
#' Responses Chlamydia trachomatis test data
#' \code{ct_hagdu} contains 
#' @name ct_hagdu
#' @docType data
#' @usage data(ct_hagdu)
#' @format A data frame with 279 individuals and 19 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{EQ1}{If people were treated more equally in this country,
#'    we would have many fewer problems (V832169)}
#'   \item{EQ2}{We should give up on the goal of equality, since people 
#'   are so different to begin with (V832172)}
#'   \item{EQ3}{Our society should do whatever is necessary to make sure 
#'   that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed (V832175)}
#'   \item{EQ4}{Some people are just better cut out than others for important
#'    positions in society (V832178)}
#'   \item{EQ5}{Some people are better at running things and should be allowed 
#'    to do so (V832250)}
#'   \item{EQ6}{All kinds of people should have an equal say in running
#'    this country, not just those who are successful (V832253)}
#'   \item{EQ7}{One of the big problems in this country is that we don`t
#'    give everyone an equal chance (V832256)}
#'   \item{IND1}{Any person who is willing to work hard has a good chance
#'    of succeeding (V832170)}
#'   \item{IND2}{Hard work offers little guarantee of success (V832173)}
#'   \item{IND3}{Most people who don`t get ahead should not blame 
#'   the system; they really have only themselves to blame (V832176)}
#'   \item{IND4}{Even if people are ambitious, they often cannot succeed (V832251)}
#'   \item{IND5}{If people work hard, they almost always get what they want (V832254)}
#'   \item{IND6}{Even if people try hard, they often cannot reach their goals (V832257)}
#'   \item{ENT1}{The less government gets involved with business and the 
#'   economy, the better off this country will be (V832171)}
#'   \item{ENT2}{There are many goods and services that would never be
#'    available to ordinary people without governmental intervention (V832174)}
#'   \item{ENT3}{There should be no government interference with business
#'    and trade (V832177)}
#'   \item{ENT4}{Putting government regulations on business does not
#'    endanger personal freedom (V832252)}
#'   \item{ENT5}{Government intervention leads to too much red tape and 
#'   too many problems (V832255)}
#'   \item{ENT6}{Contrary to what some people think, a free enterprise
#'    system is not necessary for our form of government to survive (V832258)}
#' }
#' @references
#' Feldman, Stanley. "Structure and consistency in public opinion: The role of core beliefs and values." American Journal of Political Science (1988): 416-440.
#' Gross, J.H. and Manrique-Vallier, D. "A Mixed-Membership Approach to the Assessment of Political Ideology from Survey Responses." 
#' in Airoldi, E. M., Blei, D. M., Erosheva, E. A., and Fienberg, S. E.
#' Handbook of Mixed Membership Models and Its Applications. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2014
#' National Election Studies, 1983 Pilot Election Study. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center for Political Studies, 1999
ysamwang/mixedMem documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:33 p.m.