V(g1)$color[seed] <- V(g2)$color[seed] <- "lightblue"
V(g1)$color[x] <- "red"
V(g2)$color[as.integer(names(which.max(prob)))] <- "pink"
#coords <- layout_(g1,with_lgl())
coords <- layout_(g1,as_star())
plot(g1, layout=coords, vertex.size=25)
plot(g2, layout=coords, vertex.size=25)
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
V(g1)$color <- V(g2)$color <- "white"
V(g1)$color[seed] <- V(g2)$color[seed] <- "lightblue"
V(g2)$color[NBDS$labelsGxp[candidate]] <- "lightgreen"
V(g1)$color[1] <- "red"
V(g2)$label.color <- "blue"
V(g2)$label.color[as.integer(names(which.max(prob)))] <- "red"
#coords <- layout_(g1,with_lgl())
coords1 <- plotlayout(g1)
coords2 <- plotlayout(g2,vhatstar)
plot(g1, layout=coords1, vertex.size=25)
plot(g2, layout=coords2, vertex.size=25)
V(g1)$color <- V(g2)$color <- "white"
V(g1)$color[Sx] <- V(g2)$color[Sx] <- "lightblue"
cand.col <- heat.colors(length(Cxp)+10)
cand.col <- cand.col[-c(2:11)]
V(g2)$color[NBDS$labelsGxp[Cxp]] <- cand.col[rank.prob]
V(g1)$color[x] <- "red"
V(g2)$label.color <- "blue"
#V(g2)$label.color[as.integer(names(which.max(prob)))] <- "red"
#coords <- layout_(g1,with_lgl())
coords1 <- plotlayout(g1,Sx[1])
coords2 <- plotlayout(g2,Sx[1])
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2),mar=c(1,1,1,1))
plot(g1, layout=coords1, vertex.size=15)
plot(g2, layout=coords2, vertex.size=15)
#plot(g1, vertex.size=15)
#plot(g2, vertex.size=15)
#g12 <- igraph2graphjs(g1)
#g22 <- igraph2graphjs(g2)
g12 <- igraph2graphjs(HSfbgraphcore)


We repeat the above 1000 times by generating new graphs each time, as well as new $x$ and $S$.

We define the normalized rank of the VOI $x$ in $G'$ with respect to the size of the candidate list $C'_x$ as follows,

$$normalized~rank = \frac{rank(x') -1}{|C'_x|-1},$$

so that values of 0, 0.5, and 1 imply that the VOI is first, half-way down, and last in the candidate list, respectively.

NB: In the tables and plots below,

load(url("http://www.cis.jhu.edu/~parky/vn/VNDATA/MC-RDPG-rho0.1-seed1-N1-new2.Rbin")); MC1 <- MC
load(url("http://www.cis.jhu.edu/~parky/vn/VNDATA/MC-RDPG-rho0.9-seed1-N1-new2.Rbin")); MC9 <- MC
case1 <- (sapply(MC1,"[",1))
case9 <- (sapply(MC9,"[",1))
seed1 <- paste0("s",sapply(MC1,"[",2)); seed1[case1!="possible"] <- "s0"
seed9 <- paste0("s",sapply(MC9,"[",2)); seed9[case9!="possible"] <- "s0"
#ncandidate1 <- paste0("c",sprintf("%02d",as.numeric(sapply(MC1,"[",3))))
#ncandidate9 <- paste0("c",sprintf("%02d",as.numeric(sapply(MC9,"[",3))))
ncandidate1 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC1,"[",3))
ncandidate9 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC9,"[",3))
rank.vstar1 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC1,"[",4))
rank.vstar9 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC9,"[",4))
df1 <- data.frame(corr="0.1",case=case1,seed=seed1,ncand=ncandidate1,rank=rank.vstar1)
df1 <- df1 %>% mutate(norm.rank=(rank-1)/(ncand-1))
df9 <- data.frame(corr="0.9",case=case9,seed=seed9,ncand=ncandidate9,rank=rank.vstar9)
df9 <- df9 %>% mutate(norm.rank=(rank-1)/(ncand-1))
df19 <- rbind(df1,df9)
df191 <- subset(df19,case=="possible")
kable(df1 %>% group_by(case,seed) %>% summarize(count=n(),mean.ncand=mean(ncand), mean.nrank=mean(norm.rank)),caption="A summary of the simulation for `corr=0.1`")
kable(df9 %>% group_by(case,seed) %>% summarize(count=n(),mean.ncand=mean(ncand), mean.nrank=mean(norm.rank,na.rm=TRUE)),caption="A summary of the simulation for `corr=0.9`")
## How many times "possible" ?
cat("corr=0.1\n"); table(df1$case)
cat("corr=0.9\n"); table(df9$case)
## Number of seeds?
cat("corr=0.1\n"); table(df191 %>% filter(corr==0.1) %>% select(seed))
cat("corr=0.9\n"); table(df191 %>% filter(corr==0.9) %>% select(seed))

