
# load the demo of DDMarker

results = ddmarker(data0$demo.ddm);
# run dmarker with default parameters
# results is a variable of list with,
#   $BLOOD,
#   $BLOOD[,"Gene"], entails the symbol of the genes which can be diagnosed and detected in BLOOD,
#   $BLOOD[,"Entrez"],entails the symbol of the entrez which can be diagnosed and detected in BLOOD,
#   $BLOOD[,"Isoform"], entails the symbol of the isoform which can be diagnosed and detected in BLOOD,
#   $BLOOD[,"Protein"], entails the the symbol of the protein which can be diagnosed and detected in BLOOD,
#   $URINE,
#   $URINE[,"Gene"], entails the symbol of the genes which can be diagnosed and detected in URINE,
#   $URINE[,"Entrez"], entails the symbol of the entrez which can be diagnosed and detected in URINE,
#   $URINE[,"Isoform"], entails the symbol of the isoform which can be diagnosed and detected in URINE,
#   $URINE[,"Protein"], entails the the symbol of the protein which can be diagnosed and detected in URINE,
#   $MIRNA,
#   $MIRNA[,"RNA_name"], entails the symbol of the micro RNAs which can be diagnosed and detected in extracellular circulating,
#   $MIRNA[,"RNA_class"], entails the class of the micro RNAs,
#   $MIRNA[,"RNA_type"], entails the type of the micro RNAs, simply which EC part it can be diagnosed and detected,
#   $MIRNA[,"Journal"], if existed, entails in which scientific research, it being studied,
# or results = ddmarker(data = data0$demo.ddm, pre = "Mix", file = "FALSE", type = "All", Seq = "F", Path = "FALSE", PV = 0.05, out = "FALSE", pvalue = "FALSE");

results = ddmarker(data0$demo.ddm, file = "DDMarkerResults.txt");
# Saving the results both in R variable results and the file, named DMarkerResults.txt by -file.

results = ddmarker(data0$demo.seq, Seq = "TRUE");
# Diagnose and detect the sequences of markers in extracellular circulating.

results = ddmarker(data = data0$, pre = "protein", type = "blood");
# Proteins are diagnosed and detected whether in blood.

results = ddmarker(data = data0$demo.gen, pre = "gene", type = "urine");
# Genes are diagnosed and detected whether in urine.

results = ddmarker(data = data0$demo.iso, pre = "isoform", type = "both");
# Isoforms are diagnosed and detected whether in blood or urine

results = ddmarker(data = data0$demo.ent, pre = "entrez", type = "all");
# Entrezs are diagnosed and detected whether in extracellular circulating.

results = ddmarker(data = data0$demo.mir, pre = "MiRNA");
# Micro RNAs are diagnosed and detected whether in extracellular circulating.

# load the demo of DDMarker

results = DDMarkerMMC();
# run MMC with default parameters
# use a demo data named MMC.rda comes from the packages DDMarkerMMC

results = ddmarker(data0$demo.path, path = "TRUE", pvalue = data0$;
# Doing both DDMarker and minimal metabolize circulation with the degree of the markers.

results = DDMarkerMMC(data0$, mirna = "TRUE");
# run MMC uses a demo MiRNA data

results = DDMarkerMMC(data0$MI, mirna = "TRUE");
# run MMC uses another demo MiRNA data

# results is a variable of list comes from the packages pathview,
#   $, data.frame returned by function for rendering mapped gene nodes, including node name, type, positions (x, y), sizes (width, height), and mapped This data is also used as input for pseduo-color coding through node.color function. Default
#   $, same as function, except for mapped compound node data. d Default Note that and can't be NULL simultaneously.
# The results returned by keggview.native and codekeggview.graph are both a list of graph plotting parameters. These are not intended to be used externally.
yu-shang/DDMarker documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:34 p.m.