Number of candidates?

ggplot(df191,aes(x=ncand,fill=corr)) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
#       facet_grid(corr~.) +
#       theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
ggplot(df191,aes(x=ncand,fill=corr)) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
       facet_wrap(~seed) +

Rank of $x'$?

#cat("corr=0.1\n"); table(rank.vstar1)
#cat("corr=0.9\n"); table(rank.vstar9)
#qplot(rank.vstar, geom="bar")

#norm.rank1 <- (rank.vstar1 - 1) / (ncandidate1 - 1)
#norm.rank9 <- (rank.vstar9 - 1) / (ncandidate9 - 1)
#df192 <- df19 %>% mutate(norm.rank=(rank-1)/(ncand-1))
#df191$ncand <- c(paste0("c",sprintf("%02d",as.numeric(sapply(MC1,"[",3)))),
#                 paste0("c",sprintf("%02d",as.numeric(sapply(MC9,"[",3)))))
df191$ncand <- paste0("c",sprintf("%02d",df191$ncand))
df191 <- subset(df191,case=="possible")

ggplot(df191,aes(x=norm.rank,fill=corr)) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
        facet_wrap(~seed) +
#        theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
        geom_histogram(binwidth=.05,position="identity",alpha=0.5)#, aes(fill=..count..))
Exp1 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC1,"[",6))
Exp9 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC9,"[",6))
cat("corr=0.1\n"); table(Exp1)
cat("corr=0.9\n"); table(Exp9)

df2 <- cbind(df192, ExSpx=c(Exp1,Exp9))
ggplot(subset(df2,seed!="s0"),aes(x=ExSpx,fill=factor(corr))) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
        facet_wrap(~seed) +
#        theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
        geom_histogram(binwidth=1,position="identity",alpha=0.5)#, aes(fill=..count..))
#kable((dfmean <- df2 %>% group_by(corr,seed) %>% summarize(count=n(),mean.ExSpx=mean(ExSpx))),digits=2,caption = "Average number of edges between $x'$ and $S'_x$ as a function of number of seeds, $s_x")
dfmean <- df2 %>% group_by(corr,seed) %>% summarize(count=n(),mean.ExSpx=mean(ExSpx))
ggplot(dfmean, aes(seed,mean.ExSpx,fill=factor(corr))) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
#        facet_wrap(~corr) + theme(legend.position="none") +
Nx1 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC1,"[",5))
Nx9 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC9,"[",5))
cat("corr=0.1\n"); table(Nx1)
cat("corr=0.9\n"); table(Nx9)

df3 <- cbind(df192, nx=c(Nx1,Nx9))
ggplot(subset(df3,seed!="s0"),aes(x=nx,fill=factor(corr))) + scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
        facet_wrap(~seed) +
        geom_histogram(binwidth=1,position="identity",alpha=0.5)#, aes(fill=..count..))
ggplot(subset(df191,seed %in% c("s1","s2","s3")),aes(x=norm.rank, fill=corr)) +
        scale_fill_brewer(palette="Set1") +
        facet_grid(ncand~seed) +
#        theme(legend.title=element_blank()) +
#        facet_wrap(~seed+ncand,ncol=3) +
        geom_histogram(binwidth=.05,position="identity",alpha=0.5)#, aes(fill=..count..))

Real Data

R. Mastrandrea, J. Fournet, and A. Barrat, Contact patterns in a high school: a comparison between data collected using wearable sensors, contact diaries and friendship surveys, PLoS ONE, 2015.

We look at two High School friendship networks on over-lapping vertex sets found in our draft. The first network consists of 134 vertices, each representing a particular student, in which two vertices are adjacent if one of the students reported or a survey that the two are friends. The second network, with 156 vertices, consists of a Facebook network of profiles in which two vertices are adjacent if they were friends on Facebook. There are 82 $core$ vertices across the two networks for which we know the bijection between the two vertex sets, and it is known that no such bijection exists among the remaining vertices.

Full Graphs

First, we do the same experiment as above using the full graphs. We randomly select the VOI $x$ and seeds $S$ from the shared vertices (82 core vertices) and repeat for $MC=1000$ times. Since we are choosing the VOI and seeds to be in the core vertex sets, the VOI will exist in the second network; it just may not exist in $C_x'$ (the candidate set generated by the seeds) -- i.e. while the VOI $x$ is guaranteed to have a match $x'$, this vertex will not be found if it is not also in $C'_x$ (impossible2).

s <- 12
case2 <- (sapply(MC,"[",1))
seed2 <- paste0("s",sprintf("%02d",as.numeric(sapply(MC,"[",2)))); seed2[case2!="possible"] <- "s0"
ncandidate2 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC,"[",3))
rank.vstar2 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC,"[",4))
df2 <- data.frame(case=case2,seed=seed2,ncand=ncandidate2,rank=rank.vstar2)
df2 <- df2 %>% mutate(norm.rank=(rank-1)/(ncand-1))
df21 <- subset(df2,case=="possible")
kable(df2 %>% group_by(case,seed) %>% summarize(count=n(),mean.ncand=mean(ncand), mean.nrank=mean(norm.rank,na.rm=TRUE)),caption="A summary statistics using the full graphs")

#plt <- 27
### How many times "possible" ?
### Number of seeds?

Number of candidates?

ggplot(df21,aes(x=ncand,fill=seed)) + scale_fill_brewer(name="s_x",palette="Set1") +
#    theme(text=element_text(size=13)) + xlab("number of candidates") +
#       geom_histogram(binwidth=1,position="identity",alpha=0.5)
#       geom_density(alpha=0.5,adjust=1)
       facet_wrap(~seed) + #scale_fill_manual("s_x") +

Rank of $x'$?

#norm.rank <- (rank.vstar2 - 1) / (ncandidate2 - 1)
#df22 <- df2 %>% mutate(norm.rank=(rank-1)/(ncand-1))
df2$ncand <- paste0("c",sprintf("%02d",df2$ncand))
df2 <- subset(df2,case=="possible")

ggplot(df2,aes(x=norm.rank,fill=seed)) + scale_fill_brewer(name="s_x",palette="Set1") +
        facet_wrap(~seed) + #scale_fill_manual("s_x") +
        geom_histogram(binwidth=.05,position="identity",alpha=1)#, aes(fill=..count..))
#ggplot(subset(df2,seed%in%c("s1","s2","s3")),aes(x=norm.rank,fill=seed)) +
ggplot(subset(df2,seed%in%c("s01","s02","s03")),aes(x=norm.rank,fill=seed)) + scale_fill_brewer(name="s_x",palette="Set1") +
        facet_grid(ncand~seed) + #scale_fill_manual("s_x") +
        geom_histogram(binwidth=.05,position="identity",alpha=1)#, aes(fill=..count..))

Core Graphs

We do the same experiment as above using only the core graphs. We randomly select the VOI $x$ and seeds $S$ from the shared vertices (82 core vertices) and repeat for $MC=1000$ times.

case3 <- (sapply(MC,"[",1))
seed3 <- paste0("s",sapply(MC,"[",2)); seed3[case3!="possible"] <- "s0"
ncandidate3 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC,"[",3))
rank.vstar3 <- as.numeric(sapply(MC,"[",4))
df2 <- data.frame(case=case3,seed=seed3,ncand=ncandidate3,rank=rank.vstar3)
df2 <- df2 %>% mutate(norm.rank=(rank-1)/(ncand-1))
df21 <- subset(df2,case=="possible")
#kable(df2 %>% group_by(case,seed) %>% summarize(count=n(),mean.ncand=mean(ncand), mean.nrank=mean(norm.rank,na.rm=TRUE)),caption="A summary statistics using the core graphs")

pval <- as.numeric(sapply(MC,"[",5))
df3 <- data.frame(case=case3,seed=seed3,ncand=ncandidate3,rank=rank.vstar3,pval=pval)
df3 <- df3 %>% mutate(norm.rank=(rank-1)/(ncand-1))
df31 <- df3 %>% group_by(case,seed) %>% summarize(count=n(),mean.ncand=mean(ncand), mean.nrank=mean(norm.rank,na.rm=TRUE),"#pvals<0.05"=sum(pval<0.05,na.rm=TRUE))

df31 <- df3 %>% group_by(case,seed) %>% summarize(count=n(),mean.ncand=mean(ncand), mean.nrank=mean(norm.rank,na.rm=TRUE),"#pvals<0.05"=sum(pval<0.05,na.rm=TRUE),"mean(nrank[pval<0.05])"=mean(norm.rank[pval<0.05],na.rm=TRUE))
kable(df31, caption="A summary statistics using the core graphs")
df32 <- df3 %>% filter(case=="possible")

p32 <- ggplot(df32,aes(x=pval,fill=seed)) + scale_fill_brewer(name="s_x",palette="Set1") +
#    theme(text=element_text(size=13)) + 
    xlab("p-values") + xlim(NA,1) +
#       geom_histogram(binwidth=1,position="identity",alpha=0.5)
       facet_wrap(~seed) #+ #scale_fill_manual("s_x") +
#p32 + geom_density(alpha=1,adjust=1)
#p32 + stat_density(alpha=1,adjust=1)
#p32 + geom_freqpoly(alpha=1)
p32 + geom_histogram(binwidth=.05,position="identity",alpha=1)
### How many times "possible" ?
### Number of seeds?

Number of candidates?

ggplot(df21,aes(x=ncand,fill=seed)) + scale_fill_brewer(name="s_x",palette="Set1") +
#    theme(text=element_text(size=13)) + 
    xlab("number of candidates") +
#       geom_histogram(binwidth=1,position="identity",alpha=0.5)
#       geom_density(alpha=0.5,adjust=1)
       facet_wrap(~seed) + #scale_fill_manual("s_x") +

Rank of $x'$?

#df22 <- df2 %>% mutate(norm.rank=(rank-1)/(ncand-1))
df21$ncand <- paste0("c",sprintf("%02d",df21$ncand))
df21 <- subset(df21,case=="possible")

ggplot(df21,aes(x=norm.rank,fill=seed)) + scale_fill_brewer(name="s_x",palette="Set1") +
        facet_wrap(~seed) + #scale_fill_manual("s_x") +
        geom_histogram(binwidth=.05,position="identity",alpha=1)#, aes(fill=..count..))
ggplot(subset(df21,seed%in%c("s1","s2","s3")),aes(x=norm.rank,fill=seed)) + scale_fill_brewer(name="s_x",palette="Set1") +
        facet_grid(ncand~seed) + #scale_fill_manual("s_x") +
        geom_histogram(binwidth=.05,position="identity",alpha=1)#, aes(fill=..count..))

youngser/VN documentation built on July 18, 2020, 12:48 p.m.